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2019-01-01 18:15:01 +08:00
# TelegramBotAPI changelog
2020-03-30 22:18:59 +06:00
## 0.26.0
2020-03-30 21:16:04 +06:00
2020-03-31 11:31:24 +06:00
* `Common`:
* Versions updates:
* `Klock`: `1.10.0` -> `1.10.3`
2020-03-30 21:30:22 +06:00
* `TelegramBotAPI`:
* Request `SendDice` was added (calling [sendDice](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddice))
* Class `Dice` was added (type [dice](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#dice))
* Class `DiceContent` was added (for including it in [message](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#message) object)
2020-03-30 21:40:36 +06:00
* `BotCommand` was added
2020-03-30 21:52:00 +06:00
* `GetMyCommands` request was added
* `SetMyCommands` request was added
* `GetMe` now is object instead of class
* `GetMe` was replaced into package `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.bot.GetMe`
2020-03-30 22:03:59 +06:00
* `CreateNewStickerSet` renamed to `CreateStaticNewStickerSet`
* `CreateNewAnimatedStickerSet` request was added (it handle work with `tgs_sticker`)
2020-03-30 22:07:13 +06:00
* `StickerSet#thumb` was added
2020-03-30 22:12:31 +06:00
* `AddStickerToSet` renamed to `AddStaticStickerToSet`
* `AddAnimatedStickerToSet` request was added
2020-03-30 22:29:34 +06:00
* `SetStickerSetThumb` request was added
* Most of sticker actions now implements `StandardStickerSetAction` instead of `StickerSetAction`
2020-03-31 11:28:48 +06:00
* `getUpdatesLimit` was added to be ensure in get updates limit
* `GetUpdates` now will check count of requesting updates and throw exception if it is not in range `1 .. 100`
* `GetUpdates#limit` now is not nullable and by default set up to 100
2020-03-30 21:33:17 +06:00
* `TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api`:
* Extensions `sendDice` was added
2020-03-30 21:52:00 +06:00
* Extension `getMyCommands` request was added
* Extension `setMyCommands` request was added
* Extension `getMe` was replaced into package `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.extensions.api.bot.GetMeKt.getMe`
2020-03-30 22:03:59 +06:00
* **All extensions `createNewStickerSet` was renamed to `createNewStaticStickerSet`**
* Extensions `createNewAnimatedStickerSet` was added
2020-03-30 22:12:31 +06:00
* **All extensions `addStickerToSet` was renamed to `addStaticStickerToSet`**
* Extensions `addAnimatedStickerToSet` was added
2020-03-30 22:29:34 +06:00
* Extensions `setStickerSetThumb` was added
2020-03-31 11:28:48 +06:00
* Extension `startGettingUpdates` now will drop `SentMediaGroupUpdate` in case if it is the last in updates group
and size of retrieved updates is equal to 100 (max count of retrieved updates)
* Extensions `getUpdates` now will receive only not nullable `limit` parameter
2020-03-30 21:30:22 +06:00
2020-04-08 10:37:05 +06:00
### 0.26.2
2020-04-08 14:51:26 +06:00
* `TelegramBotAPI`:
* Now `EditMediaGroupUpdate` also extends `BaseEditMessageUpdate`
* **EXPERIMENTALLY** Now all `TextSource` realisations will contain `source` field as a property inside of them
2020-04-08 10:44:44 +06:00
* `TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api`:
* `startGettingFlowsUpdates` extension which do not require filter (but return a new one) was added
2020-04-08 11:11:31 +06:00
* `TelegramBotAPI-extensions-utils`:
* Subproject was added
2020-04-08 14:51:26 +06:00
* `filterBaseMessageUpdates`, `filterSentMediaGroupUpdates` and `filterEditMediaGroupUpdates` extensions was added
2020-04-08 15:23:12 +06:00
* `filterCommandsWithArgs`, `filterExactCommands` and `filterCommandsInsideTextMessages` extensions was added
2020-04-08 14:02:55 +06:00
* `asContentMessagesFlow`, `asChatEventsFlow` and `asUnknownMessagesFlow` extensions was added
* `withContentType` extension was added
* `onlyAnimationContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyAudioContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyContactContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyDiceContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyDocumentContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyGameContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyInvoiceContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyLocationContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyPhotoContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyPollContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyStickerContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyTextContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyVenueContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyVideoContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyVideoNoteContentMessages` extension was added
* `onlyVoiceContentMessages` extension was added
2020-04-08 10:44:44 +06:00
2020-04-01 10:05:30 +06:00
### 0.26.1
2020-04-01 10:08:44 +06:00
* `TelegramBotAPI`:
* `BotCommand` now will check and throw error in case when command or description lengths is/are incorrect
2020-04-03 14:22:34 +06:00
* `StorageFile` now is common for all platforms
* JavaScript realization was removed due to its redundancy
* JVM realization was replaced with `fun` factory
* `StorageFile` now able to accept any factory of `Input`
2020-04-03 14:26:32 +06:00
* `StorageFileInfo` was added to avoid strange collisions with throws in `StorageFile`
2020-04-04 12:11:39 +06:00
* Fixes issue with `hashTag` for markdown
