
730 lines
22 KiB

# Changelog
## 0.5.17
* `Versions`
* `Kotlin`: `1.5.20` -> `1.5.21`
* `Ktor`: `1.6.1` -> `1.6.2`
* `Klock`: `2.2.0` -> `2.3.1`
* `CryptoJS`: `4.0.0` -> `4.1.1`
## 0.5.16
* `Versions`
* `Coroutines`: `1.5.0` -> `1.5.1`
* `Serialization`: `1.2.1` -> `1.2.2`
* `Ktor`: `1.6.0` -> `1.6.1`
* `Klock`: `2.1.2` -> `2.2.0`
* `Core KTX`: `1.5.0` -> `1.6.0`
## 0.5.15 HOTFIX FOR 0.5.14
* `Coroutines`
* Fixes in `subscribeAsync`
* `Versions`
* `Kotlin`: `1.5.10` -> `1.5.20`
* `Coroutines`
* `subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions` got new parameter `onException` by analogue with `safelyWithoutExceptions`
* New extensions `Flow#subscribeAsync` and subsequent analogs of `subscribe` with opportunity to set up custom marker
## 0.5.13
* `Common`:
* Add functionality for multiplatform working with files:
* Main class for files `MPPFile`
* Inline class for filenames work encapsulation `FileName`
* `FSM`
* Module inited and in preview state
## 0.5.12
* `Common`:
* `Android`
* Extension `View#changeVisibility` has been fixed
* `Android`
* `RecyclerView`
* Default adapter got `dataCountFlow` property
* New subtype of adapter based on `StateFlow`: `StateFlowBasedRecyclerViewAdapter`
## 0.5.11
* `Repos`:
* `Common`:
* Fixes in `WriteOneToManyRepo#add`
* `Exposed`:
* Fixes in `ExposedOneToManyKeyValueRepo#add`
## 0.5.10
* `Versions`
* `Core KTX`: `1.3.2` -> `1.5.0`
* `AndroidX Recycler`: `1.2.0` -> `1.2.1`
* `AppCompat`: `1.2.0` -> `1.3.0`
* `Android`
* `RecyclerView`:
* `data` of `RecyclerViewAdapter` became an abstract field
* New function `RecyclerViewAdapter`
* `Common`:
* New extension `View#changeVisibility`
* `Repos`:
* `Common`:
* `WriteOneToManyRepo` got new function `clearWithValue`
* `Android`:
* New extension `SQLiteDatabase#selectDistinct`
* Fixes in `OneToManyAndroidRepo`
* `Ktor`
* `Server`
* All elements in configurators became a `fun interface`
* `Pagination`
* New function `doForAllWithCurrentPaging`
## 0.5.9
* `Repos`
* `Common`
* `OneToManyAndroidRepo` got new primary constructor
## 0.5.8
* `Common`:
* New extension `Iterable#firstNotNull`
* `Coroutines`
* New extension `Flow#firstNotNull`
* New extensions `CoroutineContext#LinkedSupervisorJob`, `CoroutineScope#LinkedSupervisorJob` and
## 0.5.7
* `Pagination`
* `Ktor`
* `Server`
* Fixes in extension `extractPagination`
* `Repos`
* `Cache`
* All standard cache repos have been separated to read and read/write repos
## 0.5.6
* `Versions`
* `Exposed`: `0.31.1` -> `0.32.1`
* `Coroutines`
* `JVM`
* `launchSynchronously` and subsequent functions got improved mechanism
* New method `safelyWithResult`
## 0.5.5
* `Versions`
* `Ktor`: `1.5.4` -> `1.6.0`
## 0.5.4
* `Versions`:
* `Klock`: `2.1.0` -> `2.1.2`
## 0.5.3
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin`: `1.5.0` -> `1.5.10`
* `Coroutines`:
* Extensions `doInUI` and `doInDefault` were replaced in common and available on any supported platform
* Extension `doInIO` replaced into `jvm` and available on any `JVM` platform
* Old extension `safelyWithouException` without `onException` has been replaced by its copy with `onException` and
default value
* New value `defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandlerWithNull` which is used in all `*WithoutExceptions` by default
* Analogs of `launch` and `async` for `safely` and `safelyWithoutExceptions` were added
* Analogs of `runCatching` for `safely` and `safelyWithoutExceptions` were added
## 0.5.2
* `Ktor`:
* `Client`:
* Fixes in `UnifiedRequester`
## 0.5.1
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin Serialization`: `1.2.0` -> `1.2.1`
## 0.5.0
**Notice**: This version is still depend on Kotlin
Exposed 0.31.1. That means that this version
may work improperly in modules based on Kotlin
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin Exposed`: `0.30.2` -> `0.31.1`
* `Kotlin Coroutines`: `1.4.3` -> `1.5.0`
* `RecyclerView`: `1.1.0` -> `1.2.0`
* `Ktor`: `1.5.3` -> `1.5.4`
* `Klock`: `2.0.7` -> `2.1.0`
* `UUID`: `0.2.4` -> `0.3.0`
