
27 lines
829 B

package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.CommonAbstracts
@Deprecated("Will be removed soon")
interface Explained : Texted {
val explanation: String?
get() = text
@Deprecated("Will be removed soon")
interface ParsableExplainedOutput : Explained, TextedOutput
@Deprecated("Will be removed soon")
interface EntitiesExplainedOutput : Explained, EntitiesOutput
@Deprecated("Will be removed soon")
interface ExplainedOutput : ParsableExplainedOutput, EntitiesExplainedOutput
@Deprecated("Will be removed soon")
interface ExplainedInput : Explained {
val textSources: TextSourcesList
* Full list of entities. This list WILL contain [TextPart]s with [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.MessageEntity.textsources.RegularTextSource]
val explanationEntities: List<TextPart>
get() = textSources.toTextParts()