2020-04-05 14:06:40 +06:00
* `InvalidPhotoDimensionsException` was added for cases when `PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSION` answer received
2020-04-06 12:11:14 +06:00
* Other fixes
2020-04-05 14:06:40 +06:00
2020-03-30 22:18:59 +06:00
## 0.25.0
* Common:
* Versions updates:
* `Kotlin`: `1.3.61` -> `1.3.70`
* `Kotlin coroutines`: `1.3.3` -> `1.3.5`
* `Kotlin serialization`: `0.14.0` -> `0.20.0`
* `Ktor`: `1.3.1` -> `1.3.2`
* `Klock`: `1.8.7` -> `1.10.0`
* `UUID`: `0.0.7` -> `0.1.0`
* `TelegramBotAPI`:
* `Bot` implementations (as and `Bot` itself) now have not nullable `username`
* `File#toInputFile` extension now will throw error when file does not exists
* `InlineKeyboardMarkup` will check that `PayInlineKeyboardButton` is the first in case if it is exists in
* `makeLinkToMessage` now is not `PreviewFeature`
* All deprecations was removed
* `RequestException` now extends `io.ktor.utils.io.errors.IOException` instead of `kotlinx.io.IOException`
* `Any#toJson` now is NOT `inline`
* `FlowsUpdatesFilter` now as marked my annotation `FlowPreview`
* `PathedFile#fullUrl` now is not `inline` function
* `SimpleRequest#json` now is not `inline` and `internal` function
* `FlowsUpdatesFilter` now have two additional flows: `pollAnswerFlow`, `unknownUpdateTypeFlow`
* `ExtendedUser` (`typealias`) was added as a `PreviewFeature`
2020-03-26 14:13:00 +06:00
### 0.25.1
2020-03-26 14:27:17 +06:00
* Update kotlin: `1.3.70` -> `1.3.71`
* Fix of error inside of update utils for media groups
2020-02-23 20:23:33 +06:00
## 0.24.0
* `TelegramBotAPI`:
* All suspend functions for `RequestsExecutor` was removed (due to replacement into
[TelegramBotAPI extensions project](TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api/README.md))
* `ForwardFromChannelInfo#channelChat` now is `ChannelChat` instead of `Chat`
* `TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api`:
* Most part of sending media messages functions was removed and replaced with their `InputFile` args analogs
2020-03-17 16:47:59 +06:00
### 0.24.1
2020-02-23 20:23:33 +06:00
* `TelegramBotAPI`:
* `UpdateReceiver` was replaced to the package `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers`
* All functions inside `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.extensions.UpdatesPolling` are deprecated
and will be removed in some soon versions. Their replacement are able inside `TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api`
2020-03-17 17:16:14 +06:00
* `UpdatesFilter` is interface for now
* Previous `UpdatesFilter` class was renamed to `SimpleUpdatesFilter` and for backward compatibility was added
builder function `UpdatesFilter`, which will be removed in near releases
* `FlowsUpdatesFilter` now implements `UpdatesFilter`
* `BaseSentMessageUpdate` and `BaseEditMessageUpdate` interfaces was added
* `EditChannelPostUpdate` now is implementing `BaseEditMessageUpdate` interface
* `EditMessageUpdate` now is implementing `BaseEditMessageUpdate` interface
* `ChannelPostUpdate` now is implementing `BaseSentMessageUpdate` interface
* `MessageUpdate` now is implementing `BaseSentMessageUpdate` interface
2020-03-17 20:24:31 +06:00
* `UpdatesPoller` and all its usages, childs and childs usages now are deprecated
* `GetUpdates#timeout` type now is `Seconds` (in fact it is `Int` as previously)
2020-03-17 21:24:04 +06:00
* `KtorRequestsExecutor` now is using a copy of incoming `HttpClient` object and install `HttpTimeout` feature
* `AbstractRequestCallFactory` now setting up a custom delay in case if request is `GetUpdates`
* `TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api`:
* All functions from `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.extensions.UpdatesPolling` now available
in package `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.extensions.api.updates.UpdatesPolling`
2020-03-17 17:20:42 +06:00
* Now new method of getting updates available: `startGettingUpdates` with `UpdatesFilter` as incoming first
2020-03-17 20:24:31 +06:00
* `startGettingUpdates` with `receiver` and `allowedUpdates` parameters now will handle updates by itself
2020-01-23 16:00:46 +06:00
## 0.23.0 TelegramBotAPI 4.6
2020-01-23 16:36:25 +06:00
* `Poll` now is sealed class
* `RegularPoll` type was added to represent polls with type `regular`
* `QuizPoll` type was added to represent polls with type `quiz`
* `UnknownPollType` type was added to represent polls which are unknown in current version
* `AnonymousPollOption` was renamed to `SimplePollOption`
2020-01-23 17:01:13 +06:00
* `SendPoll` was rewritten as sealed class
* `SendRegularPoll` was created and represent `sendPoll` method with type `regular`
* `SendQuizPoll` was created and represent `sendPoll` method with type `quiz`
* `Poll#createRequest` extension was added
2020-01-23 17:29:09 +06:00
* `PollAnswerUpdate` type of update was added
* `PollAnswer` type was added
* `UpdatesFilter` now support work with `PollAnswerUpdate`
* `language` field in PreTextSource now correctly passed from telegram MessageEntities
2020-01-23 18:06:22 +06:00
* `KeyboardButton` now is sealed class
* Fixed problem of incorrect representation of this class (any type of request can be created separately)
* Added new types of `KeyboardButton`:
* `UnknownKeyboardButton`
* `SimpleKeyboardButton`
* `RequestContactKeyboardButton`
* `RequestLocationKeyboardButton`
* `RequestPollKeyboardButton`
* Added new type `KeyboardButtonPollType`:
* `UnknownKeyboardButtonPollType`
* `RegularKeyboardButtonPollType`
* `QuizKeyboardButtonPollType`
* `User` now is sealed class
* `CommonUser` was added as representation of default `User`
2020-01-23 22:32:45 +06:00
* `Bot` was added as representation of bot user (it is sealed class)
* `ExtendedBot` with additional info
* `CommonBot` with simple info
* `GetMe` now return `ExtendedBot` object
2020-01-23 19:14:33 +06:00
* Now extension `javaLocale` is extension for `CommonUser`
2020-01-23 16:36:25 +06:00
2020-02-01 14:14:45 +06:00
### 0.23.1
2020-02-06 12:07:23 +06:00
* Versions updates:
* Klock `1.8.6` -> `1.8.7`
* Ktor `1.3.0` -> `1.3.1`
* Now it is possible to get updates by polling with custom executor engine
* `CommonMultipartFileRequest` now is internal
* Added `LiveLocation` class for more useful tracking live locations
* `InvoiceOfPayment` is renamed to `InvoiceContent` and now is `MessageContent` instead of `PaymentInfo`
* `SendInvoice` now return `ContentMessage<InvoiceContent>`
* `paymentInfo` inside of `CommonMessageImpl` now can be set only to `SuccessfulPaymentInfo`
2020-02-07 10:36:31 +06:00
* Added `RecordVideoNoteAction` and `UploadVideoNoteAction` for `record_video_note` and `upload_video_note` actions
2020-02-07 11:00:21 +06:00
* For most part of messages was added `RequestsExecutor` extensions for more useful way of usage
2020-02-07 22:12:18 +06:00
* `toInputFile` extensions now will return more exact types
* Now it is possible to send broadcast channels size for `FlowsUpdatesFilter`
2020-02-06 12:07:23 +06:00
2020-02-14 12:06:43 +06:00
### 0.23.2
* Fixes in `InputMedia` - `media` field was not included to serialization
2020-02-15 16:56:15 +06:00
### 0.23.3 Project separating prepare version
2020-02-15 00:55:37 +06:00
2020-02-15 15:33:04 +06:00
__API Extensions__
2020-02-15 15:37:15 +06:00
* Project created
2020-02-15 15:33:04 +06:00
* For `SendPhoto` was added new functions for uploading of `MultipartFile`
* `deleteWebhook` extension for `RequestsExecutor` was added
__Telegram Bot API__
2020-02-15 15:37:15 +06:00
* All `RequestsExecutor` extensions related to Telegram Bots API was replaced into `API Extensions` project
2020-02-15 15:33:04 +06:00
2020-01-15 13:12:35 +06:00
## 0.22.0
2020-01-08 12:11:57 +06:00
2020-01-15 12:28:06 +06:00
* **`KtorCallFactory` must return `HttpStatement` instead of `HttpClientCall`**
2020-01-15 11:48:44 +06:00
* `SendMessage` was renamed to `SendTextMessage` and previous `SendMessage` is deprecated
* All `AbleToBe*` interfaces was renamed to `Possibly*`
* `AbleToBeEditedMessage` -> `PossiblyEditedMessage`
* `AbleToBeForwardedMessage` -> `PossiblyForwardedMessage`
* `AbleToBeMarkedUp` -> `PossiblyMarkedUp`
* `AbleToBeEditedMessage` -> `PossiblyEditedMessage`
* `ForwardedMessage` type was renamed to `ForwardInfo`
* `AnonymousForwardedMessage` -> `AnonymousForwardInfo`
* `UserForwardedMessage` -> `UserForwardInfo`
* `ForwardedFromChannelMessage` -> `ForwardFromChannelInfo`
* `PossiblyForwardedMessage#forwarded` field now renamed to `forwardInfo`
2020-01-15 13:03:42 +06:00
* All serializers in library now are `internal`. **If you have used some of them or I have marked as internal by a
mistake - don't hesitate to say this.**
* `EditChatMessage` now have generic type and extends `SimpleRequest<ContentMessage<GenericType>>`
* `ResendableContent` now extends `Request<out Message>` instead of `Request<Message>`
2020-01-15 11:48:44 +06:00
* Most part of requests have changed return type. They are listed below:
* `ForwardMessage`
* `GetChatAdministrators`
* `EditChatMessageLiveLocation`
* `StopChatMessageLiveLocation`
* `EditChatMessageText`
* `EditChatMessageCaption`
* `EditChatMessageMedia`
* `EditChatMessageReplyMarkup`
* `SendAnimation`
* `SendAudio`
* `SendContact`
* `SendLocation`
* `SendTextMessage`
* `SendPoll`
* `SendVenue`
* `SendGame`
* `SendDocument`
* `SendMediaGroup`
* `SendPhoto`
* `SendVideo`
* `SendVideoNote`
* `SendVoice`
* `SendSticker`
* Changed type of `createResend`
* `GameContent`
* `LocationContent`
* `PollContent`
* `TextContent`
* `VenueContent`
* `AnimationContent`
* `AudioContent`
* `DocumentContent`
* `ContactContent`
* `PhotoContent`
* `VideoContent`
* `VideoNoteContent`
* `VoiceContent`
* `StickerContent`
2020-01-15 12:28:06 +06:00
* Version updates:
* Ktor `1.2.6` -> `1.3.0`
2020-01-15 11:48:44 +06:00
2020-01-20 14:42:38 +06:00
### 0.22.1 MediaContent#asInputMedia
* All `MediaContent` instances now can create their `InputMedia` analog
2020-01-20 16:35:36 +06:00
* New annotation `PreviewFeature` was added to mark new thing as preview for the time
while they can work incorrectly
* Added links utils:
* `makeLinkToMessage` have two signatures - for direct creating using username and for abstract creating using
chat id
2020-01-20 14:42:38 +06:00
2020-01-23 03:03:38 +06:00
### 0.22.2 CashTag and independent updates handling
2020-01-23 03:05:28 +06:00
* `cashtag` entity type was added
* Several `Unknown*` realizations was added:
* `UnknownUpdateType`
* `UnknownMessageType`
* `UnknownChatType`
2020-01-23 03:59:59 +06:00
* `UnknownCallbackQueryType`
* `UpdatesFilter` now have one additional income callback: `unknownUpdateTypeCallback`
* `createSimpleUpdateFilter` can receive one more callback: `unknownCallback` (for `unknownUpdateTypeCallback`)
2020-01-23 03:05:28 +06:00
2020-01-15 12:31:17 +06:00
## 0.21.0 TelegramBotAPI 4.5
* _**All `MessageEntity`'es now are replaced with `TextPart`**_
