Package-level declarations
Will sendLiveLocation with the first EditLiveLocationInfo data and update than. Each liveTimeMillis passing, the message will be sent again and new edits will be applied to the new message
Will apply to the locationsFlow to create EditLiveLocationInfo and pass the result flow to the handleLiveLocation with Flow typed by EditLiveLocationInfo
Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and already prepared client
Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and specify HttpClientEngine by configuring HttpClient using clientConfig
Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and specify HttpClientEngine by passing clientEngine param and optionally configure HttpClient using clientConfig
Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and specify HttpClientEngineFactory by passing clientFactory param and optionally configure it with clientConfig
Allows to create bot using bot token and apiUrl and specify HttpClientEngine by configuring HttpClient using clientConfig
Allows to create bot using bot token and specify HttpClientEngine by passing clientEngine param and optionally configure HttpClient using clientConfig