## How to create content? For example, you want to create content named "MyFormat". To do this, you must perform the following actions: 1. Copy "template" folder from "core/features" in "core/features/content" 2. Rename this folder in "myformat" 3. Inside the "myformat" folder rename all the "template" on "content.myformat" 4. In the "settings.gradle" file in the "includes" array add the following code: ```kotlin ":features:content:myformat:common", ":features:content:myformat:client", ":features:content:myformat:server", ``` 5. In the "core/features/content/myformat/common/src" folder create folders with appropriate subfolders "commonMain/kotlin/dev/inmo/postssystem/features/content/myformat/common": 6. In the last folder "сommon", create a data class and the configurator as shown below: ```kotlin @Serializable data class MyFormatContent( // Your code ) : Content ``` ```kotlin object MyFormatContentSerializerModuleConfigurator : ContentSerializersModuleConfigurator.Element { override fun PolymorphicModuleBuilder.invoke() { subclass(MyFormatContent::class, MyFormatContent.serializer()) } } ``` 7. In two "di.kt" file located in "core/client/src/commonMain/kotlin/dev/inmo/postsystem/client" and "core/server/src/main/java/dev/inmo/postsystem/client" respectively add the following string: ```kotlin singleWithRandomQualifier { MyFormatContentSerializerModuleConfigurator } ```