package dev.inmo.krontab.internal import com.soywiz.klock.* import dev.inmo.krontab.utils.copy import kotlin.math.min fun interface NearDateTimeCalculator { /** * @return pair of near [DateTime] for this checker and [Boolean] flag that all previous calculations must be * recalculated */ fun calculateNearTime( relativelyTo: DateTime ): Pair? } internal class CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( private val times: Array, private val partGetter: (DateTime) -> T, private val partSetter: (DateTime, T) -> DateTime? ) : NearDateTimeCalculator where T : Comparable, T : Number { /** * @return pair of near [DateTime] for this checker and [Boolean] flag that all previous calculations must be * recalculated */ override fun calculateNearTime( relativelyTo: DateTime ): Pair? { val currentData = partGetter(relativelyTo) val greaterOrEquals = times.firstOrNull { it >= currentData } val newDateTime = if (greaterOrEquals == null) { partSetter(relativelyTo, times.first()) ?: return null } else { partSetter(relativelyTo, greaterOrEquals) ?: return null } return if (newDateTime == relativelyTo) { relativelyTo to false } else { newDateTime to true } } } internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorMillis( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.milliseconds.toShort() }, { dateTime, newOne -> (if (newOne < dateTime.milliseconds) { } else { dateTime }).copy(milliseconds = newOne.toInt()) } ) internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorSeconds( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.seconds.toByte() }, { dateTime, newOne -> (if (newOne < dateTime.seconds) { } else { dateTime }).copy(second = newOne.toInt(), milliseconds = 0) } ) internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorMinutes( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.minutes.toByte() }, { dateTime, newOne -> (if (newOne < dateTime.minutes) { } else { dateTime }).copy(minute = newOne.toInt(), second = 0, milliseconds = 0) } ) internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorHours( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.hours.toByte() }, { dateTime, newOne -> (if (newOne < dateTime.hours) { } else { dateTime }).copy(hour = newOne.toInt(), minute = 0, second = 0, milliseconds = 0) } ) internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorDays( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.dayOfMonth.toByte() }, { dateTime, newOne -> (if (newOne < dateTime.dayOfMonth) { } else { dateTime }).copy( dayOfMonth = min(dateTime.month.days(dateTime.year), newOne.toInt() + 1), // index1 hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, milliseconds = 0 ) } ) internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorMonths( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.dayOfMonth.toByte() }, { dateTime, newOne -> (if (newOne < dateTime.month0) { } else { dateTime }).copy( month = newOne.toInt() + 1, // index1 dayOfMonth = 1, // index1 hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, milliseconds = 0 ) } ) internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorWeekDays( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.dayOfWeek.index0.toByte() }, { dateTime, newOne -> val currentDayOfWeek = dateTime.dayOfWeek.index0 if (newOne.toInt() == currentDayOfWeek) return@CommonNearDateTimeCalculator dateTime (if (newOne < currentDayOfWeek) { - (currentDayOfWeek - newOne).days) } else { - currentDayOfWeek.days) }).copy( hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, milliseconds = 0 ) } ) internal fun NearDateTimeCalculatorYears( times: Array ) = CommonNearDateTimeCalculator( times, { it.yearInt }, { dateTime, newOne -> val currentYear = dateTime.yearInt if (newOne == currentYear) return@CommonNearDateTimeCalculator dateTime (if (newOne < currentYear) { null } else { - currentYear.years) }) ?.copy( month = 1, // index1 dayOfMonth = 1, // index1 hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, milliseconds = 0 ) } )