* `Android`:
* `Alerts`:
* `RecyclerView`:
* Classes `ActionViewHolder` and `ActionsRecyclerViewAdapter` became public
* `Coroutines`:
* New extension and function `doSynchronously` which are the same as `launchSynchronously`
* New extensions `doInDefault` and `doInIO`
## 0.4.36
* All `Android` targets inside common mpp modules now includes JVM code
## 0.4.35
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin Exposed`: `0.30.1` -> `0.30.2`
* `Serialization`:
* `TypedSerializer`:
* Project has been inited
## 0.4.34
* `Versions`:
* `uuid`: `0.2.3` -> `0.2.4`
* `Repos`:
* `AbstractExposedCRUDRepo` now implements `StandardCRUDRepo`
* `AbstractMutableAndroidCRUDRepo` now implements `StandardCRUDRepo`
## 0.4.33
* `Versions`:
* `Ktor`: `1.5.2` -> `1.5.3`
* `Coroutines`
* Add `WeakJob` workaround:
* `CoroutineScope#weakLaunch`
* `CoroutineScope#weakAsync`
## 0.4.32
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin Exposed`: `0.29.1` -> `0.30.1`
## 0.4.31
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin`: `1.4.31` -> `1.4.32`
* `Pagination`:
* New extensions `PaginationResult.changeResultsUnchecked` and `PaginationResult.changeResults` for mapping results
with the same parameters, but different data
* Extension `PaginationResult.thisPageIfNotEmpty` now is typed and will return `PaginationResult?` with the same
generic type as income `PaginationResult`
* New extension `PaginationResult.currentPageIfNotEmpty` - shortcut for `PaginationResult.thisPageIfNotEmpty`
* New common functions. They were created as replacements for currently available for more comfortable work
with repos pagination:
* `doForAll`
* `doForAllWithNextPaging`
* `doForAllWithCurrentPaging`
* `getAll`
* `getAllWithNextPaging`
* `getAllWithCurrentPaging`
* `Coroutines`:
* Rewrite `subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions`
* Now `subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions` will use default handler instead of skipping
* New extension `subscribeSafelySkippingExceptions`
* `Repos`
* New subproject `repos.cache` - this subproject will contain repos with data caching mechanisms
* Most old `doForAll` methods have been deprecated
## 0.4.30
* `Versions`:
* `Klock`: `2.0.6` -> `2.0.7`
* `Pagination`:
* New variable `defaultPaginationPageSize` has been added to be able to change default pagination size
* Add new value `firstPageWithOneElementPagination`
## 0.4.29
* `Versions`:
* `Coroutines`: `1.4.2` -> `1.4.3`
* `Repos`:
* `Common`
* `Android`:
* New `blockingReadableTransaction`/`blockingWritableTransaction`
* Android databases realizations now use blocking transactions where it is possible
* Several improvements in transactions work
## 0.4.28
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin`: `1.4.30` -> `1.4.31`
* `Ktor`: `1.5.1` -> `1.5.2`
* `Coroutines`
* Add `createActionsActor`/`createSafeActionsActor` and `doWithSuspending`
## 0.4.27
* `Repos`
* `Exposed`
* Fix in `AbstractExposedWriteCRUDRepo`
## 0.4.26
* `Versions`:
* `Serialization`: `1.0.1` -> `1.1.0`
## 0.4.25
* `Matrix`:
* Subproject has been created
## 0.4.24
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin`: `1.4.21` -> `1.4.30`
* `Klock`: `2.0.4` -> `2.0.6`
* `Coroutines`:
* New class `DoWithFirstBuilder`
* Several new extensions like `firstOf`/`first`/`invokeOnFirstOf`
## 0.4.23
* `Versions`:
* `Ktor`: `1.5.0` -> `1.5.1`
* `Serialization`
* `Base64`
* New serializer `Base64BytesToFromStringSerializer` has been added
## 0.4.22
* `Versions`:
* `Exposed`: `0.28.1` -> `0.29.1`
* `Klock`: `2.0.2` -> `2.0.4`
## 0.4.21
* `Common`
* `JS`
* Extension `DataView#toByteArray` has been added
* Extension `ArrayBuffer#toByteArray` has been added
* Extension `ByteArray#toDataView` has been added
* Extension `ByteArray#toArrayBuffer` has been added
* `Coroutines`
* `JS`
* Extension `Blob#toByteArray` has been added
* `Crypto`
* Subproject has been created
* `Serialization`
* `Base64`
* Currently, it is not depended on `common` project and use `crypto` instead
