Package-level declarations


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typealias ByteArrayAllocator = () -> ByteArray
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data class Diff<T>

Diff object which contains information about differences between two Iterables

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@Serializable(with = EitherSerializer::class)
interface Either<T1, T2>

Realization of this interface will contains at least one not null - optionalT1 or optionalT2

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data class EitherFirst<T1, T2>(val t1: T1) : Either<T1, T2>

This type Either will always have not nullable optionalT1

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data class EitherSecond<T1, T2>(val t2: T2) : Either<T1, T2>

This type Either will always have not nullable optionalT2

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class EitherSerializer<T1, T2>(t1Serializer: KSerializer<T1>, t2Serializer: KSerializer<T2>) : KSerializer<Either<T1, T2>>
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value class FileName(val string: String)
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class IndexedValueSerializer<T>(subSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<IndexedValue<T>>
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expect class MPPFile
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data class Optional<T>

This type represents T as not only potentially nullable data, but also as a data which can not be presented. This type will be useful in cases when T is nullable and null as valuable data too in time of data absence should be presented by some third type.

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annotation class PreviewFeature(val message: String = "It is possible, that behaviour of this thing will be changed or removed in future releases")
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value class Progress
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interface SimpleMapper<T1, T2>
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class SimpleMapperImpl<T1, T2>(t1: (T2) -> T1, t2: (T1) -> T2) : SimpleMapper<T1, T2>
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class SimpleSuspendableMapperImpl<T1, T2>(t1: suspend (T2) -> T1, t2: suspend (T1) -> T2) : SimpleSuspendableMapper<T1, T2>
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typealias SuspendByteArrayAllocator = suspend () -> ByteArray


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inline fun Boolean.alsoIfFalse(block: () -> Unit): Boolean
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inline fun Boolean.alsoIfTrue(block: () -> Unit): Boolean
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fun <T> MutableList<T>.applyDiff(source: Iterable<T>, strictComparison: Boolean = false): Diff<T>

This method call calculateDiff with strict mode strictComparison and then apply differences to this mutable list

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suspend fun MPPFile.bytes(): ByteArray
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fun <T> Iterable<T>.calculateDiff(other: Iterable<T>, strictComparison: Boolean = false): Diff<T>

Calculating Diff object

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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.calculateStrictDiff(other: Iterable<T>): Diff<T>

This method call calculateDiff with strict mode enabled

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fun View.changeVisibility(show: Boolean = !isShown, goneOnHide: Boolean = true)
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fun View.collapse(duration: Long = 500)
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fun View.collapseHorizontally(duration: Long = 500)
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operator fun Progress.compareTo(other: Progress): Int
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@JvmName(name = "convertFromT2")
fun <T1, T2> SimpleMapper<T1, T2>.convert(from: T2): T1
@JvmName(name = "convertFromT1")
fun <T1, T2> SimpleMapper<T1, T2>.convert(from: T1): T2
@JvmName(name = "convertFromT2")
suspend fun <T1, T2> SimpleSuspendableMapper<T1, T2>.convert(from: T2): T1
@JvmName(name = "convertFromT1")
suspend fun <T1, T2> SimpleSuspendableMapper<T1, T2>.convert(from: T1): T2
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inline fun <T> Optional<T>.dataOrElse(block: () -> T): T

Returns if Optional.dataPresented of this is true, or call block and returns the result of it

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fun <T> Optional<T>.dataOrNull(): T?

Returns if Optional.dataPresented of this is true, or null otherwise

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fun <T> Optional<T>.dataOrThrow(throwable: Throwable): T

