mirror of https://github.com/InsanusMokrassar/TelegramBotAPI.git synced 2024-06-01 07:25:23 +00:00

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package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.buttons.InlineKeyboardButtons
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.internal.ClassCastsIncluded
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.*
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.games.CallbackGame
import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.webapps.WebAppInfo
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
* Some button of [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.buttons.InlineKeyboardMarkup]. See inheritors and visit
* https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinekeyboardbutton for more info
sealed interface InlineKeyboardButton {
val text: String
data class UnknownInlineKeyboardButton (
val rawData: JsonElement
) : InlineKeyboardButton {
override val text: String
get() = runCatching {
rawData.jsonObject[textField] ?.jsonPrimitive ?.content
}.getOrNull() ?: ""
* This type of button must always be the first button in the first row. Visit
* https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#payments for mor info
data class PayInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String
) : InlineKeyboardButton {
private val toPay = true
* Simple button with [callbackData] which you are able to catch this type of updates and data using
* [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.onDataCallbackQuery] in
* case you are using Behaviour Builder OR [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.updateshandlers.FlowsUpdatesFilter.callbackQueriesFlow]
* with [kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filterIsInstance] and filtering by type [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.queries.callback.DataCallbackQuery]
data class CallbackDataInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String,
* You will receive this data in [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.queries.callback.DataCallbackQuery.data] field
val callbackData: String
) : InlineKeyboardButton
* Button with [callbackGame]
data class CallbackGameInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String
) : InlineKeyboardButton {
private val callbackGame = CallbackGame
* You may use this button to automatically authorize your user on [loginUrl]
data class LoginURLInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String,
val loginUrl: LoginURL
) : InlineKeyboardButton
* Complex button with [switchInlineQueryCurrentChat] which will be sent to you in an [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.InlineQueries.query.InlineQuery]
* which you may catch in [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.onBaseInlineQuery] and get
* from [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.InlineQueries.query.BaseInlineQuery.query] (or changed by user query in case he will be
* the fastest hand in the wild west). Can be forwarded in any chat with message in case if it is the only one button in
* message, but will be converted to a [SwitchInlineQueryInlineKeyboardButton].
* Remember that clicking on this button will automatically insert username of this bot in current chat, paste
* [switchInlineQueryCurrentChat] as a query and create and inline request to your bot
* Visit https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinekeyboardbutton for more info
data class SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChatInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String,
val switchInlineQueryCurrentChat: String
) : InlineKeyboardButton
* Complex button with [switchInlineQueryCurrentChat] which will be sent to you in an [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.InlineQueries.query.InlineQuery]
* which you may catch in [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.onBaseInlineQuery] and get
* from [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.InlineQueries.query.BaseInlineQuery.query] (or changed by user query in case he will be
* the fastest hand in the wild west). Can be forwarded in any chat with message in case if it is the only one button in
* message, but will be converted to a [SwitchInlineQueryInlineKeyboardButton].
* Remember that clicking on this button will automatically insert username of this bot in current chat, paste
* [switchInlineQueryCurrentChat] as a query and create and inline request to your bot
* Visit https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinekeyboardbutton for more info
data class SwitchInlineQueryChosenChatInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String,
val parameters: SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat
) : InlineKeyboardButton
* Complex button with [switchInlineQuery] which will be sent to you in an [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.InlineQueries.query.InlineQuery]
* which you may catch in [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.onBaseInlineQuery] and get
* from [dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.InlineQueries.query.BaseInlineQuery.query] (or changed by user query in case he will be
* the fastest hand in the wild west). Can be forwarded in any chat with message in case if it is the only one button in message.
* Remember that clicking on this button will automatically insert username of this bot in the chosen by user chat, paste
* [switchInlineQuery] as a query and create and inline request to your bot.
* Visit https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinekeyboardbutton for more info
data class SwitchInlineQueryInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String,
val switchInlineQuery: String
) : InlineKeyboardButton
* Simple [url] button. Can be forwarded in any chat with message in case if it is the only one button in message
data class URLInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String,
val url: String
) : InlineKeyboardButton
* Button with [WebAppInfo]. Web App will be launched when the button is pressed. The Web App will be able to send a
* `web_app_data` service message. **Available in private chats only**.
data class WebAppInlineKeyboardButton(
override val text: String,
val webApp: WebAppInfo
) : InlineKeyboardButton