## 0.4.20
* `Serialization`
* `Encapsulator`:
* Has been created
## 0.4.19
* `Coroutines`:
* New extension `Iterable<Deferred>#awaitFirstWithDeferred` has been added to identify which of `Deferred`s was
normally completed
* New extensions `Iterable<Deferred<T>>#invokeOnFirst` and `Iterable<DeferredAction<*, O>>.invokeFirstOf` have been
## 0.4.18
* `Coroutines`:
* New extension `Iterable<Deferred>#awaitFirst` has been added
* `Serialization`
* `Base 64`
* New `Base64ByteArraySerializer` has been added
## 0.4.17
* `Common`
* Functionality for decode/encode base 64 to/from `ByteArray`/`String` have been added
* `Serialization`
* `Base 64`
* Project has been initiated
## 0.4.16
* `Coroutines`:
* `safely`:
* New `safelyWithoutExceptions` function may accept `onException` parameter with nullable result
* Old `safelyWithoutExceptions` now using `defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandler` to handle exceptions "like in
`safely`", but it is expected that `defaultSafelyWithoutExceptionHandler` will not throw any exception
## 0.4.15
* `Coroutines`:
* `safely`:
* `SafelyExceptionHandlerKey` has been deprecated
* `SafelyExceptionHandler` has been deprecated
* `ContextSafelyExceptionHandlerKey` has been added
* `ContextSafelyExceptionHandler` has been added
* `safelyWithContextExceptionHandler` has been added
## 0.4.14
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin`: `1.4.20` -> `1.4.21`
* `Ktor`: `1.4.3` -> `1.5.0`
* `Klock`: `2.0.1` -> `2.0.2`
* `Coroutines`:
* Add global variable `defaultSafelyExceptionHandler`
* Add `SafelyExceptionHandlerKey` and `SafelyExceptionHandler` classes to be able to overwrite
`defaultSafelyExceptionHandler` using context of coroutine
## 0.4.13
* `Common`
* `Android`
* Add expand/collapse functionality for horizontal expand/collapse
## 0.4.12
* `Coroutines`
* `JVM`
* Update `launchSynchronously` signature
* `Selector`
* Project created
## 0.4.11
* `Common`
* Add `clamp` function
## 0.4.10
* `Versions`:
* `Klock`: `2.0.0` -> `2.0.1`
* `Repo`
* Repo `WriteStandardKeyValueRepo` got new method `unsetWithValues`
## 0.4.9
* `Versions`:
* `Ktor`: `1.4.2` -> `1.4.3`
* `Coroutines`:
* `launchSynchronously` has been added in JVM
* `Repo`
* `Common`
* In repos different usages of `BroadcastChannel`s has been replaced with `MutableSharedFlow`
* `Exposed`
* `asObject` open fun has been added in CRUD realization
## 0.4.8
* `Versions`:
* `Coroutines`: `1.4.1` -> `1.4.2`
* `UUID`: `0.2.2` -> `0.2.3`
* `Pagination`
* Add `PaginatedIterable` and `PaginatedIterator`
## 0.4.7
* `Ktor`
* `Client`
* New class `UnifiedRequester`
* `Server`
* New class `UnifiedRouter`
* `Repos`
* `Ktor`
* `Client`
* Rewriting of all clients on new `UnifiedRequester`
* `Server`
* Rewriting of all clients on new `UnifiedRouter`
## 0.4.6
* `Common`
* New annotation `Warning` has been added
* `Pagination`
* `Common`
* `Pagination` got new extension: `Pagination#isFirstPage`
* `Coroutines`:
* New extension `FlowCollector#invoke` has been added
* `Repos`
* `Common`
* `JVM` (and `Android` since `Android API 26`):
* `FileStandardKeyValueRepo` has been added
* Add several `typealias`es for each type of repos
## 0.4.5
* `Android`
* `Alerts`
* `Common`
* Project has been created
* `RecyclerView`
* Project has been created
* `Common`
* Annotation `PreviewFeature` has been added
* `Android`
* Added tools to work with visibility in more comfortable way
* Added tools to work with disabled/enabled state in more comfortable way
* Added tools to work with expanded/collapsed state in more comfortable way (in preview mode)
## 0.4.4
* `Versions`:
* `Klock`: `1.12.1` -> `2.0.0`
* `Commons`:
* Update left items functionality to include work with `GridLayoutManager`
* `Repos`:
* Add interface `VersionsRepo`
* Add default realization of `VersionsRepo` named `StandardVersionsRepo` which use `StandardVersionsRepoProxy`
to get access to some end-store
* Add default realization of `StandardVersionsRepoProxy` based on `KeyValue` repos
