package dev.inmo.plaguposter.triggers.timer import com.soywiz.klock.DateFormat import com.soywiz.klock.DateTime import com.soywiz.klock.DateTimeTz import com.soywiz.klock.Month import com.soywiz.klock.Year import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.runCatchingSafely import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.unset import dev.inmo.plaguposter.common.SuccessfulSymbol import dev.inmo.plaguposter.common.UnsuccessfulSymbol import dev.inmo.plaguposter.posts.models.PostId import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.answers.answer import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.delete import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.edit.edit import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.BehaviourContext import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.triggers_handling.onMessageDataCallbackQuery import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.types.buttons.dataButton import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.types.buttons.inlineKeyboard import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.withContentOrNull import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.buttons.InlineKeyboardMarkup import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.bold import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.buildEntities import dev.inmo.tgbotapi.utils.row object ButtonsBuilder { private const val changeTimeData = "timer_time_hint" private const val changeDateData = "timer_date_hint" private const val changeHoursDataPrefix = "timer_h" private const val changeMinutesDataPrefix = "timer_m" private const val changeDayDataPrefix = "timer_d" private const val changeMonthDataPrefix = "timer_M" private const val changeYearDataPrefix = "timer_y" private const val changeDateDataPrefix = "timer_s" private const val cancelDateData = "timer_c" private const val deleteDateDataPrefix = "timer_r" val datePrintFormat = DateFormat("hh:mm, dd.MM.yyyy, zzz") fun buildTimerButtons( postId: PostId, dateTime: DateTimeTz, exists: Boolean ) = inlineKeyboard { val unixMillis = dateTime.utc.unixMillisLong row { dataButton("Time (hh:mm):", changeTimeData) dataButton(dateTime.hours.toString(), "$changeHoursDataPrefix $postId $unixMillis") dataButton(dateTime.minutes.toString(), "$changeMinutesDataPrefix $postId $unixMillis") } row { dataButton("Date (", changeDateData) dataButton("${dateTime.dayOfMonth}", "$changeDayDataPrefix $postId $unixMillis") dataButton("${dateTime.month1}", "$changeMonthDataPrefix $postId $unixMillis") dataButton("${dateTime.yearInt}", "$changeYearDataPrefix $postId $unixMillis") } row { if (exists) { dataButton("\uD83D\uDDD1", "$deleteDateDataPrefix $postId") } dataButton(UnsuccessfulSymbol, cancelDateData) dataButton(SuccessfulSymbol, "$changeDateDataPrefix $postId $unixMillis") } } fun buildTimerTextSources( currentDateTime: DateTime, previousTime: DateTime? ) = buildEntities { previousTime ?.let { + "Previous timer time: " + bold(it.local.toString(datePrintFormat)) + "\n" } +"Currently editing time: " + bold(currentDateTime.local.toString(datePrintFormat)) } suspend fun BehaviourContext.includeKeyboardHandling( timersRepo: TimersRepo, onSavePublishingTime: suspend (PostId, DateTime) -> Boolean ) { fun buildKeyboard( prefix: String, postId: PostId, values: Iterable, min: DateTime = nearestAvailableTimerTime(), dateConverter: (Int) -> DateTimeTz ): InlineKeyboardMarkup { return inlineKeyboard { values.chunked(6).forEach { row { it.forEach { dataButton(it.toString(), "$prefix $postId ${dateConverter(it).utc.unixMillisLong.coerceAtLeast(min.unixMillisLong)}") } } } } } suspend fun buildStandardDataCallbackQuery( name: String, prefix: String, possibleValues: (DateTimeTz) -> Iterable, dateTimeConverter: (Int, DateTimeTz) -> DateTimeTz ) { val setPrefix = "${prefix}s" onMessageDataCallbackQuery(Regex("$prefix .