* Added support of strikethrough and underline
* Added `UnderlineTextSource`
* Added `StrikethroughTextSource`
* Added support in `RawMessageEntity`
* Added support of `MarkdownV2`
* Now will not be thrown exception when there is income unknown type of `RawMessageEntity`. Instead of this will be
created `RegularTextSource` with the same text
* Fixed problem that usually string formatting did not trigger escaping of control characters
* Actualized work with `pre` type of text - now it is possible to use `language` for formatting of text
* Removed constructor of `TextMentionTextSource`, which was deprecated previously
* All `TelegramMediaFile` instances now have field `fileUniqueId`, which represents `file_unique_id` field from API
* Now `ChatPhoto` have two additional fields: `smallFileUniqueId` and `bigFileUniqueId`
* Now any administrator object instance have `customTitle` nullable field
* Added the new request `SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle` to manage the custom titles of administrators promoted by the
* Added the field `slowModeDelay` to the `ExtendedSupergroupChat` objects.
* `CaptionedInput` now have extension `fullEntitiesList` which will return list of `TextPart` with `RegularSource`'s
* `TextPart` added - it will be used as part of some text and can be not related to telegram bot
* `MultilevelTextSource` was added - it is type of `TextSource`, which can have subsources as parts of this text
* In all `TextSource`s all fields now are lazy for avoiding of potential risk for performance issues
* Updates in versions:
* Coroutines `1.3.2` -> `1.3.3`
* Klock `1.8.0` -> `1.8.6`
* UUID `0.0.6` -> `0.0.7`
2019-12-03 11:07:25 +06:00
## 0.20.0 MPP Migration
* Time library change: `joda-time` -> `com.soywiz.korlibs.klock:klock`
* `Currencied` now using as `currency` value with type `String`
* For `Java` there is `Currencied#javaCurrency` extension function, which will give an old currency work way
* `User` now have no field `userLocale`
* For `Java` there is `User#javaLocale` extension function, which will give an old locale work way
2019-12-11 09:45:31 +06:00
### 0.20.1
2019-12-11 10:18:12 +06:00
* `User` now implement `PrivateChat`
* `TextMentionMessageEntity` now accept `PrivateChat` instead of `User` in main constructor
* `TextMentionMessageEntity` now contains not user, but contains `PrivateChat`
2019-12-11 17:05:48 +06:00
* Fixed: `TextMentionMessageEntity#asHtmlSource` previously worked incorrect
2019-12-11 13:49:17 +06:00
* Abstraction `TextSource`
* `MessageEntity` now extends `TextSource`
* `createFormattedText` method now accept `List<TextSource>`
* `createHtmlText` method now accept `List<TextSource>`
* `createMarkdownText` method now accept `List<TextSource>`
* A lot of `TextSource` implementors was added. More info [here](src/commonMain/kotlin/com/github/insanusmokrassar/TelegramBotAPI/types/MessageEntity/textsources/)
* All `MessageEntity` implementations now are using new `TextSource` analogues as delegates
2019-12-11 10:18:12 +06:00
2019-12-13 23:34:58 +06:00
### 0.20.2
* New exception type `MessageIsNotModifierException` was added
* New exception type `MessageToEditNotFoundException` was added
2019-12-13 23:54:02 +06:00
* Now exceptions in requests will be caught correctly
2019-12-13 23:34:58 +06:00
### 0.20.3
* Now `LeftChatMamber` is a `CommonEvent`
2020-01-01 14:06:03 +06:00
### 0.20.4
* Now `setWebhook` supports setting up of path for listening
* Now `setWebhook` supports custom listen address even if certificate was not provided
2019-12-02 13:52:22 +06:00
## 0.19.0 ImplicitReflection removing
2019-12-02 14:35:37 +06:00
* Total rework of serialization for requests. Now all `SimpleRequest` children have:
* `requestSerializer` - field, which must provide serializer of current type
* `resultDeserializer` - field, which must provide opportunity to deserializer result. Previously it was a function
2019-12-02 14:39:19 +06:00
* Removed deprecations:
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.extensions.WebhookPrivateKeyConfig`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.extensions.UpdatesFilter`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.extensions.createSimpleUpdateFilter`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.createMarkdownText`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.toMarkdownCaption`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.utils.toMarkdownText`
2019-12-02 14:44:23 +06:00
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.updateshandlers.KtorUpdatesPoller`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.content.abstracts.CaptionedMediaContent`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.message.CommonForwardedMessage`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.InputMedia.CaptionedInputMedia`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.games.Game#text`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.games.Game#textEntities`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.files.PathedFileKt.makeFileUrl`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.files.PathedFileKt.downloadingFilesBaseUrl`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.requests.send.media.base.Data`
2019-12-02 14:48:23 +06:00