* Add realizations of `StandardVersionsRepoProxy` for exposed and android (`SQL` and `SharedPreferences`)
* `Commons`:
* In Android fully reworked transactions functions
* Now `DatabaseCoroutineContext` is a shortcut for `Dispatchers.IO`
## 0.4.3
* `Versions`:
* `Kotlin`: `1.4.10` -> `1.4.20`
* `Common`:
* Two new extensions for Android:
* `Resources#getSp`
* `Resources#getDp`
## 0.4.2
* `Repos`:
* Add `WriteOneToManyKeyValueRepo#set` function and extensions
## 0.4.1
* `Repos`:
* Fixed error in `ExposedKeyValueRepo` related to negative size of shared flow
* Fixed error in `ExposedKeyValueRepo` related to avoiding of table initiation
## 0.4.0
* `Repos`:
* `ReadOneToManyKeyValueRepo` got `keys` method with value parameter
* All implementations inside of this library has been updated
* `ReadStandardKeyValueRepo` got `keys` method with value parameter
* All implementations inside of this library has been updated
* New extensions `withMapper`
## 0.3.3
* `Coroutines`:
* New extension `Flow<T>#plus`
## 0.3.2
* `Versions`:
* `Coroutines`: `1.4.1` -> `1.4.2`
* `Repos`:
* `Common`:
* New inline function `mapper` for simplier creating of `MapperRepo` objects
* Extensions `withMapper` for keyvalue repos and onetomany repos
## 0.3.1
* `Android`:
* `RecyclerView`:
* Library has been created
* `Common`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.common-android`
* `Coroutines`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.coroutines-android`
* `Ktor`
* `Common`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.ktor.common-android`
* `Client`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.ktor.client-android`
* `MimeTypes`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.mime_types-android`
* `Pagination`
* `Common`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.pagination.common-android`
* `Ktor`
* `Common`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.pagination.ktor.common-android`
* `Repos`
* `Common`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.common-android`
* Now it is possible to use default realizations of repos abstractions natively on android
* `Inmemory`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.inmemory-android`
* `Ktor`
* `Common`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.ktor.common-android`
* `Common`
* Now available package `dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.ktor.client-android`
## 0.3.0
All deprecations has been removed
* `Repos`:
* `Common`:
* `KeyValue` and `OneToMany` repos lost their deprecated methods
* `OneToMany` write repos got additional extensions for mutation of repo
* `KeyValue` write repos got additional extensions for mutation of repo
* New interface `MapperRepo` and new classes which are using this:
* `KeyValue`
* `MapperReadStandardKeyValueRepo`
* `MapperWriteStandardKeyValueRepo`
* `MapperStandardKeyValueRepo`
* `OneToMany`
* `MapperReadOneToManyKeyValueRepo`
* `MapperWriteOneToManyKeyValueRepo`
* `MapperOneToManyKeyValueRepo`
* `Exposed`:
* CRUD realizations replaced their channels to shared flows
## 0.2.7
* `Versions`:
* `Coroutines`: `1.4.0` -> `1.4.1`
* `Repos`:
* `WriteStandardKeyValueRepo` got new methods `set` and `unset` with collections
* All standard realizations of repos got collections methods realizations
* All old usages of `BroadcastFlow` and `BroadcastChannel` has been replaced with `MutableSharedFlow`
* `Ktor`:
* `Server`:
* Fixed incorrect answer for `keyvalue`
## 0.2.6
* `Pagination`
* Fixes in function `List#paginate`
* Extension property `Pagination#lastIndexExclusive`
## 0.2.5
* `Coroutines`
* Function `safelyWithoutExceptions`
* Extension `CoroutineScope#safeActor`
## 0.2.4
* `Versions`
* `Serialization`: `1.0.0` -> `1.0.1`
* `Common`
* Full rework of `DiffUtils`
* Data class `Diff` has been added
* Extension `Iterable#calculateDiff` has been added
* Extension `Iterable#calculateStrictDiff` as replacement for `Iterable#calculateDiff` with
`strictComparison` mode enabled
* Functions `Diff` (as analog of `Iterable#calculateDiff`) and `StrictDiff` (as analog of