Returns if Optional.dataPresented of this is true, or throw throwable otherwise

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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.diff(other: Iterable<T>, strictComparison: Boolean = false): Diff<T>
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operator fun Progress.div(i: Byte): Progress
operator fun Progress.div(i: Double): Progress
operator fun Progress.div(i: Float): Progress
operator fun Progress.div(i: Int): Progress
operator fun Progress.div(i: Long): Progress
operator fun Progress.div(i: Short): Progress
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fun InputStream.downloadToTempFile(fileName: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), fileExtension: String? = ".temp", folder: File? = null): File
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inline fun <T1, T2> Any.either(): <Error class: unknown class>
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fun View.enable()
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fun View.expand(duration: Long = 500, targetWidth: Int = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, targetHeight: Int = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)
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fun View.expandHorizontally(duration: Long = 500, targetWidth: Int = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, targetHeight: Int = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)
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fun findViewsByTag(view: View, tag: Any?): List<View>
fun findViewsByTag(viewGroup: ViewGroup, tag: Any?): List<View>
fun Activity.findViewsByTag(key: Int, tag: Any?): List<View>?
fun Fragment.findViewsByTag(key: Int, tag: Any?): List<View>?
fun findViewsByTag(view: View, key: Int, tag: Any?): List<View>
fun findViewsByTag(viewGroup: ViewGroup, key: Int, tag: Any?): List<View>
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inline fun <T1, T2> <Error class: unknown class>.first(t1: T1): Either<T1, T2>
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fun <T> Iterable<T?>.firstNotNull(): <Error class: unknown class>
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inline fun Resources.getDp(resId: Int): Float
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inline fun Resources.getSp(resId: Int): Float
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inline fun View.gone()
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inline fun View.hide()
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inline fun <T> Boolean.ifFalse(block: () -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Boolean.ifTrue(block: () -> T): T?
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inline fun <I> Iterable<I>.joinTo(separator: I? = null, prefix: I? = null, postfix: I? = null): List<I>
inline fun <I> Iterable<I>.joinTo(separatorFun: (I) -> I?, prefix: I? = null, postfix: I? = null): List<I>
inline fun <I, R> Array<I>.joinTo(separator: R? = null, prefix: R? = null, postfix: R? = null, transform: (I) -> R?): Array<R>
inline fun <I, R> Array<I>.joinTo(separatorFun: (I) -> R?, prefix: R? = null, postfix: R? = null, transform: (I) -> R?): Array<R>
inline fun <I, R> Iterable<I>.joinTo(separator: R? = null, prefix: R? = null, postfix: R? = null, transform: (I) -> R?): List<R>
inline fun <I, R> Iterable<I>.joinTo(separatorFun: (I) -> R?, prefix: R? = null, postfix: R? = null, transform: (I) -> R?): List<R>
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inline fun <T> Boolean.letIfFalse(block: () -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Boolean.letIfTrue(block: () -> T): T?
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inline fun <T, R> Array<T>.mapNotNullA(mapper: (T) -> R?): List<R>
inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.mapNotNullA(transform: (T) -> R?): List<R>
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inline fun <T, R> Optional<T>.mapOnAbsent(block: () -> R): R?

Will call block when data presented (Optional.dataPresented == true)

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inline fun <T1, R> Either<T1, *>.mapOnFirst(block: (T1) -> R): R?
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inline fun <T, R> Optional<T>.mapOnPresented(block: (T) -> R): R?

Will call block when data presented (Optional.dataPresented == true)

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inline fun <T2, R> Either<*, T2>.mapOnSecond(block: (T2) -> R): R?
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operator fun Progress.minus(other: Progress): Progress
operator fun Progress.minus(i: Byte): Progress
operator fun Progress.minus(i: Double): Progress
operator fun Progress.minus(i: Float): Progress
operator fun Progress.minus(i: Int): Progress
operator fun Progress.minus(i: Long): Progress
operator fun Progress.minus(i: Short): Progress
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inline fun <T> Optional<T>.onAbsent(block: () -> Unit): Optional<T>

Will call block when data absent (Optional.dataPresented == false)

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inline fun <T1, T2, E : Either<T1, T2>> E.onFirst(block: (T1) -> Unit): E

Will call block in case when this is EitherFirst

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inline fun <T> Optional<T>.onPresented(block: (T) -> Unit): Optional<T>

Will call block when data presented (Optional.dataPresented == true)

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inline fun <T1, T2, E : Either<T1, T2>> E.onSecond(block: (T2) -> Unit): E

Will call block in case when this is EitherSecond

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operator fun Progress): Progress
operator fun Byte): Progress
operator fun Double): Progress
operator fun Float): Progress
operator fun Int): Progress
operator fun Long): Progress
operator fun Short): Progress
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operator fun Progress.rem(i: Byte): Progress
operator fun Progress.rem(i: Double): Progress
operator fun Progress.rem(i: Float): Progress
operator fun Progress.rem(i: Int): Progress
operator fun Progress.rem(i: Long): Progress
operator fun Progress.rem(i: Short): Progress
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inline fun <R> repeatOnFailure(onFailure: (Throwable) -> Boolean, action: () -> R): Result<R>

Executes the given action until getting of successful result specified number of times.

inline fun <R> repeatOnFailure(times: Int, onEachFailure: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}, action: (Int) -> R): Optional<R>

Executes the given action until getting of successful result specified number of times.

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inline fun <T1, T2> <Error class: unknown class>.second(t2: T2): Either<T1, T2>
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inline fun
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inline fun <T1, T2> simpleMapper(noinline t1: (T2) -> T1, noinline t2: (T1) -> T2): SimpleMapperImpl<T1, T2>
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inline fun <T1, T2> simpleSuspendableMapper(noinline t1: suspend (T2) -> T1, noinline t2: suspend (T1) -> T2): SimpleSuspendableMapperImpl<T1, T2>
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inline fun <T> StrictDiff(old: Iterable<T>, new: Iterable<T>): Diff<T>
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operator fun Progress.times(i: Byte): Progress
operator fun Progress.times(i: Double): Progress
operator fun Progress.times(i: Float): Progress
operator fun Progress.times(i: Int): Progress
operator fun Progress.times(i: Long): Progress
operator fun Progress.times(i: Short): Progress
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fun View.toggleExpandState(duration: Long = 500): Boolean
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fun View.toggleVisibility(goneOnHide: Boolean = true)


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expect val MPPFile.filesize: Long
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