package com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.extensions.utils.updates.retrieving import import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.extensions.utils.nonstrictJsonFormat import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.abstracts.InputFile import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.webhook.SetWebhook import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.update.abstracts.Update import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.update.abstracts.UpdateDeserializationStrategy import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.UpdateReceiver import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.UpdatesFilter import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.webhook.WebhookPrivateKeyConfig import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.extensions.executeAsync import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.handleSafely import import io.ktor.request.receiveText import io.ktor.response.respond import io.ktor.routing.* import io.ktor.server.engine.* import kotlinx.coroutines.* import java.util.concurrent.Executors /** * @param [scope] Will be used for mapping of media groups * @param [exceptionsHandler] Pass this parameter to set custom exception handler for getting updates * @param [block] Some receiver block like [com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.FlowsUpdatesFilter] * * @see com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.FlowsUpdatesFilter * @see UpdatesFilter * @see UpdatesFilter.asUpdateReceiver */ fun Route.includeWebhookInRoute( scope: CoroutineScope, exceptionsHandler: (suspend (Exception) -> Unit)? = null, block: UpdateReceiver ) { val transformer = scope.updateHandlerWithMediaGroupsAdaptation(block) post { handleSafely( exceptionsHandler ?: {} ) { val asJson = nonstrictJsonFormat.parseJson(call.receiveText()) val update = nonstrictJsonFormat.fromJson( UpdateDeserializationStrategy, asJson ) transformer(update) } call.respond("Ok") } } /** * Setting up ktor server, set webhook info via [SetWebhook] request. * * @param port port which will be listen by bot * @param listenRoute address to listen by bot * @param scope Scope which will be used for * * @see com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.FlowsUpdatesFilter * @see UpdatesFilter * @see UpdatesFilter.asUpdateReceiver */ fun setWebhook( port: Int, engineFactory: ApplicationEngineFactory<*, *>, listenHost: String = "", listenRoute: String = "/", privateKeyConfig: WebhookPrivateKeyConfig? = null, scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4).asCoroutineDispatcher()), exceptionsHandler: (suspend (Exception) -> Unit)? = null, block: UpdateReceiver ): ApplicationEngine { lateinit var engine: ApplicationEngine val env = applicationEngineEnvironment { module { routing { route(listenRoute) { includeWebhookInRoute(scope, exceptionsHandler, block) } } } privateKeyConfig ?.let { sslConnector( privateKeyConfig.keyStore, privateKeyConfig.aliasName, privateKeyConfig::keyStorePassword, privateKeyConfig::aliasPassword ) { host = listenHost this.port = port } } ?: connector { host = listenHost this.port = port } } engine = embeddedServer(engineFactory, env) engine.start(false) return engine } /** * Setting up ktor server, set webhook info via [SetWebhook] request. * * @param url URL of webhook WITHOUT including of [port] * @param port port which will be listen by bot * @param listenRoute address to listen by bot * @param certificate [com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.abstracts.MultipartFile] or [com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.abstracts.FileId] * which will be used by telegram to send encrypted messages * @param scope Scope which will be used for * * @see com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.FlowsUpdatesFilter * @see UpdatesFilter * @see UpdatesFilter.asUpdateReceiver */ suspend fun RequestsExecutor.setWebhook( url: String, port: Int, engineFactory: ApplicationEngineFactory<*, *>, listenHost: String = "", listenRoute: String = "/", certificate: InputFile? = null, privateKeyConfig: WebhookPrivateKeyConfig? = null, scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4).asCoroutineDispatcher()), allowedUpdates: List? = null, maxAllowedConnections: Int? = null, exceptionsHandler: (suspend (Exception) -> Unit)? = null, block: UpdateReceiver ): Job { val executeDeferred = certificate ?.let { executeAsync( SetWebhook( url, certificate, maxAllowedConnections, allowedUpdates ) ) } ?: executeAsync( SetWebhook( url, maxAllowedConnections, allowedUpdates ) ) return try { executeDeferred.await() val engine = setWebhook(port, engineFactory, listenHost, listenRoute, privateKeyConfig, scope, exceptionsHandler, block) scope.launch { engine.environment.parentCoroutineContext[Job] ?.join() engine.stop(1000, 5000) } } catch (e: Exception) { throw e } } suspend fun RequestsExecutor.setWebhook( url: String, port: Int, engineFactory: ApplicationEngineFactory<*, *>, listenHost: String = "", listenRoute: String = "/", certificate: InputFile? = null, privateKeyConfig: WebhookPrivateKeyConfig? = null, scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4).asCoroutineDispatcher()), allowedUpdates: List? = null, maxAllowedConnections: Int? = null, block: UpdateReceiver ) = setWebhook( url, port, engineFactory, listenHost, listenRoute, certificate, privateKeyConfig, scope, allowedUpdates, maxAllowedConnections, null, block ) @Suppress("unused") suspend fun RequestsExecutor.setWebhook( url: String, port: Int, engineFactory: ApplicationEngineFactory<*, *>, certificate: InputFile? = null, privateKeyConfig: WebhookPrivateKeyConfig? = null, scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4).asCoroutineDispatcher()), allowedUpdates: List? = null, maxAllowedConnections: Int? = null, block: UpdateReceiver ) = setWebhook( url, port, engineFactory, certificate ?.let { "" } ?: "localhost", "/", certificate, privateKeyConfig, scope, allowedUpdates, maxAllowedConnections, block ) @Suppress("unused") suspend fun RequestsExecutor.setWebhook( url: String, port: Int, filter: UpdatesFilter, engineFactory: ApplicationEngineFactory<*, *>, certificate: InputFile? = null, privateKeyConfig: WebhookPrivateKeyConfig? = null, scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4).asCoroutineDispatcher()), maxAllowedConnections: Int? = null, listenHost: String = certificate ?.let { "" } ?: "localhost", listenRoute: String = "/" ): Job = setWebhook( url, port, engineFactory, listenHost, listenRoute, certificate, privateKeyConfig, scope, filter.allowedUpdates, maxAllowedConnections, filter.asUpdateReceiver )