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< / a >
< h1 id = "repos" > Repos< a class = "headerlink" href = "#repos" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h1 >
< p > Repositories in this library are unified interfaces to work with different types of standard repos:< / p >
< ul >
< li > CRUD (create/read/update/delete)< / li >
< li > Key-value< / li >
< li > Key-value< strong > s< / strong > < / li >
< / ul >
< h2 id = "crud" > CRUD< a class = "headerlink" href = "#crud" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h2 >
< p > Default interface for any < code > CRUD< / code > -oriented realization of repositories. This type of repos separated to three interfaces:< / p >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-c-r-u-d-repo/index.html" > ReadCRUDRepo< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/index.html" > WriteCRUDRepo< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-c-r-u-d-repo/index.html" > CRUDRepo< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< div class = "mermaid" > flowchart TB
ReadCRUDRepo --> CRUDRepo
WriteCRUDRepo --> CRUDRepo
< / div >
< p > < code > CRUDRepo< / code > extends both < code > ReadCRUDRepo< / code > and < code > WriteCRUDRepo< / code > .< / p >
< p > CRUD repos < strong > do not< / strong > support forced placing of data by id when data is not in repo. That means, that you can’ t set data in repo by id
which absent in the repository.< / p >
< h3 id = "readcrudrepo" > < code > ReadCRUDRepo< / code > < a class = "headerlink" href = "#readcrudrepo" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Contains read-only operations, such as < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-c-r-u-d-repo/get-by-id.html" > getById< / a > ,
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-c-r-u-d-repo/contains.html" > contains< / a > . This interface can’ t be observed because of it does not suppose
any mutable operation.< / p >
< h3 id = "writecrudrepo" > < code > WriteCRUDRepo< / code > < a class = "headerlink" href = "#writecrudrepo" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Contains write-only operations, such as < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/create.html" > create< / a > ,
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/update.html" > update< / a > . This interface can be observed via its flows:< / p >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/new-objects-flow.html" > newObjectsFlow< / a > for newely
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/create.html" > create< / a > d objects< / li >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/updated-objects-flow.html" > updatedObjectsFlow< / a > for old
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/update.html" > update< / a > d objects< / li >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/deleted-objects-ids-flow.html" > deletedObjectsIdsFlow< / a > for
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-c-r-u-d-repo/delete-by-id.html" > delete< / a > d objects< / li >
< / ul >
< div class = "admonition info" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Info< / p >
< p >
By default, all mutating operations consumes < code > List< / code > s of data (< code > List< New> < / code > for < code > create< / code > , < code > List< Pair< Id, New> > < / code > for < code > update< / code > and < code > List< Id> < / code > for delete),
but all they have their extension function-variations with one/two args (like < code > create< / code > with < code > New< / code > arg)< / p >
< / div >
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< ul >
< li > < code > create< / code > operation consumes list of < code > New< / code > variants of object and produces < code > Registered< / code > s list. In most cases, < code > Registered< / code > variant of object should have
< code > Id< / code > of registered object, but it is not required for repo.< / li >
< li > < code > update< / code > operation consumes list of pairs with < code > Id< / code > and < code > New< / code > objects and produces list of < code > Registered< / code > objects.< / li >
< li > < code > deleteById< / code > operation consumes list of < code > Id< / code > s and do not consume anything except of notifying via < code > deletedObjectsIdsFlow< / code > .< / li >
< / ul >
2024-05-04 15:03:58 +00:00
< h2 id = "keyvalue" > KeyValue< a class = "headerlink" href = "#keyvalue" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h2 >
< p > Key-value repos has been created to support work with classic key-value stores, where keys are unique across all the repo when values are not unique.
