site_name: InMo Docs site_author: Ovsiannikov Aleksei site_description: >- Single documentation place for all Insanus Mokrassar libraries site_url: repo_name: InsanusMokrassar/docs repo_url: nav: - Home: '' - 'MicroUtils': - 'micro_utils/' - 'micro_utils/' - 'micro_utils/' - 'Repos': - 'micro_utils/repos/' - 'micro_utils/repos/' - 'Telegram Bot API': - 'tgbotapi/' - KDocs: '' - 'tgbotapi/' - 'tgbotapi/' - Introduction: - 'tgbotapi/introduction/' - 'tgbotapi/introduction/' - 'tgbotapi/introduction/' - 'tgbotapi/introduction/' - Guides: - 'tgbotapi/guides/' - Updates retrieving: - 'tgbotapi/updates/' - 'tgbotapi/updates/' - 'tgbotapi/updates/' - 'tgbotapi/updates/' - Logic handling: 'tgbotapi/logic/' - DSLs: 'tgbotapi/dsls/' - PlaguBot (TBD): - 'plagubot/' - 'Krontab': - 'krontab/' - KDocs: '' - Predictor: '' - Introduction: - 'krontab/introduction/' - 'krontab/introduction/' - 'krontab/introduction/' - Describing: - 'krontab/describing/' - 'krontab/describing/' - 'KSLog': - 'kslog/' - KDocs: '' - 'kslog/' - 'kslog/' - 'Navigation': - 'navigation/' - 'navigation/' - 'Services': - 'services/' use_directory_urls: false theme: name: material logo: /resources/images/logo.png favicon: /resources/images/favicon.png palette: - scheme: default primary: teal accent: cyan toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode - scheme: slate primary: blue grey accent: light blue toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to light mode hljs_languages: - yaml - kotlin - javascript - xml - groovy features: - announce.dismiss - content.action.edit - content.action.view - content.code.annotate - content.code.copy # - - content.tooltips # - header.autohide # - navigation.expand - navigation.footer - navigation.indexes # - navigation.instant # - navigation.prune - navigation.sections - navigation.tabs # - navigation.tabs.sticky - - navigation.tracking - search.highlight - search.share - search.suggest - toc.follow # - toc.integrate font: text: Roboto code: Roboto Mono # icon: # annotation: material/arrow-right-circle markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: True - smarty - callouts - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true line_spans: __span pygments_lang_class: true - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.superfences: custom_fences: - name: mermaid class: mermaid format: !!python/name:mermaid2.fence_mermaid - admonition - pymdownx.details - attr_list - md_in_html plugins: - search - autorefs - include_dir_to_nav - mermaid2: arguments: theme: | ^(JSON.parse(__md_get("__palette").index == 1)) ? 'dark' : 'light' # Customization extra: analytics: provider: google property: G-615VY8CQSM social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/docker link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/telegram link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter link: # annotate: # json: [.s2] extra_css: - /resources/stylesheets/navigation.css mermaid: javascript: - /resources/js/mermaid.min.js - /resources/js/mermaid_dark_light_switcher.js