Package-level declarations


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class AESDecryptor(key: SourceBytes, iv: ByteArray) : Decryptor
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interface Decryptor


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fun Pair<SourceBytes, SourceBytes>.createDecryptor(): Decryptor
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fun EndDataCredentials.decryptData(bytes: EncryptedData): SourceBytes
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fun FileCredentials.decryptFile(fileBytes: ByteArray): SourceBytes
suspend fun FileCredentials.decryptFile(bot: TelegramBot, passportFile: PassportFile): SourceBytes
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fun EncryptedCredentials.decryptWithPKCS8PrivateKey(privateKey: PrivateKey): DecryptedCredentials
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inline fun <T> PassportData.doInDecryptionContextWithPKCS8Key(pkcs8Key: PrivateKey, expectedNonce: String? = null, crossinline block: SecureData.() -> T): T
inline fun <T> PassportData.doInDecryptionContextWithPKCS8Key(pkcs8Key: String, expectedNonce: String? = null, crossinline block: SecureData.() -> T): T