# Exceptions handling

Unfortunatelly, exceptions handling in this library is a bit difficult in some places, but that have at least two reasons: flexibility and usability.

## "In place" handling

In case you know, where exceptions are happening, you may use several tools for exceptions catching:

* Catching with result
* Catching with callback

### Catching with result

If you prefer to receive `Result` objects instead of some weird callbacks, you may use the next syntax:

safelyWithResult {
    // do something
}.onSuccess { // will be called if everything is right
    // handle success
}.onFailure { // will be called if something went wrong
    // handle error
}.getOrThrow() // will return value or throw exception

### Catching with callback

Also there is more simple (in some cases) way to handle exceptions with callbacks:

      // handle error
      null // return value
) {
    // do something

### Bonus: different types of handling

There are two types of handling:

* Just safely - when you are using something to obviously retrieve value or throw exception. When handling callback has been skipped, it will throw exception by default. For example:
) {
    error("Hi :)") // emulate exception throwing
} // result will be with type String
* Safely without exceptions - almost the same as `safely`, but this type by default allow to return nullable value (when exception was thrown) instead of just throwing (as with `safely`):
safelyWithouExceptions {
    // do something
} // will returns nullable result type

## Global exceptions handling

The most simple way to configure exceptions handling is to change `CoroutineContext` when you are creating your `CoroutineScope` for bot processing:

val bot = telegramBot("TOKEN")

bot.buildBehaviour (
    scope = scope,
    defaultExceptionsHandler = {
) {
    // ...


val bot = telegramBotWithBehaviour (
    scope = scope,
    defaultExceptionsHandler = {
) {
    // ...

Here we have used `ContextSafelyExceptionHandler` class. It will pass default handling of exceptions and will call the block in most cases when something inside of your bot logic has thrown exception.