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2018-12-26 16:07:24 +08:00
# TelegramBotAPI
2018-12-28 13:26:15 +08:00
[![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/insanusmokrassar/StandardRepository/TelegramBotAPI/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/insanusmokrassar/StandardRepository/TelegramBotAPI/_latestVersion)
[![Build Status](https://jenkins.insanusmokrassar.space/buildStatus/icon?job=TelegramBotAPI_master__publishing)](https://jenkins.insanusmokrassar.space/job/TelegramBotAPI_master__publishing/)
2018-12-26 16:07:24 +08:00
## What is it?
It is one more project which wish to be useful and full Telegram Bots API bridge for Kotlin. Most part of some specific
solves or unuseful moments are describing by official [Telegram Bot API](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api).
2019-02-27 15:30:43 +08:00
## Compatibility
2019-04-16 18:47:39 +08:00
This version compatible with [14th of April 2019 update of TelegramBotAPI](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#april-14-2019). There is one exception of implemented functionality. It is Telegram Passport API, which was presented in [August 2018 update of TelegramBotAPI](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#august-27-2018) update. It will be implemented as soon as possible. All included and supported API
2019-04-13 17:01:04 +08:00
can be found on [wiki](https://github.com/InsanusMokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/wiki/Included-API).
## How to implement library?
Common ways to implement this library are presented here. In some cases it will require additional steps
like inserting of additional libraries (like `kotlin stdlib`). In the examples will be used variable
`telegrambotapi.version`, which must be set up by developer. Available versions are presented on
[bintray](https://bintray.com/insanusmokrassar/StandardRepository/TelegramBotAPI), next version is last published:
[![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/insanusmokrassar/StandardRepository/TelegramBotAPI/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/insanusmokrassar/StandardRepository/TelegramBotAPI/_latestVersion)
### Maven
### Gradle
implementation "com.github.insanusmokrassar:TelegramBotAPI:${telegrambotapi.version}"
### Gradle (old)
compile "com.github.insanusmokrassar:TelegramBotAPI:${telegrambotapi.version}"
2019-02-27 15:30:43 +08:00
2018-12-26 16:07:24 +08:00
## How to work with library?
2019-05-05 09:04:48 +08:00
For now, this library have no some API god-object. Instead of this, this library has several
important objects:
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2019-05-05 09:04:48 +08:00
* [RequestsExecutor](src/main/kotlin/com/github/insanusmokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/bot/RequestsExecutor.kt)
* [Requests](src/main/kotlin/com/github/insanusmokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/requests)
* [Types](src/main/kotlin/com/github/insanusmokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/types)
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2019-05-05 09:04:48 +08:00
### Types
2018-12-26 16:07:24 +08:00
2019-05-05 09:04:48 +08:00
Types declare different objects representation. For example, `Chat` for now represented as
interface and has several realisations:
* PrivateChat
* GroupChat
* SupergroupChat
* ChannelChat
Instead of common garbage with all information as in original [Chat](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#chat),
here it was separated for more obvious difference between chats types and their possible content.
The same principle work with a lot of others things in this Telegram bot API.
### Requests
Requests usually are very simple objects, but some of them are using their own
build factories. For example, the next code show, how to get information about bot:
val requestsExecutor: RequestsExecutor = ...
The result type of [GetMe](src/main/kotlin/com/github/insanusmokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/requests/GetMe) request is
[User](src/main/kotlin/com/github/insanusmokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/types/User). In fact, in this result must contain
`isBot` equal to `true` always.
### RequestsExecutor
It is base object which can be used to execute requests in API. For now by default included Ktor
realisation of `RequestsExecutor`, but it is possible, that in future it will be extracted in separated
project. How to create `RequestsExecutor`:
2018-12-26 16:07:24 +08:00
2019-05-05 09:04:48 +08:00
val requestsExecutor = KtorRequestsExecutor(TOKEN)
2018-12-26 16:07:24 +08:00
2019-05-05 09:04:48 +08:00
Here `KtorRequestsExecutor` - default realisation with Ktor. `TOKEN` is just a token of bot which was retrieved
according to [instruction](https://core.telegram.org/bots#3-how-do-i-create-a-bot).
Besides, for correct usage of this, you must implement in your project both one of engines for client and server
Ktor libraries:
dependencies {
// ...
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-server-cio:$ktor_version"
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp:$ktor_version"
// ...
It is able to avoid using of `server` dependency in case if will not be used `Webhook`s. In this case,
dependencies list will be simplify:
dependencies {
// ...
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp:$ktor_version"
// ...
Here was used `okhttp` realisation of client, but there are several others engines for Ktor. More information
available on ktor.io site for [client](https://ktor.io/clients/http-client/engines.html) and [server](https://ktor.io/quickstart/artifacts.html)
## Getting updates
In this library currently realised two ways to get updates from telegram:
* Polling - in this case bot will request updates from time to time (you can set up delay between requests)
* Webhook via reverse proxy or something like this
### Updates filters
Currently webhook method contains `UpdatesFilter` as necessary argument for getting updates.
`UpdatesFilter` will sort updates and throw their into different callbacks. Currently supporting
separate getting updates for media groups - they are accumulating with debounce in one second
(for being sure that all objects of media group was received).
Updates polling also support `UpdatesFilter` but you must not use it and can get updates directly
in `UpdateReceiver`, which you will provide to `startGettingOfUpdates` method
### Webhook set up
If you wish to use webhook method, you will need:
* White IP - your IP address or host, which available for calling. [TelegramBotAPI](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setwebhook)
recommend to use some unique address for each bot which you are using
2019-02-27 15:13:14 +08:00
* SSL certificate. Usually you can obtain the certificate using your domain provider, [Let'sEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) or [create it](https://core.telegram.org/bots/self-signed)
* Nginx or something like this
2019-02-27 15:13:14 +08:00
Template for Nginx server config you can find in [this gist](https://gist.github.com/InsanusMokrassar/fcc6e09cebd07e46e8f0fdec234750c4#file-nginxssl-conf).
2019-03-30 19:37:04 +08:00
For webhook you can provide `File` with public part of certificate, `URL` where bot will be available and inner `PORT` which
will be used to start receiving of updates. Actually, you can skip passing of `File` when you have something like
nginx for proxy forwarding.
2019-05-05 09:04:48 +08:00
In case of using `nginx` with reverse-proxy config, setting up of Webhook will look like:
* `WEBHOOK_URL` - the url which will be used by Telegram system to send updates
* `INTERNAL_PORT` - the port which will be used in bot for listening of updates
* `filter` - instance of [UpdatesFilter](src/main/kotlin/com/github/insanusmokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/utils/extensions/UpdatesFilter.kt),
which will be used to filter incoming updates
* `ENGINE_FACTORY` - used factory name, for example, `CIO` in case of usage `io.ktor:ktor-server-cio` as server engine