Package-level declarations


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interface KtorCallFactory
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Represents default BaseRequestsExecutor working on Ktor HttpClient

actual typealias KtorRequestsExecutor = <Error class: unknown class>
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class KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder(var telegramAPIUrlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper)


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fun KtorRequestsExecutor(telegramAPIUrlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, client: HttpClient = HttpClient(), callsFactories: List<KtorCallFactory> = emptyList(), excludeDefaultFactories: Boolean = false, requestsLimiter: RequestLimiter = ExceptionsOnlyLimiter, jsonFormatter: Json = nonstrictJsonFormat, pipelineStepsHolder: KtorPipelineStepsHolder = KtorPipelineStepsHolder, logger: KSLog = DefaultKTgBotAPIKSLog): KtorRequestsExecutor
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inline fun telegramBot(telegramAPIUrlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): TelegramBot

inline fun telegramBot(token: String, apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl, testServer: Boolean = false, builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): TelegramBot

Shortcut for telegramBot