
199 lines
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package dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.SmartRWLocker
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.withReadAcquire
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines.withWriteLock
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.pagination.*
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.pagination.utils.paginate
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.pagination.utils.reverse
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
* [Map]-based [ReadKeyValuesRepo]. All internal operations will be locked with [locker] (mostly with
* [SmartRWLocker.withReadAcquire])
* **Warning**: It is not recommended to use constructor with both [Map] and [SmartRWLocker]. Besides, in case
* you are using your own [Map] as a [map] you should be careful with operations on this [map]
class MapReadKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>(
private val map: Map<Key, List<Value>> = emptyMap(),
private val locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()
) : ReadKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value> {
override suspend fun get(k: Key, pagination: Pagination, reversed: Boolean): PaginationResult<Value> {
val list = locker.withReadAcquire {
map[k] ?: return emptyPaginationResult()
return list.paginate(
if (reversed) {
} else {
override suspend fun keys(pagination: Pagination, reversed: Boolean): PaginationResult<Key> {
val keys = locker.withReadAcquire {
val actualPagination = if (reversed) pagination.reverse(keys.size) else pagination
return keys.paginate(actualPagination).let {
if (reversed) {
it.copy(results = it.results.reversed())
} else {
override suspend fun keys(v: Value, pagination: Pagination, reversed: Boolean): PaginationResult<Key> {
val keys = locker.withReadAcquire {
map.keys.filter { map[it] ?.contains(v) == true }
val actualPagination = if (reversed) pagination.reverse(keys.size) else pagination
return keys.paginate(actualPagination).let {
if (reversed) {
it.copy(results = it.results.reversed())
} else {
override suspend fun contains(k: Key): Boolean = locker.withReadAcquire { map.containsKey(k) }
override suspend fun contains(k: Key, v: Value): Boolean = locker.withReadAcquire { map[k] ?.contains(v) } == true
override suspend fun count(k: Key): Long = locker.withReadAcquire { map[k] ?.size } ?.toLong() ?: 0L
override suspend fun count(): Long = locker.withReadAcquire { map.size }.toLong()
* [MutableMap]-based [WriteKeyValuesRepo]. All internal operations will be locked with [locker] (mostly with
* [SmartRWLocker.withWriteLock])
* **Warning**: It is not recommended to use constructor with both [MutableMap] and [SmartRWLocker]. Besides, in case
* you are using your own [MutableMap] as a [map] you should be careful with operations on this [map]
class MapWriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>(
private val map: MutableMap<Key, MutableList<Value>> = mutableMapOf(),
private val locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()
) : WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value> {
private val _onNewValue: MutableSharedFlow<Pair<Key, Value>> = MapsReposDefaultMutableSharedFlow()
override val onNewValue: Flow<Pair<Key, Value>> by lazy {
private val _onValueRemoved: MutableSharedFlow<Pair<Key, Value>> = MapsReposDefaultMutableSharedFlow()
override val onValueRemoved: Flow<Pair<Key, Value>> by lazy {
private val _onDataCleared: MutableSharedFlow<Key> = MapsReposDefaultMutableSharedFlow()
override val onDataCleared: Flow<Key> by lazy {
override suspend fun add(toAdd: Map<Key, List<Value>>) {
locker.withWriteLock {
toAdd.keys.mapNotNull { k ->
(k to toAdd[k]).takeIf {
map.getOrPut(k) { mutableListOf() }.addAll(toAdd[k] ?: return@mapNotNull null)
}.forEach { (k, vs) ->
vs ?.forEach { v ->
_onNewValue.emit(k to v)
override suspend fun remove(toRemove: Map<Key, List<Value>>) {
val removed = mutableListOf<Pair<Key, Value>>()
val cleared = mutableListOf<Key>()
locker.withWriteLock {
toRemove.keys.forEach { k ->
if (map[k]?.removeAll(toRemove[k] ?: return@forEach) == true) {
toRemove[k]?.forEach { v ->
removed.add(k to v)
if (map[k]?.isEmpty() == true) {
removed.forEach {
cleared.forEach {
override suspend fun removeWithValue(v: Value) {
locker.withWriteLock {
map.mapNotNull { (k, values) ->
if (values.remove(v)) {
k to v
} else {
}.forEach {
override suspend fun clear(k: Key) {
locker.withWriteLock {
} ?.also { _onDataCleared.emit(k) }
override suspend fun clearWithValue(v: Value) {
locker.withWriteLock {
map.filter { (_, values) ->
}.mapNotNull {
if (map.remove(it.key) != null) {
} else {
}.forEach {
it.second.onEach { v ->
_onValueRemoved.emit(it.first to v)
}.also { _ ->
* [MutableMap]-based [KeyValuesRepo]. All internal operations will be locked with [locker]
* **Warning**: It is not recommended to use constructor with both [MutableMap] and [SmartRWLocker]. Besides, in case
* you are using your own [MutableMap] as a [map] you should be careful with operations on this [map]
class MapKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>(
private val map: MutableMap<Key, MutableList<Value>> = mutableMapOf(),
private val locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()
) : KeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>,
ReadKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value> by MapReadKeyValuesRepo(map, locker),
WriteKeyValuesRepo<Key, Value> by MapWriteKeyValuesRepo(map, locker)
* [MutableMap]-based [KeyValuesRepo]. All internal operations will be locked with [locker]
* **Warning**: In case you are using your own [MutableMap] as [this] receiver you should be careful with operations on [this] map
fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, List<V>>.asKeyValuesRepo(locker: SmartRWLocker = SmartRWLocker()): KeyValuesRepo<K, V> = MapKeyValuesRepo(
map { (k, v) -> k to v.toMutableList() }.toMap().toMutableMap(),