Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.MessageEntity.textsources


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data class BoldTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class BotCommandTextSource constructor(source: String) : TextSource
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data class CashTagTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class CodeTextSource constructor(source: String) : TextSource
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data class EMailTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class HashTagTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class ItalicTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class MentionTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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interface MultilevelTextSource : TextSource
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typealias MutableTextSourcesList = MutableList<TextSource>
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data class PhoneNumberTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class PreTextSource constructor(source: String, language: String?) : TextSource
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data class RegularTextSource constructor(source: String) : TextSource
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data class SpoilerTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class StrikethroughTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class TextLinkTextSource constructor(source: String, url: String) : TextSource
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data class TextMentionTextSource constructor(source: String, user: User, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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interface TextSource
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object TextSourceSerializer : TypedSerializer<TextSource>
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typealias TextSourcesList = List<TextSource>
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data class UnderlineTextSource constructor(source: String, subsources: TextSourcesList) : MultilevelTextSource
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data class URLTextSource constructor(source: String) : TextSource


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inline fun bold(vararg parts: TextSource): BoldTextSource
inline fun bold(text: String): BoldTextSource
inline fun bold(parts: TextSourcesList): BoldTextSource
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inline fun botCommand(command: String): BotCommandTextSource
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inline fun cashTag(vararg parts: TextSource): CashTagTextSource
inline fun cashTag(tag: String): CashTagTextSource
inline fun cashTag(parts: TextSourcesList): CashTagTextSource
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inline fun code(code: String): CodeTextSource
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inline fun email(vararg parts: TextSource): EMailTextSource
inline fun email(emailAddress: String): EMailTextSource
inline fun email(parts: TextSourcesList): EMailTextSource
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inline fun hashtag(vararg parts: TextSource): HashTagTextSource
inline fun hashtag(parts: TextSourcesList): HashTagTextSource

inline fun hashtag(hashtag: String): HashTagTextSource

Without sharp (#)

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inline fun italic(vararg parts: TextSource): ItalicTextSource
inline fun italic(text: String): ItalicTextSource
inline fun italic(parts: TextSourcesList): ItalicTextSource
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inline fun link(url: String): URLTextSource
inline fun link(text: String, url: String): TextLinkTextSource
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inline fun mention(whoToMention: Username): MentionTextSource
inline fun mention(vararg parts: TextSource): MentionTextSource
inline fun mention(parts: TextSourcesList): MentionTextSource
inline fun UserId.mention(text: String): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun UserId.mention(parts: TextSourcesList): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun User.mention(text: String): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun User.mention(parts: TextSourcesList): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun Identifier.mention(text: String): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun Identifier.mention(parts: TextSourcesList): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun mention(user: User, vararg parts: TextSource): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun mention(text: String, userId: UserId): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun mention(text: String, user: User): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun mention(text: String, id: Identifier): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun mention(parts: TextSourcesList, userId: UserId): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun mention(parts: TextSourcesList, user: User): TextMentionTextSource
inline fun mention(parts: TextSourcesList, id: Identifier): TextMentionTextSource

inline fun mention(whoToMention: String): MentionTextSource

Without leading "@"

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inline fun phone(vararg parts: TextSource): PhoneNumberTextSource
inline fun phone(number: String): PhoneNumberTextSource
inline fun phone(parts: TextSourcesList): PhoneNumberTextSource
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inline operator fun TextSource): List<TextSource>
inline operator fun String): List<TextSource>
inline operator fun List<TextSource>): List<TextSource>
inline operator fun List<TextSource>.plus(text: String): List<TextSource>
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inline fun pre(code: String, language: String? = null): PreTextSource
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inline fun regular(text: String): RegularTextSource
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fun List<TextSource>.separateForCaption(): List<List<TextSource>>

This method will prepare TextSources list for messages. Remember, that first part will be separated with captionLength and all others with

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fun List<TextSource>.separateForMessage(limit: IntRange, numberOfParts: Int? = null): List<List<TextSource>>
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inline fun List<TextSource>.separateForText(): List<List<TextSource>>

This method will prepare TextSources list for messages with textLength

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inline fun spoiler(vararg parts: TextSource): SpoilerTextSource
inline fun spoiler(text: String): SpoilerTextSource
inline fun spoiler(parts: TextSourcesList): SpoilerTextSource
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inline fun strikethrough(vararg parts: TextSource): StrikethroughTextSource
inline fun strikethrough(text: String): StrikethroughTextSource
inline fun strikethrough(parts: TextSourcesList): StrikethroughTextSource
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inline fun underline(vararg parts: TextSource): UnderlineTextSource
inline fun underline(text: String): UnderlineTextSource
inline fun underline(parts: TextSourcesList): UnderlineTextSource


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const val DirectInvocationOfTextSourceConstructor: String