# TelegramBotAPI Behaviour Builder FSM Extensions [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/dev.inmo/tgbotapi.behaviour_builder.fsm/badge.svg)](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/dev.inmo/tgbotapi.behaviour_builder.fsm) ## What is it? This extension has been created to integrate finite state machine in [BehaviourBuilder](../tgbotapi.behaviour_builder/README.md). In case you wish to use some custom store for steps (states), you may extend `StatesManager` or use `DefaultStatesManager` with custom `DefaultStatesManagerRepo`. See [Examples repo](https://github.com/InsanusMokrassar/TelegramBotAPI-examples/tree/master/FSMBot) to get more info and see how it works on base level. Lets see several examples: ```kotlin data class StateRealization(override val context: ChatId) : State bot.telegramBotWithBehaviourAndFSMAndStartLongPolling(TOKEN) { strictlyOn<StateRealization> { // here your logic of state it // you must return from state handler some other state as a result of this one or null if you want to complete the chain } onCommand("start") { startChain(StateRealization(it.chat.id)) // starting of chain with StateRealization state } } ``` Currently, for the states there is only one restriction - your state must implements `State` interface and override `context` to define it. It may be important that `context` will be used under the hood for comparison with contexts of other states in some situations in it may be important to correctly realize `equals` method. It is important, that all other methods are the same as for [BehaviourBuilder](../tgbotapi.behaviour_builder/README.md).