actual fun KSLog(defaultTag: String, filter: (l: LogLevel, t: String, m: String, Throwable?) -> Boolean): KSLog
fun KSLog(defaultTag: String, levels: Set<LogLevel>): KSLog
fun KSLog(defaultTag: String, minLoggingLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.VERBOSE): KSLog
expect fun KSLog(defaultTag: String, filter: (l: LogLevel, t: String, m: String, Throwable?) -> Boolean): KSLog
fun KSLog(messageFormatter: (l: LogLevel, t: String?, m: String, Throwable?) -> String, filter: (l: LogLevel, t: String?, m: String, Throwable?) -> Boolean): CallbackKSLog
actual fun KSLog(defaultTag: String, filter: (l: LogLevel, t: String, m: String, Throwable?) -> Boolean): KSLog
fun KSLog(    logger: Logger,     filter: (l: LogLevel, t: String?, m: String, Throwable?) -> Boolean,     messageFormatter: (l: LogLevel, t: String?, m: String, Throwable?) -> String): CallbackKSLog
fun KSLog(    defaultTag: String,     logger: Logger,     filter: (l: LogLevel, t: String, m: String, Throwable?) -> Boolean = { _, _, _, _ -> true }): KSLog
actual fun KSLog(defaultTag: String, filter: (l: LogLevel, t: String, m: String, Throwable?) -> Boolean): KSLog


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