Package-level declarations
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class SimpleMultiServerRequestsExecutor(bots: List<TelegramBot>, botSelector: suspend List<TelegramBot>.(currentBotIndex: Int, t: Throwable?) -> TelegramBot = { i, _ ->
getOrElse(i + 1) { first() }
}, onClose: () -> Unit = {
}) : RequestsExecutor
This type of RequestsExecutor (aka TelegramBot) has been created to aggregate several bots under the hood and make requests, for example, with changing of api url
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inline fun telegramBot(bots: List<TelegramBot>, noinline botSelector: suspend List<TelegramBot>.(currentBotIndex: Int, t: Throwable?) -> TelegramBot = { i, _ ->
getOrElse(i + 1) { first() }
}, noinline onClose: () -> Unit = {
}): TelegramBot
inline fun telegramBot(keepers: Iterable<TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper>, crossinline builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.(TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper) -> Unit = {}, noinline botSelector: suspend List<TelegramBot>.(currentBotIndex: Int, t: Throwable?) -> TelegramBot = { i, _ ->
getOrElse(i + 1) { first() }
}, noinline onClose: (List<TelegramBot>) -> Unit? = null): TelegramBot
inline fun telegramBot(tokens: Iterable<Pair<String, String>>, crossinline builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.(Pair<String, String>) -> Unit = {}, noinline botSelector: suspend List<TelegramBot>.(currentBotIndex: Int, t: Throwable?) -> TelegramBot = { i, _ ->
getOrElse(i + 1) { first() }
}, noinline onClose: (List<TelegramBot>) -> Unit? = null): TelegramBot
inline fun telegramBot(tokens: Iterable<String>, crossinline builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.(String) -> Unit = {}, noinline botSelector: suspend List<TelegramBot>.(currentBotIndex: Int, t: Throwable?) -> TelegramBot = { i, _ ->
getOrElse(i + 1) { first() }
}, noinline onClose: (List<TelegramBot>) -> Unit? = null): TelegramBot