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.CommonAbstracts.types.ByInlineMessageId`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.CommonAbstracts.types.ByMessageId`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.RequestException`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.exceptions.ReplyMessageNotFound`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.BaseRequestsExecutor#baseUrl`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.BaseRequestsExecutor#constructor(token, hostUrl)`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.Ktor.KtorRequestsExecutor#constructor(token, client, hostUrl, callsFactories, excludeDefaultFactories, requestsLimiter, jsonFormatter)`
* `com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.Ktor.KtorRequestsExecutor#constructor(token, engine, hostUrl)`
2019-12-02 14:35:37 +06:00
2019-08-18 12:31:33 +06:00
## 0.18.0 Raws cleaning
2019-08-17 11:32:39 +06:00
2019-08-17 22:55:41 +06:00
* Made internal and not available outside of library:
* `RawMessage`
* `RawUpdate`
* `RawChatMember`
* `RawMessageEntity`
* `RawInlineQuery`
* `RawCallbackQuery`
* `RawChosenInlineResult`
* All `RawMessage` usages was replaced with `Message` interface (with some of other raw classes was made the same things)
* `TelegramBotAPIMessageDeserializationStrategy` was created. It was used for deserialization of Telegram Bot API
incoming messages
* `TelegramBotAPIMessageDeserializeOnlySerializer` was created. It **MUST NOT** be used to serialize messages
2019-08-17 11:53:19 +06:00
* Update of description
2019-08-17 22:48:18 +06:00
* Make `Game` object a little bit more standartizated
2019-08-18 12:31:33 +06:00
* `Game` now is not serializable and have no additional trash, related to serialization
2019-08-18 12:58:17 +06:00
* `TelegramFile` was removed
2019-11-29 12:19:24 +06:00
### 0.18.1 Libraries update
* Update libraries:
* `kotlin`: 1.3.41 -> 1.3.61
* `kotlin coroutines`: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.2
* `kotlin serialization`: 0.11.1 -> 0.14.0
* `joda time`: 2.10.3 -> 2.10.5
* `ktor`: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.6
2019-11-29 12:25:22 +06:00
* `BotAction` now will be deserialized in a little bit other way
* `BotActionSerializer` now is internal
* Most part of serializers now are objects (instead of classes as was previously)
2019-11-29 12:19:24 +06:00
2019-08-18 12:31:33 +06:00
## 0.17.0 July 29, 2019 API Update
2019-07-23 07:24:14 +08:00
2019-08-12 15:15:22 +06:00
Libraries updates:
2019-07-23 07:43:32 +08:00
* Kotlin version `1.3.31` -> `1.3.41`
* Kotlin Coroutines version `1.2.1` -> `1.2.2`
* Kotlin Serialization version `0.11.0` -> `0.11.1`
* Joda Time version `2.10.1` -> `2.10.3`
2019-08-12 18:03:38 +06:00
* ktor version `1.1.4` -> `1.2.3`
2019-07-23 07:43:32 +08:00
Changes according to [July 29, 2019 Telegram Bot API update](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#july-29-2019):
* `Sticker` and `StickerSet` now have field `isAnimated`
2019-08-12 13:46:16 +06:00
* `ChatPermissions` object was added, `GroupChat` interface got `permissions` field, request `SetChatPermissions` was added
2019-08-12 13:48:38 +06:00
* `GroupChat` object now have no field `allMembersAreAdmins`
* `SpecialRightsChatMember` was added for administrators and restricted members rights union, chat members abstractions
was replaced into `abstracts` package and available permissions was updated
* `RestrictChatMember` request now accept `permissions` object instead of separated permissions
2019-08-12 14:15:06 +06:00
* All `GroupChat` instances have description
2019-08-12 15:15:22 +06:00
Other important changes:
* Totally reworked chats hierarchy. `Extended` abstractions was added for cases when called `GetChat` request
* `RawChat` boilerplate was removed and replaced by serializers
* `BotCommandMessageEntity#command` will not contain `/`/`!` parts and also will cut outside of command begin token (`/`
or `!`) and username token (`@`) or end of command (any space character)
2019-08-12 15:15:22 +06:00
* `RequestsExecutor` now is `Closeable`
* `TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper` was added to provide more comfortable work with file urls and other things
like this
2019-06-01 17:12:57 +08:00
## 0.16.0 Bot API 4.3
* `LoginURL` and `LoginURLInlineKeyboardButton` has been added
2019-06-01 17:28:37 +08:00
* `replyMarkup` field was added to the `CommonMessage` objects via `AbleToBeMarkedUp` interface
2019-06-01 17:31:48 +08:00
* `SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChatInlineKeyboardButton#switchInlineQueryCurrentChat` field fixed
2019-06-02 22:02:12 +08:00
* `InlineKeyboardButton` now is sealed class and all its possible realisations are inside of its class file
2019-06-02 22:57:52 +08:00
* `String#asUsername` method renamed to `String#toUsername`
2019-06-02 22:59:24 +08:00
* Several `toChatId` extensions added
2019-06-28 18:31:08 +08:00
### 0.16.1
2019-06-28 18:43:54 +08:00
* Now old uncommon `CaptionedMediaContent` and `CaptionedInputMedia` are replaced by almost the same
interfaces `CaptionedInput` and `CaptionedOutput`. They are both implementing `Captioned` interface
2019-06-28 18:58:35 +08:00
* `AnimationContent` now is `CaptionedInput`
2019-06-28 18:43:54 +08:00
2019-05-25 14:14:44 +08:00
## 0.15.0
* Old `UpdatesPoller` removed (was deprecated)
* `UpdatesPoller` renamed to `KtorUpdatesPoller`
* Now `KtorUpdatesPoller` do not use additional delay between requests and await answer from Telegram all timeout time
* Added abstraction `UpdatesPoller`
* Changed signature of the most count of `startGettingOfUpdates`:
* They are not `suspend` for now
* They are return `UpdatesPoller`
* They are using `timeoutMillis` instead of `requestsDelayMillis`
2019-05-28 19:14:32 +08:00
* Added `CIO` ktor client engine as lightweight default engine for long-polling
2019-04-20 12:17:03 +08:00
## 0.14.0
* Now library have no default engine for both webhooks and requests executor. It is required for clients to set
some default library
* All proxy help methods was removed . They are will be replaced in separated project
* `Ktor` version `1.1.3` -> `1.1.4`
* Requests results now always decoding as `UTF-8`
2019-04-26 11:12:01 +08:00
* `AbstractRequestCallFactory` was added with cache of methods urls to avoid memory leaks
* Small refactoring of work with response in `KtorRequestsExecutor`
2019-04-26 14:09:45 +08:00
* Kotlin version `1.3.30` -> `1.3.31`
2019-04-28 08:57:51 +08:00
* Kotlin coroutines `1.2.0` -> `1.2.1`
2019-04-30 15:56:28 +08:00
* `CommonForwardedMessage` was renamed to `UserForwardedMessage`
* All forwarded messages are now just childs of `ForwardedMessage`:
* `AnonymousForwardedMessage` - for messages without forwarded info
* `UserForwardedMessage` - for messages from users and groups (contains not message id)
* `ForwardedFromChannelMessage` - for messages from channels
* Changed logic of forwarded messages preparing
2019-05-10 11:16:31 +08:00
### 0.14.1
* Replace `UpdatesFilter` and `UpdatesPoller` into another package
2019-05-10 11:30:26 +08:00
* Replace `WebhookPrivateKeyConfig`
2019-05-10 11:54:57 +08:00
* Added `FlowsUpdatesFilter`
* `UpdatesFilter` now have additional callback for polls
2019-05-10 19:17:47 +08:00
* `StopPoll#replyMarkup` now is optional
2019-05-16 14:58:19 +08:00
### 0.14.2 MediaGroups edit hotfixes
* `convertWithMediaGroupUpdates` extension added
* All media group converting extensions are internal for now
* Fixes according to updates in converting of updates to media group updates
2019-04-14 18:51:13 +08:00
## 0.13.0 Telegram Polls
2019-04-16 15:51:53 +08:00
* Type `PollOption` and `AnonymousPollOption` added
* Type `Poll` added
2019-04-16 15:56:04 +08:00
* Type `PollUpdate` added and implemented in `RawUpdate`. Now `PollUpdate` can be retrieved from `RawUpdate`
2019-04-16 16:16:13 +08:00
* Type `PollContent` added - now it can be a value of `ContentMessage#content`
* Request `SendPoll` added and `PollContent#createResend` now use it
* `ByInlineMessageId` is deprecated (use `InlineMessageAction` instead)
* `ByMessageId` is deprecated (use `MessageAction` instead)
* Most part of requests which are working with identifiers of messages now implement `MessageAction` directly or
by their parents
* `StopPoll` implemented
* All current `Chat` abstractions are deprecated and rewritten as typealiases. Use `Chat` abstractions from
`com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.types.chat.abstracts` package
* Common Groups now may have pinned message
2019-04-16 17:10:20 +08:00
* `is_member` field added into `RestrictedChatMember`
2019-04-16 17:26:02 +08:00
* **BREAK CHANGES** Now `ForwardedMessages` can be `AnonymousForwardedMessage` and `PublicForwardedMessage`. Old
implementations now extend `PublicForwardedMessage`
2019-04-16 15:45:29 +08:00
## 0.12.0 Webhooks
2019-02-26 09:15:52 +08:00
2019-02-26 09:45:56 +08:00
* Added `DataRequest` interface which replace `Data` interface
* `MultipartRequestImpl` now use `DataRequest`
* All requests which implements `Data` now implement `DataRequest`
* Added class `SetWebhook` and its factory
* Added class `UpdatesFilter` which can help to filter updates by categories
* Added function `accumulateByKey` which work as debounce for keys and send list of received values
* Added webhooks functions and workaround for `Reverse Proxy` mode
2019-02-27 11:01:32 +08:00
* Added new type of updates `MediaGroupUpdate`, which can be received only from filters
* `UpdatesFilter` now use new type of updates for mediagroups
2019-02-27 14:01:04 +08:00
* Add `GetWebhookInfo` request and `WebhookInfo` type
* Replace updates types into separated place in types
2019-03-04 10:32:26 +08:00
* Now default `RequestException` will contain plain answer from telegram
2019-03-06 08:10:29 +08:00
* Added `UnauthorizedException`
* `RequestException` now is sealed
* Rename `ReplyMessageNotFound` to `ReplyMessageNotFoundException`
* Added `List<BaseMessageUpdate>#mediaGroupId` extension
* Added utility `T#asReference(): WeakReference(T)` extension
* Added `UpdatesPoller` class which can be instantiated for manage updates polling
* Separated execute extensions (now they are in file `Executes`) and poller creating extensions
* `BaseMessageUpdate#toMediaGroupUpdate()` will also check condition when update-receiver already is `MediaGroupUpdate`
2019-02-26 09:45:56 +08:00
2019-03-14 15:44:19 +08:00
### 0.12.1 Hotfix for media groups
* Added additional media group types (like `MessageMediaGroupUpdate`)
* Fixed handling of media group updates in `UpdatesFilter`
2019-03-15 07:24:10 +08:00
### 0.12.2
2019-03-15 08:16:01 +08:00
* New in `MediaGroupUpdate`:
* It is subtype of `Update` and can be use as regular update with list of messages
* Data now is list with `MediaGroupMessage`
* Added field `origins` which represent origin updates for `MediaGroupMessage`
* `updateId` now represent LAST id of origins updates
* `UpdatesFilter` and other objects now work with `UpdateReceiver<Update>` as common supertype
for receivers.