As well as all the others types of repos, this one have two basic types:
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-key-value-repo/index.html" > ReadKeyValueRepo< / a > and
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-value-repo/index.html" > WriteKeyValueRepo< / a > < / p >
< h3 id = "readkeyvaluerepo" > ReadKeyValueRepo< a class = "headerlink" href = "#readkeyvaluerepo" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Read repo provides functions like: < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-key-value-repo/contains.html" > contains< / a > ,
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-key-value-repo/get.html" > get< / a > or
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-key-value-repo/values.html" > values< / a > .< / p >
< h3 id = "writekeyvaluerepo" > WritekeyValueRepo< a class = "headerlink" href = "#writekeyvaluerepo" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Contains write-only operations. This interface can be observed via its flows:< / p >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-value-repo/on-new-value.html" > onNewValue< / a > to retrieve newely set values and keys< / li >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-value-repo/on-value-removed.html" > onValueRemoved< / a > for the values removed from repo< / li >
< / ul >
< div class = "admonition info" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Info< / p >
< p >
By default, all mutating operations consumes some collections. For example, < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-value-repo/set.html" > set< / a >
require < code > Map< / code > with < code > Key< / code > s and < code > Value< / code > s and do not returns anything. Instead, it will throw notification via < code > onNewValue< / code > flow< / p >
< p > All the methods on < code > WriteKeyValueRepo< / code > have their variances with < code > pairs< / code > (for set) or plain < code > vararg< / code > s.< / p >
< / div >
2024-05-04 15:57:58 +00:00
< ul >
< li > < code > set< / code > operation consumes map of < code > Key< / code > s and their < code > Value< / code > s, set them and produces updates via < code > onNewValue< / code > < / li >
< li > < code > unset< / code > operation consumes list of < code > Key< / code > s, removing < code > Value< / code > by < code > Key< / code > and produces updates via < code > onValueRemoved< / code > < / li >
< li > < code > unsetWithValues< / code > consumes list of < code > Value< / code > s, removing all < code > Key< / code > s with the < code > Value< / code > s equal to one of the input < code > Value< / code > s, and then produces updates via < code > onValueRemoved< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
< h2 id = "keyvalues" > KeyValues< a class = "headerlink" href = "#keyvalues" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h2 >
< p > This type of repos contains muliple < code > Value< / code > s by their unique < code > Key< / code > . It is not guaranteed, that < code > Value< / code > s list by any < code > Key< / code > will contains only unique values,
but in most cases < code > Value< / code > s list will not contains copies/same objects.< / p >
< h3 id = "readkeyvaluesrepo" > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-key-values-repo/index.html" > ReadKeyValuesRepo< / a > < a class = "headerlink" href = "#readkeyvaluesrepo" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Contains operations for work with value/values getting and checking. For example:
< a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-key-values-repo/count.html" > count< / a > for checking of amount of all values in repo
or values by key; < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-read-key-values-repo/get.html" > get< / a > for getting of values by
< code > pagination< / code > .< / p >
< h3 id = "writekeyvaluesrepo" > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-values-repo/index.html" > WriteKeyValuesRepo< / a > < a class = "headerlink" href = "#writekeyvaluesrepo" title = "Permanent link" > ¶< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Contains write-only operations. This interface can be observed via its flows:< / p >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-values-repo/on-new-value.html" > onNewValue< / a > will pass < code > Key< / code > and < code > Value< / code > when < code > Value< / code > has been added to the < code > Key< / code > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-values-repo/on-value-removed.html" > onValueRemoved< / a > will pass < code > Key< / code > and < code > Value< / code > when < code > Value< / code > has been removed for the < code > Key< / code > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://microutils.inmo.dev/micro_utils.dokka/dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos/-write-key-values-repo/on-data-cleared.html" > onDataCleared< / a > will pass < code > Key< / code > when < strong > all< / strong > its values has been
removed by the < code > clear< / code > operation< / li >
< / ul >
< div class = "admonition info" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Info< / p >
< p >
In difference with other repos, not all the methods of write key values repo require collections.< / p >
< p > All the methods on < code > WriteKeyValuesRepo< / code > have their variances with < code > pairs< / code > (for set) or plain < code > vararg< / code > s.< / p >
< / div >
< ul >
< li > < code > add< / code > will add < code > Value< / code > s to their < code > Key< / code > s without any removing of data< / li >
< li > < code > clear< / code > removes all < code > Value< / code > s by < code > Key< / code > and < code > Key< / code > itself from repo< / li >
< li > < code > clearWithValue< / code > removes all < code > Value< / code > with full clear of all data by < code > Key< / code > s with incoming < code > Value< / code > < / li >
< li > < code > remove< / code > consumes < code > Map< / code > of < code > Key< / code > s and the < code > Value< / code > s which should be removed for each < code > Key< / code > < / li >
< li > < code > removeWithValue< / code > will remove only < code > Value< / code > from all < code > Key< / code > s collections without their full wipe< / li >
< li > < code > set< / code > consumes < code > Map< / code > of < code > Key< / code > s and the < code > Value< / code > s and will < strong > rewrite< / strong > currently exists list of < code > Value< / code > s and set the < code > Value< / code > s for their < code > Key< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
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