package import import import import import import import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.abstracts.Request import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.Response import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.RetryAfterError import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper import io.ktor.client.HttpClient import import io.ktor.client.engine.HttpClientEngine import io.ktor.util.cio.toByteArray import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json class KtorRequestsExecutor( telegramAPIUrlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, private val client: HttpClient = HttpClient(), callsFactories: List = emptyList(), excludeDefaultFactories: Boolean = false, private val requestsLimiter: RequestLimiter = EmptyLimiter, private val jsonFormatter: Json = Json.nonstrict ) : BaseRequestsExecutor(telegramAPIUrlsKeeper) { @Deprecated("Deprecated due to new TelegramAPIUrlKeeper API") constructor( token: String, client: HttpClient = HttpClient(), hostUrl: String = "", callsFactories: List = emptyList(), excludeDefaultFactories: Boolean = false, requestsLimiter: RequestLimiter = EmptyLimiter, jsonFormatter: Json = Json.nonstrict ) : this(TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(token, hostUrl), client, callsFactories, excludeDefaultFactories, requestsLimiter, jsonFormatter) @Deprecated("Deprecated due to new TelegramAPIUrlKeeper API") constructor( token: String, engine: HttpClientEngine? = null, hostUrl: String = "" ) : this( TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(token, hostUrl), engine ?.let { HttpClient(engine) } ?: HttpClient() ) private val callsFactories: List = { if (!excludeDefaultFactories) { asSequence().plus(SimpleRequestCallFactory()).plus(MultipartRequestCallFactory()).toList() } else { this } } override suspend fun execute(request: Request): T { return requestsLimiter.limit { var call: HttpClientCall? = null for (factory in callsFactories) { call = factory.prepareCall( client, telegramAPIUrlsKeeper.commonAPIUrl, request ) if (call != null) { break } } if (call == null) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Can't execute request: $request") } val content = call.response.use { it.content.toByteArray().toString(Charsets.UTF_8) } val responseObject = jsonFormatter.parse(Response.serializer(), content) (responseObject.result ?.let { jsonFormatter.fromJson(request.resultDeserializer(), it) } ?: responseObject.parameters ?.let { val error = it.error if (error is RetryAfterError) { delay(error.leftToRetry) execute(request) } else { null } } ?: call.let { throw newRequestException( responseObject, content, "Can't get result object from $content" ) }) } } override fun close() { client.close() } }