2019-03-20 08:52:36 +08:00
### 0.12.3 Cleaning
2019-03-20 08:53:37 +08:00
* Refactor, optimizing and cleaning of code
* Removed deprecated method `T#toJsonWithoutNulls()`
2019-03-21 08:45:51 +08:00
* Renamed instances of `MediaGroupMessage`s and refactored their interfaces. `ChannelMediaGroupMessage`
will not contain `user` field (but `CommonMediaGroupMessage` will have)
2019-03-21 09:18:54 +08:00
* Now `MediaCollectionContent` is `MediaContent` (classes of this interface must choose best
media for present out)
* `PhotoContent` now choose biggest photo size from its collection as `media`
2019-03-22 09:07:09 +08:00
* Fix in order of media group messages which was received by webhooks
2019-03-20 08:53:37 +08:00
2019-03-27 09:35:37 +08:00
### 0.12.4
2019-03-23 14:26:22 +08:00
2019-03-23 14:31:13 +08:00
* Optimized preparing of media group in `UpdatesPoller`
2019-03-27 09:13:07 +08:00
* Add `CommonLimiter`
2019-03-27 09:35:37 +08:00
* Add `MessageEntity#asHtmlSource` and `String#toHtml`
* Add tools for work with html captions and texts
* `MessageContent` which using captions or text now have default parse mode `HTMLParseMode` due to issue with escaping
of `]` in links titles
2019-03-31 10:20:14 +08:00
* Added `Markdown` and `HTML` type aliases which actually means `MarkdownParseMode` and `HTMLParseMode`
2019-03-31 11:11:32 +08:00
* `ChatId` now have extension `link` which will automatically create link like `tg://user?id=<chatId>`
* Created a few of methods for all supported formats of text like bold, italic, links and others
* Rewritten `MessageEntities` to use new formatting options
2019-03-23 14:31:13 +08:00
2019-04-05 13:11:17 +08:00
### 0.12.5 `MediaContent` improvements
2019-04-04 11:04:22 +08:00
2019-04-04 19:32:47 +08:00
* Now `MediaGroupContent` is `MediaContent`
2019-04-04 22:10:52 +08:00
* All `MedaContent` now have no generics and have basic `TelegramMediaFile` media field
2019-04-04 19:32:47 +08:00
2019-04-13 09:23:55 +08:00
### 0.12.6 Libraries updates
2019-04-13 09:26:41 +08:00
* `kotlin` version `1.3.21` -> `1.3.30`
* `kotlin coroutines` version `1.1.1` -> `1.2.0`
* `kotlin serialization` version `0.10.0` -> `0.11.0`
* `ktor` version `1.1.2` -> `1.1.3`
2019-04-13 16:02:24 +08:00
* Added `DeleteWebhook` request
2019-04-13 16:06:58 +08:00
* All default `startGettingOfUpdates` (in fact - method `start` of `UpdatesPoller`) are suspend and
will try to delete webhook
2019-04-13 09:26:41 +08:00
2019-04-15 17:06:33 +08:00
### 0.12.7 Hotfix version
2019-04-15 19:31:54 +08:00
* Now temporary all requests of input media will contains `file` field
2019-02-21 12:07:05 +08:00
## 0.11.0
2019-02-21 12:10:14 +08:00
* Kotlin `1.3.11` -> `1.3.21`
* Kotlin coroutines `1.1.0` -> `1.1.1`
* Kotlin serialization `0.9.1` -> `0.10.0`
* Ktor `1.1.1` -> `1.1.2`
2019-02-07 14:21:46 +08:00
## 0.10.0
2019-01-01 18:15:01 +08:00
2019-02-07 14:29:38 +08:00
* Most part of abstractions was replaced from `requests` and `types` on more high level
* Added abstraction `CommonVenueData`
* Added abstraction `CommonContactData`
* Added `InputMessageContent`
* Update some types and requests according to abstractions replacing
* Add all `InlineQueryResult`, `InputMessageContent` and other inline mode types
2019-02-07 20:19:25 +08:00
* Fixes in edition of inline messages and their result types
2019-02-10 13:41:20 +08:00
* Replace basic exception and add `ReplyMessageNotFound` exception
2019-02-07 14:29:38 +08:00
2019-02-14 16:39:55 +08:00
### 0.10.1
2019-02-14 16:45:25 +08:00
* Change algorithm of `executeUnsafe`: now it use loop instead of recursive calling
* Add additional `startGettingUpdates` with better management of received updates for media groups
2019-02-17 14:29:17 +08:00
* Now `MediaGroupMessage` is `CommonMessage` with `MediaGroupContent` content
2019-02-17 16:39:04 +08:00
* Added extensions `replyTo`, `forwarded` and `chat` for `List<BaseMessageUpdated>` for comfortable
work with media groups lists
* Fix `parseMode` of `InputTextMessageContent`
2019-02-14 16:45:25 +08:00
2019-02-17 21:10:42 +08:00
### 0.10.2
2019-02-17 21:12:56 +08:00
* Fixes in `Username`
* Now you can create username object using string which is not starting with `@`
* Now `Username` correctly comparing with strings, which are not starting with `@`
* Now most part of usernames in library have type `Username`
