package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types import dev.inmo.micro_utils.common.Warning import import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.RiskFeature import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonPrimitive import kotlinx.serialization.json.longOrNull const val internalLinkBeginning = "" @Serializable(ChatIdentifierSerializer::class) sealed class ChatIdentifier /** * Also used as User Identifier */ @Serializable(ChatIdentifierSerializer::class) data class ChatId( val chatId: Identifier ) : ChatIdentifier() /** * */ @Warning("This API have restrictions in Telegram System") val Identifier.userLink: String get() = "tg://user?id=$this" /** * */ @Warning("This API have restrictions in Telegram System") val UserId.userLink: String get() = chatId.userLink val String get() = id.userLink typealias UserId = ChatId fun Identifier.toChatId(): ChatId = ChatId(this) fun Int.toChatId(): ChatId = toLong().toChatId() fun Byte.toChatId(): ChatId = toLong().toChatId() @Serializable(ChatIdentifierSerializer::class) data class Username( val username: String ) : ChatIdentifier() { val usernameWithoutAt get() = username.dropWhile { it == '@' } init { if (!username.startsWith("@")) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Username must starts with `@`") } } } fun String.toUsername(): Username = Username(this) @RiskFeature object ChatIdentifierSerializer : KSerializer { private val internalSerializer = JsonPrimitive.serializer() override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = internalSerializer.descriptor override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): ChatIdentifier { val id = internalSerializer.deserialize(decoder) return id.longOrNull ?.let { ChatId(it) } ?: id.content.let { if (!it.startsWith("@")) { Username("@$it") } else { Username(it) } } } override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: ChatIdentifier) { when (value) { is ChatId -> encoder.encodeLong(value.chatId) is Username -> encoder.encodeString(value.username) } } }