Package-level declarations
Allows to include webhook in custom route everywhere in your server
Will startGettingOfUpdatesByLongPolling using incoming flowsUpdatesFilter. It is assumed that you ALREADY CONFIGURE all updates receivers, because this method will trigger getting of updates and.
Will enable longPolling by creating FlowsUpdatesFilter with flowsUpdatesFilterUpdatesKeeperCount as an argument and applied flowUpdatesPreset. It is assumed that you WILL CONFIGURE all updates receivers in flowUpdatesPreset, because of after flowUpdatesPreset method calling will be triggered getting of updates.
Setting up ktor server, set webhook info via SetWebhookRequest request.
Setting up ktor server
Create UpdateReceiver object which will correctly accumulate updates and send into output updates which INCLUDE dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.update.MediaGroupUpdates.MediaGroupUpdates.