* Fix `replyMarkup` in `InlineQueryResultArticle`
2019-02-17 21:12:56 +08:00
2019-02-18 14:35:58 +08:00
### 0.10.3
* Hotfix for username data class
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
## 0.9.0
2019-01-10 22:09:51 +08:00
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
* Old extension `OkHttpClient.Builder#useWith` now deprecated and must be replaced by the same in
`com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.Ktor` package
* Replace `ProxySettings` data class in `settings` package, deprecate old link
* `BaseRequestsExecutor` now have no it's own scope
* Add `RequestLimiter` and base realisations
* Now `KtorRequestsExecutor` can receive as one of parameters `RequestLimiter` (by default - `EmptyLimiter`)
2019-01-10 22:09:51 +08:00
2019-01-29 08:14:52 +08:00
### 0.9.1
2019-01-29 08:18:07 +08:00
* Updated built-in lengths restrictions
* Apply restrictions of text limit for sending messages
* Add `RegularTextMessageEntity` which is useful for representing regular text message entity
* Add `convertToFullMessageEntityList` which create list of entities with `RegularTextMessageEntity` on places where
must be regular text
2019-01-29 10:13:59 +08:00
* Change signature of `createMarkdownText`: now it will return list of strings
* Deprecate old signatures of `createMarkdownText`, `toMarkdownCaption`, `toMarkdownText`
2019-01-29 10:22:09 +08:00
* Add `ResendableContent#createResends` which create adapted list of resends for content
* Add `TextContent` own `createResends` realisation
2019-01-29 08:18:07 +08:00
2019-01-31 09:52:43 +08:00
### 0.9.2
* `RequestsExecutor#executeAsync(Request, CoroutineScope)` now will return `Deferred` for cases when you need result
* `RequestsExecutor#executeUnsafe` will automatically retry request if it was unsuccessful and retries > 0
2019-02-05 12:27:33 +08:00
### 0.9.3
* `KtorRequestsExecutor` now can use custom `JSON` string formatter (by default - non strict)
* `ResponseParameters` renamed to `Response`
2019-02-05 12:58:38 +08:00
* Add `RequestError` sealed class and described in documentation known errors
* Add `ResponseParametersRaw` which can create error based on input parameters
* Add `parameters` field in `Response` and remove useless fields from `Response`
* Add `leftToRetry` parameter in `RetryAfterError`
* Add handling of `RetryAfterError` in `KtorRequestsExecutor`
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
### 0.8.5
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
* Add extension `String#toMarkdown`
* Fix of inserting of text when create Markdown-adapted text from text and text entities
* Fix default realisation of MessageEntity#asMarkdownSource
2019-01-17 08:21:01 +08:00
2019-01-23 12:15:57 +08:00
### 0.8.4
* Added `createMarkdownText` and extensions for `CaptionedMediaContent` and `TextContent`
2019-01-17 10:19:33 +08:00
* Added `ResendableContent` and realize in different contents
* Animation
* Audio
* Document
* Photo
* Sticker
* Video
* VideoNote
* Voice
* `MessageContent` now is `ResendableContent`
* Now all media sending factories which contains `thumb` have default `null` value
* `ChatIdentifier` classes now are `data` classes
* Now `MediaGroupContent` interface contains `toMediaGroupMemberInputMedia` method for easily creating mirror input media
* Change signature of `Update`
* Now `Update` is untyped and data is `Any`
* Media groups now are separated type of updates and you can subscribe on that receiving directly
* Now `AdministratorChatMember` is interface and `CreatorChatMember` implement it
2019-01-23 12:15:57 +08:00
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
### 0.8.3
2019-01-23 12:15:57 +08:00
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
* Now `ForwardedMessage` contains nullable `from`
2019-01-24 08:20:13 +08:00
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
### 0.8.2
2019-01-26 13:28:54 +08:00
* Add `FromUserMessage` which must be implemented in all messages realisations which have `user` field
* Add `CommonMediaGroupMessage` which in fact extension of `MediaGroupMessage` with implementation of `FromUserMessage`
* `CommonMessageImpl` now implementing `FromUserMessage`
### 0.8.1
* Update `MediaGroupMessage` interface
* Add implementation of `MediaGroupMessage`
* Add generating of `MediaGroupMessage` in `RawMessage`