package com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.get import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.abstracts.SimpleRequest import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.* import kotlinx.serialization.* @Serializable data class GetUserProfilePhotos( @SerialName(userIdField) val userId: UserId, @SerialName(offsetField) val offset: Int? = null, @SerialName(limitField) val limit: Int? = null ): SimpleRequest { init { if (offset != null && offset < 0) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Offset for getting user profile photos must be positive") } if (limit != null && limit !in userProfilePhotosRequestLimit) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Limit for getting user profile photos must be in 0 .. 100 range") } } override fun method(): String = "getUserProfilePhotos" override fun resultSerializer(): KSerializer = UserProfilePhotos.serializer() }