* `Coroutines`
* `BroadcastFlow` now is deprecated
* `BroadcastStateFlow` now is deprecated
* New extensions for `Flow`s:
* `Flow#subscribe`
* `Flow#subscribeSafely`
* `Flow#subscribeSafelyWithoutExceptions`
## 0.2.3
* `Versions`
* `Coroutines`: `1.3.9` -> `1.4.0`
* `Exposed`: `0.27.1` -> `0.28.1`
* `Common`
* `K/JS`
* Add several extensions for `Element` objects to detect that object is on screen viewport
* Add several extensions for `Element` objects to detect object visibility
* `Coroutines`
* `BroadcastStateFlow` now use different strategy for getting of state and implements `replayCache`
## 0.2.2
* `Repos`
* `Common`
* Several new methods `ReadOneToManyKeyValueRepo#getAll`
* Several new method `WriteOneToManyKeyValueRepo#add` and several extensions
* Several new method `WriteOneToManyKeyValueRepo#remove` and several extensions
## 0.2.1
* `Pagination`
* `Common`:
* Extension `Pagination#reverse` has been added
* Factory `PaginationByIndexes`
* Shortcut `calculatePagesNumber` with reversed parameters
* Value `emptyPagination` for empty `SimplePagination` cases
## 0.2.0
* `Repos`
* `Exposed`
* Now this project depend on `micro_utils.coroutines`
* Typealias `ColumnAllocator` has been replaced to root exposed package
* Interface `ExposedRepo` has been added
* `ExposedCRUDRepo` now extends `ExposedRepo` instead of simple `Repo`
* New extension `initTable` for classes which are `Table` and `ExposedRepo` at the same time
* `KeyValue`:
* `tableName` parameter
* Class `AbstractExposedReadKeyValueRepo`
* Renamed to `ExposedReadKeyValueRepo`
* Changed incoming types to `ColumnAllocator`
* `open` instead of `abstract`
* Implements `ExposedRepo`
* Class `AbstractExposedKeyValueRepo`
* Renamed to `ExposedKeyValueRepo`
* Changed incoming types to `ColumnAllocator`
* `open` instead of `abstract`
* `OneToMany`:
* `tableName` parameter
* Class `AbstractExposedReadOneToManyKeyValueRepo`
* Renamed to `ExposedReadOneToManyKeyValueRepo`
* Changed incoming arguments order
* Implements `ExposedRepo`
* Class `AbstractExposedOneToManyKeyValueRepo`
* Renamed to `ExposedKeyValueRepo`
* Changed incoming arguments order
* `open` instead of `abstract`
* Release for every `Flow` in parent interfaces
## 0.1.1
* `Versions`:
* `kotlinx.serialization`: `1.0.0-RC2` -> `1.0.0`
* `Pagination`
* `Common`
* Function `calculatePage` for calculating page based on size of page and index of first element
* Extension `List#createPaginationResult` which use index of first element to calculate current page and other
info in `PaginationResult` object
* Factory `emptyPaginationResult` for empty `PaginationResult`
* Extensions `paginate` for creating of `PaginationResult` which use as source one of next types:
* `Iterable`
* `List`
* `Set`
* `Repos`
* `Common`
* Interfaces related to `OneToManyKeyValueRepo` were renamed with convenience to `Read`/`Write` modifier before name
* All subclasses were renamed
* Interfaces related to `StandartKeyValueRepo` were renamed with convenience to `Read`/`Write` modifier before name
* All subclasses were renamed
* Extensions `doForAll` and `getAll` were added for all current types of repos:
* `ReadStandardCRUDRepo`
* `ReadStandardKeyValueRepo`
* `ReadOneToManyKeyValueRepo`
* `ReadStandardKeyValueRepo` methods `values` and `keys` now have default value for `reversed` parameter `false`
* New `Flow`'s in `WriteOneToManyKeyValueRepo`:
* `onNewValue`
* `onValueRemoved`
* `onDataCleared`
* New function `ReadStandardCRUDRepo#count`
* `In Memory`
* Package has been created:) you can connect it via `implementation "dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.inmemory"`
* `MapCRUDRepo` class as implementation of `StandardCRUDRepo` on top of `MutableMap` has been added
* `MapKeyValueRepo` class as implementation of `StandardKeyValueRepo` on top of `MutableMap` has been added
* `MapOneToManyKeyValueRepo` class as implementation of `OneToManyKeyValueRepo` on top of `MutableMap` has been added
## 0.1.0
Inited :)