import {args, glob, minify, read, renderLess, replaceInFile, validClassName} from './util.js'; if (args.h || { console.log(` usage: scope.js [-s{cope}=your_great_new_scope_name][cleanup] example: scope.js // will scope with uk-scope scope.js -s "my-scope" // will replace any existing scope with my-scope scope.js cleanup // will remove current scope `); process.exit(0); } const currentScopeRe = /\/\* scoped: ([^*]*) \*\/\n/; const currentScopeLegacyRe = /\.(uk-scope)/; const files = await glob('dist/**/!(*.min).css'); const prevScope = await getScope(files); if (args.cleanup && prevScope) { await cleanup(files, prevScope); } else if (prevScope) { const newScope = getNewScope(); if (prevScope === newScope) { console.warn(`Already scoped with: ${prevScope}`); process.exit(0); } await cleanup(files, prevScope); await scope(files, newScope); } else { await scope(files, getNewScope()); } async function getScope(files) { for (const file of files) { const data = await read(file); const [, scope] = (data.match(currentScopeRe) || data.match(currentScopeLegacyRe) || []); if (scope) { return scope; } } return ''; } function getNewScope() { const scopeFromInput = args.scope || args.s || 'uk-scope'; if (validClassName.test(scopeFromInput)) { return scopeFromInput; } else { throw `Illegal scope-name: ${scopeFromInput}`; } } async function scope(files, scope) { for (const file of files) { await replaceInFile(file, async data => { const output = await renderLess(`.${scope} {\n${stripComments(data)}\n}`); return `/* scoped: ${scope} */\n${ output.replace(new RegExp(`.${scope}\\s((\\.(uk-(drag|modal-page|offcanvas-page|offcanvas-flip)))|html|:root)`, 'g'), '$1') // unescape }`; }); await minify(file); } } async function cleanup(files, scope) { const string = scope.split(' ').map(scope => `.${scope}`).join(' '); for (const file of files) { await replaceInFile(file, data => data .replace(currentScopeRe, '') // remove scope comment .replace(new RegExp(` *${string} ({[\\s\\S]*?})?`, 'g'), '') // replace classes ); } } function stripComments(input) { return input .replace(/\/\*(.|\n)*?\*\//gm, '') .split('\n') .filter(line => line.trim().substr(0, 2) !== '//') .join('\n'); }