package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api import import import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl import io.ktor.client.HttpClient import io.ktor.client.HttpClientConfig import io.ktor.client.engine.* /** * Allows to create bot using bot [urlsKeeper] and already prepared [client] */ fun telegramBot( urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, client: HttpClient = HttpClient() ): TelegramBot = telegramBot(urlsKeeper) { this.client = client } /** * Allows to create bot using bot [urlsKeeper] and specify [HttpClientEngineFactory] by passing [clientFactory] param and optionally * configure it with [clientConfig] */ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun telegramBot( urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, clientFactory: HttpClientEngineFactory, noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig.() -> Unit = {} ) = telegramBot( urlsKeeper, HttpClient(clientFactory, clientConfig) ) /** * Allows to create bot using bot [urlsKeeper] and specify [HttpClientEngine] by passing [clientEngine] param and optionally * configure [HttpClient] using [clientConfig] */ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun telegramBot( urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, clientEngine: HttpClientEngine, noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {} ) = telegramBot( urlsKeeper, HttpClient(clientEngine, clientConfig) ) /** * Allows to create bot using bot [urlsKeeper] and specify [HttpClientEngine] by configuring [HttpClient] using * [clientConfig] */ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun telegramBot( urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit ) = telegramBot( urlsKeeper, HttpClient(clientConfig) ) /** * Allows to create bot using bot [token], [apiUrl] (for custom api servers) and already prepared [client] */ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun telegramBot( token: String, apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl, testServer: Boolean = false, client: HttpClient = HttpClient() ): TelegramBot = telegramBot(TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(token, testServer, apiUrl), client) @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun telegramBot( token: String, clientFactory: HttpClientEngineFactory, apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl, testServer: Boolean = false, noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig.() -> Unit = {} ) = telegramBot( TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(token, testServer, apiUrl), clientFactory, clientConfig ) /** * Allows to create bot using bot [token] and specify [HttpClientEngine] by passing [clientEngine] param and optionally * configure [HttpClient] using [clientConfig] */ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun telegramBot( token: String, clientEngine: HttpClientEngine, apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl, testServer: Boolean = false, noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {} ) = telegramBot( TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(token, testServer, apiUrl), clientEngine, clientConfig ) /** * Allows to create bot using bot [token] and [apiUrl] and specify [HttpClientEngine] by configuring [HttpClient] using * [clientConfig] */ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun telegramBot( token: String, apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl, testServer: Boolean = false, noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit ) = telegramBot( TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(token, testServer, apiUrl), clientConfig )