package com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.* import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.MessageEntity.RawMessageEntities import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.MessageEntity.RawMessageEntitiesSerializer import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.buttons.InlineKeyboardMarkup import* import import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.files.* import import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.ChatEvents.* import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.ChatEvents.abstracts.* import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.abstracts.Message import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.content.* import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.content.abstracts.MessageContent import* import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.payments.InvoiceOfPayment import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.payments.SuccessfulPaymentInfo import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.payments.abstracts.PaymentInfo import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.payments.Invoice import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.payments.SuccessfulPayment import com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.polls.Poll import kotlinx.serialization.* import kotlin.reflect.KClass // TODO:: add PassportData type @Serializable data class RawMessage( @SerialName(messageIdField) val messageId: MessageIdentifier, @SerialName(dateField) val date: TelegramDate, @SerialName(chatField) private val chat: RawChat, @SerialName(fromField) private val from: User? = null, private val forward_from: User? = null, private val forward_from_chat: RawChat? = null, private val forward_from_message_id: MessageIdentifier? = null, private val forward_signature: ForwardSignature? = null, private val forward_sender_name: ForwardSenderName? = null, private val forward_date: TelegramDate? = null, private val reply_to_message: RawMessage? = null, private val edit_date: TelegramDate? = null, private val media_group_id: MediaGroupIdentifier? = null, private val author_signature: AuthorSignature? = null, private val text: String? = null, @Serializable(RawMessageEntitiesSerializer::class) private val entities: RawMessageEntities? = null, private val caption: String? = null, @Serializable(RawMessageEntitiesSerializer::class) private val caption_entities: RawMessageEntities? = null, private val audio: AudioFile? = null, private val document: DocumentFile? = null, private val animation: AnimationFile? = null, private val game: Game? = null, @Serializable(PhotoSerializer::class) private val photo: Photo? = null, private val sticker: Sticker? = null, private val video: VideoFile? = null, private val voice: VoiceFile? = null, private val video_note: VideoNoteFile? = null, private val contact: Contact? = null, private val location: Location? = null, private val venue: Venue? = null, private val poll: Poll? = null, private val new_chat_members: List? = null, private val left_chat_member: User? = null, private val new_chat_title: String? = null, @Serializable(PhotoSerializer::class) private val new_chat_photo: Photo? = null, private val delete_chat_photo: Boolean = false, private val group_chat_created: Boolean = false, private val supergroup_chat_created: Boolean = false, private val channel_chat_created: Boolean = false, private val migrate_to_chat_id: ChatIdentifier? = null, private val migrate_from_chat_id: ChatIdentifier? = null, private val pinned_message: RawMessage? = null, private val invoice: Invoice? = null, private val successful_payment: SuccessfulPayment? = null, // login property private val connected_website: String? = null, // passport property private val passport_data: Unit? = null, private val reply_markup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null ) { @Transient private val content: MessageContent? by lazy { val adaptedCaptionEntities = caption ?.let { caption_entities ?.map { it.asMessageEntity(caption) } } ?: emptyList() when { text != null -> TextContent(text, entities ?.map { it.asMessageEntity(text) } ?: emptyList()) audio != null -> AudioContent( audio, caption, adaptedCaptionEntities ) video != null -> VideoContent( video, caption, adaptedCaptionEntities ) document != null -> DocumentContent( document, caption, adaptedCaptionEntities ) voice != null -> VoiceContent( voice, caption, adaptedCaptionEntities ) photo != null -> PhotoContent( photo.toList(), caption, adaptedCaptionEntities ) animation != null -> AnimationContent(animation, document) sticker != null -> StickerContent(sticker) game != null -> GameContent(game) video_note != null -> VideoNoteContent(video_note) contact != null -> ContactContent(contact) location != null -> LocationContent(location) venue != null -> VenueContent(venue) poll != null -> PollContent(poll) else -> null } } @Transient private val forwarded: ForwardedMessage? by lazy { forward_date ?: return@lazy null // According to the documentation, now any forwarded message contains this field when { forward_sender_name != null -> AnonymousForwardedMessage( forward_date, forward_sender_name ) forward_from_chat != null -> ForwardedFromChannelMessage( forward_date, forward_from_message_id ?: throw IllegalStateException("Channel forwarded message must contain message id, but was not"), forward_from_chat.extractChat(), forward_signature ) forward_from != null -> UserForwardedMessage( forward_date, forward_from ) else -> null } } @Transient private val chatEvent: ChatEvent? by lazy { when { new_chat_members != null -> NewChatMembers(new_chat_members.toList()) left_chat_member != null -> LeftChatMember(left_chat_member) new_chat_title != null -> NewChatTitle(new_chat_title) new_chat_photo != null -> NewChatPhoto(new_chat_photo.toList()) delete_chat_photo -> DeleteChatPhoto() group_chat_created -> GroupChatCreated( migrate_to_chat_id ) supergroup_chat_created -> SupergroupChatCreated( migrate_from_chat_id ) channel_chat_created -> ChannelChatCreated() pinned_message != null -> PinnedMessage(pinned_message.asMessage) else -> null } } @Transient private val paymentInfo: PaymentInfo? by lazy { when { invoice != null -> InvoiceOfPayment(invoice) successful_payment != null -> SuccessfulPaymentInfo(successful_payment) else -> null } } @Transient val asMessage: Message by lazy { val chat = chat.extractChat() chatEvent ?.let { chatEvent -> when (chat) { is GroupChat -> GroupEventMessage( messageId, chat, chatEvent as? GroupEvent ?: throwWrongChatEvent(GroupChat::class, chatEvent), date.asDate ) is SupergroupChat -> SupergroupEventMessage( messageId, chat, chatEvent as? SupergroupEvent ?: throwWrongChatEvent(SupergroupEvent::class, chatEvent), date.asDate ) is ChannelChat -> ChannelEventMessage( messageId, chat, chatEvent as? ChannelEvent ?: throwWrongChatEvent(ChannelEvent::class, chatEvent), date.asDate ) else -> throw IllegalStateException("Expected one of the public chats, but was $chat (in extracting of chat event message)") } } ?: content ?.let { content -> media_group_id ?.let { when (from) { null -> ChannelMediaGroupMessage( messageId, chat, date.asDate, it, when (content) { is PhotoContent -> content is VideoContent -> content else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unsupported content for media group") }, edit_date ?.asDate, forwarded, reply_to_message ?.asMessage, reply_markup ) else -> CommonMediaGroupMessage( messageId, from, chat, date.asDate, it, when (content) { is PhotoContent -> content is VideoContent -> content else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unsupported content for media group") }, edit_date ?.asDate, forwarded, reply_to_message ?.asMessage, reply_markup ) } } ?: when (chat) { is ChannelChat -> ChannelMessage( messageId, chat, content, date.asDate, edit_date ?.asDate, forwarded, reply_to_message ?.asMessage, reply_markup, author_signature ) else -> CommonMessageImpl( messageId, from ?: throw IllegalStateException("Was detected common message, but owner (sender) of the message was not found"), chat, content, date.asDate, edit_date ?.asDate, forwarded, reply_to_message ?.asMessage, reply_markup, paymentInfo ) } } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Was not found supported type of data") } private fun throwWrongChatEvent(expected: KClass<*>, but: ChatEvent): CommonEvent { throw IllegalStateException("Wrong type of chat event: expected $expected, but was $but") } }