package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.webapps import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper import import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.webapps.haptic.HapticFeedback import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.webapps.invoice.InvoiceClosedInfo import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.webapps.popup.* import kotlin.js.Json external class WebApp { val version: String val platform: String val initData: String val initDataUnsafe: WebAppInitData val headerColor: HEXColor? fun setHeaderColor(color: Color.BackgroundColor) fun setHeaderColor(color: Color.Hex) val backgroundColor: HEXColor? fun setBackgroundColor(color: Color.Hex) fun setBackgroundColor(color: Color.BackgroundColor) @JsName("colorScheme") val colorSchemeRaw: String val themeParams: ThemeParams val isExpanded: Boolean val viewportHeight: Float val viewportStableHeight: Float val isClosingConfirmationEnabled: Boolean fun enableClosingConfirmation() fun disableClosingConfirmation() fun showPopup(params: PopupParams, callback: ClosePopupCallback? = definedExternally) fun showAlert(message: String, callback: AlertCallback? = definedExternally) fun showConfirm(message: String, callback: ConfirmCallback? = definedExternally) fun showScanQrPopup(params: ScanQrPopupParams, callback: QRTextReceivedCallback? = definedExternally) fun closeScanQrPopup() fun readTextFromClipboard(callback: TextReceivedCallback? = definedExternally) @JsName("MainButton") val mainButton: MainButton @JsName("BackButton") val backButton: BackButton @JsName("HapticFeedback") val hapticFeedback: HapticFeedback @JsName("CloudStorage") val cloudStorage: CloudStorage internal fun onEvent(type: String, callback: () -> Unit) @JsName("onEvent") internal fun onEventWithViewportChangedData(type: String, callback: (ViewportChangedData) -> Unit) @JsName("onEvent") internal fun onEventWithInvoiceClosedInfo(type: String, callback: (InvoiceClosedInfo) -> Unit) @JsName("onEvent") internal fun onEventWithPopupClosedInfo(type: String, callback: (String?) -> Unit) @JsName("onEvent") internal fun onEventWithQRTextInfo(type: String, callback: (String) -> Boolean) @JsName("onEvent") internal fun onEventWithTextInfo(type: String, callback: (String) -> Unit) @JsName("onEvent") internal fun onEventWithWriteAccessRequested(type: String, callback: (RequestStatus) -> Unit) @JsName("onEvent") internal fun onEventWithContactRequested(type: String, callback: (RequestStatus) -> Unit) fun offEvent(type: String, callback: () -> Unit) @JsName("offEvent") fun offEventWithViewportChangedData(type: String, callback: (ViewportChangedData) -> Unit) @JsName("offEvent") fun offEventWithInvoiceClosedInfo(type: String, callback: (InvoiceClosedInfo) -> Unit) fun sendData(data: String) fun ready() fun expand() fun close() fun isVersionAtLeast(version: String): Boolean fun openLink(url: String) fun openTelegramLink(url: String) fun openInvoice(url: String, callback: (InvoiceClosedInfo) -> Unit = definedExternally) fun requestWriteAccess(callback: ((Boolean) -> Unit)? = definedExternally) fun requestContact(callback: ((Boolean) -> Unit)? = definedExternally) } val WebApp.colorScheme: ColorScheme get() = when (colorSchemeRaw) { "light" -> ColorScheme.LIGHT "dark" -> ColorScheme.DARK else -> ColorScheme.LIGHT } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType, eventHandler: EventHandler) = { eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast()) }.also { onEvent( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.ViewportChanged, eventHandler: ViewportChangedEventHandler) = { it: ViewportChangedData -> eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast(), it) }.also { onEventWithViewportChangedData( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.InvoiceClosed, eventHandler: InvoiceClosedEventHandler) = { it: InvoiceClosedInfo -> eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast(), it) }.also { onEventWithInvoiceClosedInfo( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.PopupClosed, eventHandler: PopupClosedEventHandler) = { it: String? -> eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast(), it) }.also { onEventWithPopupClosedInfo( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.QRTextReceived, eventHandler: QRTextReceivedEventHandler) = { it: String -> eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast(), it) }.also { onEventWithQRTextInfo( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.ClipboardTextReceived, eventHandler: TextReceivedEventHandler) = { it: String -> eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast(), it) }.also { onEventWithTextInfo( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.WriteAccessRequested, eventHandler: WriteAccessRequestedHandler) = { it: RequestStatus -> eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast(), it.isAllowed) }.also { onEventWithWriteAccessRequested( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.ContactRequested, eventHandler: ContactRequestedHandler) = { it: RequestStatus -> eventHandler(js("this").unsafeCast(), it.isSent) }.also { onEventWithContactRequested( type.typeName, callback = it ) } /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onThemeChanged(eventHandler: EventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.ThemeChanged, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onMainButtonClicked(eventHandler: EventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.MainButtonClicked, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onViewportChanged(eventHandler: ViewportChangedEventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.ViewportChanged, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onBackButtonClicked(eventHandler: EventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.BackButtonClicked, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onSettingsButtonClicked(eventHandler: EventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.SettingsButtonClicked, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onInvoiceClosed(eventHandler: InvoiceClosedEventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.InvoiceClosed, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onPopupClosed(eventHandler: PopupClosedEventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.PopupClosed, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onQRTextReceived(eventHandler: QRTextReceivedEventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.QRTextReceived, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onClipboardTextReceived(eventHandler: TextReceivedEventHandler) = onEvent(EventType.ClipboardTextReceived, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onWriteAccessRequested(eventHandler: WriteAccessRequestedHandler) = onEvent(EventType.WriteAccessRequested, eventHandler) /** * @return The callback which should be used in case you want to turn off events handling */ fun WebApp.onContactRequested(eventHandler: ContactRequestedHandler) = onEvent(EventType.ContactRequested, eventHandler) fun WebApp.isInitDataSafe(botToken: String) = TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(botToken).checkWebAppData( initData, initDataUnsafe.hash ) fun WebApp.showPopup( message: String, title: String?, buttons: Array, callback: ClosePopupCallback? = null ) = showPopup( PopupParams( message, title, buttons ), callback ) fun WebApp.showPopup( message: String, title: String?, firstButton: PopupButton, vararg otherButtons: PopupButton, callback: ClosePopupCallback? = null ) = showPopup( PopupParams( message, title, arrayOf(firstButton, *otherButtons) ), callback ) var WebApp.requireClosingConfirmation get() = isClosingConfirmationEnabled set(value) { if (value) { enableClosingConfirmation() } else { disableClosingConfirmation() } } fun WebApp.toggleClosingConfirmation() { requireClosingConfirmation = !requireClosingConfirmation }