# Posts Plugin Main plugin, which should be included in your config. ## Plugin name ``` dev.inmo.plaguposter.posts.Plugin ``` ## Plugin config ```json { "posts": { "chats": { "targetChat": -1001234567890, "targetChat description": "Chat identifier where your posts should appear after publishing", "sourceChat": -1001234567890, "sourceChat description": "Chat identifier where your posts will be placed for polls and other management", "cacheChat": -1001234567890, "cacheChat description": "Chat identifier where your posts will be cached before the publishing to actualize content of posts" }, "autoRemoveMessages": true, "autoRemoveMessages description": "If autoRemoveMessages is enabled, with dropping of posts all the post messages will be removed is possible", "deleteAfterPublishing": true, "deleteAfterPublishing description": "If deleteAfterPublishing is enabled, posts will be automatically dropped after publishing" } } ```