Package-level declarations


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Will map incoming BaseSentMessageUpdates to CommonMessage from

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Will map incoming BaseSentMessageUpdates to ContentMessage from

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Will map incoming BaseSentMessageUpdates to UnknownMessageType from

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inline fun <T : BaseSentMessageUpdate> Flow<T>.chatEvents(): Flow<ChatEventMessage<*>>
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Will convert incoming list of updates to list with MediaGroupUpdates

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Flow.filter incoming BaseMessageUpdates by their ChatId using of chat

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Flow.filter incoming BaseMessageUpdates by their ChatId

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Convert incoming dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.abstracts.ContentMessage.content of messages with fullEntitiesList and check that incoming message contains BotCommandTextSource. Besides, it is checking that BotCommandTextSource.command with incoming commandRegex

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Convert incoming dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.abstracts.ContentMessage.content of messages with fullEntitiesList and check that incoming message contains first TextSource as BotCommandTextSource. Besides, it is checking that BotCommandTextSource.command with incoming commandRegex and for other TextSource objects used next rules: all incoming text sources will be passed as is, RegularTextSource will be split by " " for several RegularTextSource which will contains not empty args without spaces.

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Convert incoming dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.abstracts.ContentMessage.content of messages with fullEntitiesList and check that incoming message contains ONLY ONE TextSource and that is BotCommandTextSource. Besides, it is checking that BotCommandTextSource.command with incoming commandRegex

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inline fun flowsUpdatesFilter(internalChannelsSizes: Int = 100, block: FlowsUpdatesFilter.() -> Unit): FlowsUpdatesFilter

Non-suspendable function for easy-to-use creating of FlowsUpdatesFilter and applying the block to it

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A predicate to test that message has been sent in the forum. Use it as the initialFilter parameter in behaviour builder triggers. E.g.

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A predicate to test whether a message contains any commands in its body. Use it as the initialFilter parameter in behaviour builder triggers. E.g.

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A predicate to test whether a message contains any commands in its body. Use it as the initialFilter parameter in behaviour builder triggers. E.g.

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A predicate to test that message has not been sent in the forum. Use it as the initialFilter parameter in behaviour builder triggers. E.g.

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fun JsonElement.toTelegramUpdate(): Update
fun Json.toTelegramUpdate(source: String): Update
fun Json.toTelegramUpdate(source: JsonElement): Update