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abstract class AbstractStandardViewHolder<T>(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, viewId: Int, onViewInflated: (View) -> Unit?) : AbstractViewHolder<T>
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abstract class AbstractViewHolder<in T>(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder
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abstract class RecyclerViewAdapter<T> : RecyclerView.Adapter<AbstractViewHolder<T>>
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abstract class StateFlowBasedRecyclerViewAdapter<T>(listeningScope: CoroutineScope, dataState: StateFlow<List<T>>) : RecyclerViewAdapter<T>


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fun RecyclerView.lastVisibleItemFlow(completingScope: CoroutineScope): Flow<Int>
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inline fun Flow<Int>.mapLeftItems(crossinline countGetter: () -> Int): Flow<Int>
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inline fun Flow<Int>.mapRequireFilling(minimalLeftItems: Int, crossinline countGetter: () -> Int): Flow<Int>
inline fun RecyclerView.mapRequireFilling(minimalLeftItems: Int, completingScope: CoroutineScope, crossinline countGetter: () -> Int): Flow<Int>
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fun <T> RecyclerViewAdapter(data: List<T>, onCreateViewHolder: (parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int) -> AbstractViewHolder<T>): RecyclerViewAdapter<T>


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