package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.buttons.reply import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.buttons.* import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.buttons.InlineKeyboardButtons.* import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.webapps.WebAppInfo /** * Creates and put [SimpleKeyboardButton] * * @see replyKeyboard * @see ReplyKeyboardBuilder.row */ inline fun simpleReplyButton( text: String ) = SimpleKeyboardButton(text) /** * Creates and put [RequestContactKeyboardButton] * * @see replyKeyboard * @see ReplyKeyboardBuilder.row */ inline fun requestContactReplyButton( text: String ) = RequestContactKeyboardButton(text) /** * Creates and put [RequestLocationKeyboardButton] * * @see replyKeyboard * @see ReplyKeyboardBuilder.row */ inline fun requestLocationReplyButton( text: String ) = RequestLocationKeyboardButton(text) /** * Creates and put [RequestPollKeyboardButton] * * @see replyKeyboard * @see ReplyKeyboardBuilder.row */ inline fun requestPollReplyButton( text: String, pollType: KeyboardButtonPollType ) = RequestPollKeyboardButton(text, pollType) /** * Creates and put [WebAppKeyboardButton] * * @see replyKeyboard * @see ReplyKeyboardBuilder.row */ inline fun webAppReplyButton( text: String, webApp: WebAppInfo ) = WebAppKeyboardButton(text, webApp) /** * Creates and put [WebAppKeyboardButton] * * @see replyKeyboard * @see ReplyKeyboardBuilder.row */ inline fun webAppReplyButton( text: String, url: String ) = webAppReplyButton(text, WebAppInfo(url))