Flow State
This type works like MutableState, kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow and kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow. Based on SpecialMutableStateFlow
Creates AccumulatorFlow using this as base Flow
In fact, it is just classcast of asMutableComposeListState to List
Will map this as State. This conversation will pass its StateFlow.value as the first value
Will create MutableState using asMutableComposeState and use asState to convert it as immutable state
Each value of this will trigger applyDiff to the result SnapshotStateList
Will map this as MutableState. Returned MutableState WILL NOT change source StateFlow. This conversation will pass its StateFlow.value as the first value
Will map this as MutableState. Returned MutableState WILL NOT change source Flow
Use subscribe, but all blocks will be called inside of safely function. Use onException to set up your reaction for Throwables
Use subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions, but all exceptions inside of safely will be skipped
Use subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions, but all exceptions will be passed to defaultSafelyExceptionHandler