import {args, compile, glob, icons} from './util.js'; if (args.h || { console.log(` Builds additional custom uikit icons found in './custom/*/icons' usage: icons.js [custom|name] -c|--custom Specify custom folder to look for icons (default: './custom/*/icons') -n|--name Specify name regex to match against folder (default: '([a-z]+)/icons$') `); process.exit(0); } const path = args.c || args.custom || 'custom/*/icons'; const match = args.n || || '([a-z]+)/icons$'; await Promise.all((await glob(path)).map(compileIcons)); async function compileIcons(folder) { const [, name] = folder.toString().match(new RegExp(match, 'i')); return compile( 'build/wrapper/icons.js', `dist/js/uikit-icons-${name}`, { name, replaces: { ICONS: await icons(`{src/images/icons,${folder}}/*.svg`) } } ); }