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package dev.inmo.jsuikit.modifiers
import dev.inmo.jsuikit.types.Dropdown
import dev.inmo.jsuikit.utils.*
sealed class UIKitNavbar(vararg classes: String) : UIKitModifier {
override val classes: Array<String> = classes as Array<String>
object Transparent : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-transparent")
object Container : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-container")
sealed class Dropdown(suffix: String?) : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-dropdown${suffix ?.let { "-$it" } ?: ""}") {
object Nav : Dropdown("nav")
sealed class Width(suffix: String) : Dropdown(suffix) {
object Two : Width("width-2")
object Three : Width("width-3")
object Four : Width("width-4")
object Five : Width("width-5")
companion object : Dropdown(null)
sealed class Alignment(val suffix: String) : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-$suffix") {
object Left : Alignment("left")
sealed class Center(suffix: String) : Alignment(suffix) {
object Left : Center("center-left")
object Right : Center("center-right")
companion object : Center("center")
object Right : Alignment("right")
object Item : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-item")
object Nav : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-nav")
object Subtitle : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-subtitle")
object Toggle : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-toggle")
object Sticky : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar-sticky")
class Component internal constructor(
override val otherAttrs: Map<String, String>
) : UIKitNavbar(*UIKitNavbar.classes)
companion object : UIKitNavbar("uk-navbar") {
val Logo = UIKitUtility.Logo
operator fun invoke(
align: String?,
mode: String? = null,
delayShow: Milliseconds? = null,
delayHide: Milliseconds? = null,
boundary: String? = null,
boundaryAlign: Boolean? = null,
offset: Pixels? = null,
dropbar: Boolean? = null,
duration: Milliseconds? = null
): Component {
return Component(
buildAttribute(UIKitNavbar.classes.first()) {
"align" to align
"mode" to mode
"delay-show" to delayShow
"delay-hide" to delayHide
"boundary" to boundary
"boundary-align" to boundaryAlign
"offset" to offset
"dropbar" to dropbar
"duration" to duration
operator fun invoke(
align: Alignment? = null,
mode: UIKitDropdown.Mode? = null,
delayShow: Milliseconds? = null,
delayHide: Milliseconds? = null,
boundary: String? = null,
boundaryAlign: Boolean? = null,
offset: Pixels? = null,
dropbar: Boolean? = null,
duration: Milliseconds? = null
): Component = invoke(align ?.suffix, mode ?.name, delayShow, delayHide, boundary, boundaryAlign, offset, dropbar, duration)