Package-level declarations
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sealed class SendPoll : SendMessageRequest<ContentMessage<PollContent>> , ReplyingMarkupSendMessageRequest<ContentMessage<PollContent>>
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fun Poll.createRequest(chatId: ChatIdentifier, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): SendPoll
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fun SendPoll(chatId: ChatIdentifier, question: String, options: List<String>, isAnonymous: Boolean = true, isClosed: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): SendRegularPoll
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fun SendQuizPoll(chatId: ChatIdentifier, question: String, options: List<String>, correctOptionId: Int, isAnonymous: Boolean = true, isClosed: Boolean = false, entities: List<TextSource>, closeInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo? = null, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): SendQuizPoll
fun SendQuizPoll(chatId: ChatIdentifier, question: String, options: List<String>, correctOptionId: Int, isAnonymous: Boolean = true, isClosed: Boolean = false, explanation: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, closeInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo? = null, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): SendQuizPoll
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fun SendRegularPoll(chatId: ChatIdentifier, question: String, options: List<String>, isAnonymous: Boolean = true, isClosed: Boolean = false, allowMultipleAnswers: Boolean = false, closeInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo? = null, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): SendRegularPoll