+")) { val (_, rawPostId, rawDateTimeMillis) =" ") val currentMillis = rawDateTimeMillis.toLongOrNull() ?: return@onMessageDataCallbackQuery val currentDateTime = DateTime(currentMillis) val currentDateTimeLocal = DateTime(currentMillis).local val postId = PostId(rawPostId) val previousTime = timersRepo.get(postId) edit ( it.message.withContentOrNull() ?: return@onMessageDataCallbackQuery, replyMarkup = buildKeyboard( setPrefix, postId, possibleValues(currentDateTimeLocal) ) { dateTimeConverter(it, currentDateTimeLocal) } ) { +buildTimerTextSources(currentDateTime, previousTime) + "\n" +"You are about to edit $name" } } onMessageDataCallbackQuery(Regex("$setPrefix .+")) { val (_, rawPostId, rawDateTimeMillis) =" ") val currentMillis = rawDateTimeMillis.toLongOrNull() ?: return@onMessageDataCallbackQuery val currentDateTime = DateTime(currentMillis) val postId = PostId(rawPostId) val previousTime = timersRepo.get(postId) edit( it.message.withContentOrNull() ?: return@onMessageDataCallbackQuery, replyMarkup = buildTimerButtons( postId, currentDateTime.local, timersRepo.contains(postId) ) ) { +buildTimerTextSources(currentDateTime, previousTime) } } } fun DateTimeTz.dateEq(other: DateTimeTz) = yearInt == other.yearInt && month0 == other.month0 && dayOfMonth == other.dayOfMonth buildStandardDataCallbackQuery( "hour", changeHoursDataPrefix, { val now = nearestAvailableTimerTime().local if (now.dateEq(it)) { now.hours .. 23 } else { 0 .. 23 } } ) { newValue, oldDateTime -> DateTimeTz.local( oldDateTime.local.copyDayOfMonth(hours = newValue), oldDateTime.offset ) } buildStandardDataCallbackQuery( "minute", changeMinutesDataPrefix, { val now = nearestAvailableTimerTime().local if (now.dateEq(it) && now.hours >= it.hours) { now.minutes until 60 } else { 0 until 60 } } ) { newValue, oldDateTime -> DateTimeTz.local( oldDateTime.local.copyDayOfMonth(minutes = newValue), oldDateTime.offset ) } buildStandardDataCallbackQuery( "day", changeDayDataPrefix, { val now = nearestAvailableTimerTime().local if (now.yearInt == it.yearInt && now.month0 == it.month0) { now.dayOfMonth .. it.month.days(it.year) } else { 1 .. it.month.days(it.year) } } ) { newValue, oldDateTime -> DateTimeTz.local( oldDateTime.local.copyDayOfMonth(dayOfMonth = newValue), oldDateTime.offset ) } buildStandardDataCallbackQuery( "month", changeMonthDataPrefix, { val now = nearestAvailableTimerTime().local if (now.year == it.year) { now.month1 .. 12 } else { 1 .. 12 } } ) { newValue, oldDateTime -> DateTimeTz.local( oldDateTime.local.copyDayOfMonth(month = Month(newValue)), oldDateTime.offset ) } buildStandardDataCallbackQuery( "year", changeYearDataPrefix, { val now = nearestAvailableTimerTime().local (now.year.year .. (now.year.year + 5)) } ) { newValue, oldDateTime -> DateTimeTz.local( oldDateTime.local.copyDayOfMonth(year = Year(newValue)), oldDateTime.offset ) } onMessageDataCallbackQuery(changeTimeData) { answer(it, "Use the buttons to the right to set post publishing time (hh:mm)", showAlert = true) } onMessageDataCallbackQuery(changeDateData) { answer(it, "Use the buttons to the right to set post publishing date (dd.MM.yyyy)", showAlert = true) } onMessageDataCallbackQuery(Regex("$changeDateDataPrefix .*")) { val (_, rawPostId, rawDateTimeMillis) =" ") val currentMillis = rawDateTimeMillis.toLongOrNull() ?: return@onMessageDataCallbackQuery val currentDateTime = DateTime(currentMillis) val postId = PostId(rawPostId) val success = runCatchingSafely { onSavePublishingTime(postId, currentDateTime) }.getOrElse { false } answer( it, if (success) "Successfully set timer" else "Unable to set timer" ) it.message.delete(this) } onMessageDataCallbackQuery(Regex("$deleteDateDataPrefix .*")) { val (_, rawPostId) =" ") val postId = PostId(rawPostId) val success = runCatchingSafely { timersRepo.unset(postId) true }.getOrElse { false } answer( it, if (success) "Successfully unset timer" else "Unable to unset timer" ) it.message.delete(this) } onMessageDataCallbackQuery(cancelDateData) { delete(it.message) } } }