import com.benasher44.uuid.uuid4 import dev.inmo.kslog.common.KSLog import dev.inmo.kslog.common.LogLevel import dev.inmo.kslog.common.defaultMessageFormatter import dev.inmo.kslog.common.setDefaultKSLog import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions import import import import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.send.* import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.send.polls.sendQuizPoll import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.send.polls.sendRegularPoll import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.telegramBotWithBehaviourAndLongPolling import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.* import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.customEmojiTextSourceOrNull import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.extensions.parseCommandsWithArgsSources import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.extensions.raw.sender_chat import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.formatting.linkMarkdownV2 import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.formatting.textMentionMarkdownV2 import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.ifChannelChat import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.ifFromChannelGroupContentMessage import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.* import* import import import import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.MarkdownV2 import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.polls.* import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.* import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.extensions.escapeMarkdownV2Common import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlin.random.Random /** * This bot will answer with anonymous or public poll and send message on * updates of any of it. * * * Use `/anonymous` to take anonymous regular poll * * Use `/public` to take public regular poll */ @OptIn(PreviewFeature::class) suspend fun main(vararg args: String) { val botToken = args.first() val isDebug = args.any { it == "debug" } if (isDebug) { setDefaultKSLog( KSLog { level: LogLevel, tag: String?, message: Any, throwable: Throwable? -> println(defaultMessageFormatter(level, tag, message, throwable)) } ) } telegramBotWithBehaviourAndLongPolling(botToken, CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)) { val me = getMe() val pollToChat = mutableMapOf() val pollToChatMutex = Mutex() onCommand("anonymous", requireOnlyCommandInMessage = false) { val customEmoji = it.content.parseCommandsWithArgsSources() .toList() .firstOrNull { it.first.command == "anonymous" } ?.second ?.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.customEmojiTextSourceOrNull() } val sentPoll = sendRegularPoll(, buildEntities { regular("Test regular anonymous poll") if (customEmoji != null) { customEmoji(customEmoji.customEmojiId, customEmoji.subsources) } }, (1 .. 10).map { InputPollOption { regular(it.toString()) + " " if (customEmoji != null) { customEmoji(customEmoji.customEmojiId, customEmoji.subsources) } } }, isAnonymous = true, replyParameters = ReplyParameters(it) ) pollToChatMutex.withLock { pollToChat[] = } } onCommand("public", requireOnlyCommandInMessage = false) { val customEmoji = it.content.parseCommandsWithArgsSources() .toList() .firstOrNull { it.first.command == "public" } ?.second ?.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.customEmojiTextSourceOrNull() } val sentPoll = sendRegularPoll(, buildEntities { regular("Test regular non anonymous poll") if (customEmoji != null) { customEmoji(customEmoji.customEmojiId, customEmoji.subsources) } }, (1 .. 10).map { InputPollOption { regular(it.toString()) + " " if (customEmoji != null) { customEmoji(customEmoji.customEmojiId, customEmoji.subsources) } } }, isAnonymous = false, replyParameters = ReplyParameters(it) ) pollToChatMutex.withLock { pollToChat[] = } } onCommand("quiz", requireOnlyCommandInMessage = false) { val customEmoji = it.content.parseCommandsWithArgsSources() .toList() .firstOrNull { it.first.command == "quiz" } ?.second ?.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.customEmojiTextSourceOrNull() } val correctAnswer = Random.nextInt(10) val sentPoll = sendQuizPoll(, questionEntities = buildEntities { regular("Test quiz poll") if (customEmoji != null) { customEmoji(customEmoji.customEmojiId, customEmoji.subsources) } }, (1 .. 10).map { InputPollOption { regular(it.toString()) + " " if (customEmoji != null) { customEmoji(customEmoji.customEmojiId, customEmoji.subsources) } } }, isAnonymous = false, replyParameters = ReplyParameters(it), correctOptionId = correctAnswer, explanationTextSources = buildEntities { regular("Random solved it to be ") + underline((correctAnswer + 1).toString()) + " " if (customEmoji != null) { customEmoji(customEmoji.customEmojiId, customEmoji.subsources) } } ) pollToChatMutex.withLock { pollToChat[] = } } onPollAnswer { val chatId = pollToChat[it.pollId] ?: return@onPollAnswer when(it) { is PollAnswer.Public -> send(chatId, "[onPollAnswer] User ${it.user} have answered") is PollAnswer.Anonymous -> send(chatId, "[onPollAnswer] Chat ${it.voterChat} have answered") } } onPollUpdates { val chatId = pollToChat[] ?: return@onPollUpdates when(it.isAnonymous) { false -> send(chatId, "[onPollUpdates] Public poll updated: ${it.options.joinToString()}") true -> send(chatId, "[onPollUpdates] Anonymous poll updated: ${it.options.joinToString()}") } } setMyCommands( BotCommand("anonymous", "Create anonymous regular poll"), BotCommand("public", "Create non anonymous regular poll"), BotCommand("quiz", "Create quiz poll with random right answer"), ) allUpdatesFlow.subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions(this) { println(it) } }.second.join() }