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package dev.inmo.micro_utils.coroutines
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
typealias ExceptionHandler<T> = suspend (Throwable) -> T
* This instance will be used in all calls of [safely] where exception handler has not been passed
var defaultSafelyExceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler<Nothing> = { throw it }
* Key for [SafelyExceptionHandler] which can be used in [CoroutineContext.get] to get current default
* [SafelyExceptionHandler]
class SafelyExceptionHandlerKey<T>() : CoroutineContext.Key<SafelyExceptionHandler<T>>
private val nothingSafelyEceptionHandlerKey = SafelyExceptionHandlerKey<Nothing>()
private val unitSafelyEceptionHandlerKey = SafelyExceptionHandlerKey<Unit>()
private val exceptionHandlersKeysCache = mutableMapOf<>()
* Shortcut for creating instance of [SafelyExceptionHandlerKey]
inline fun <T> safelyExceptionHandlerKey() = SafelyExceptionHandlerKey(T::class)
* Shortcut for getting instance of [SafelyExceptionHandler] from current [coroutineContext]
suspend inline fun <reified T : Any> safelyExceptionHandler() = coroutineContext[safelyExceptionHandlerKey<T>()]
inline fun <reified T : Any> ExceptionHandler<T>.safelyExceptionHandler() = SafelyExceptionHandler(this, T::class)
* Wrapper for [ExceptionHandler] which can be used in [CoroutineContext] to set local (for [CoroutineContext]) default
* [ExceptionHandler]. To get it use [CoroutineContext.get] with key [SafelyExceptionHandlerKey]
* @see SafelyExceptionHandlerKey
* @see ExceptionHandler
class SafelyExceptionHandler<T : Any>(
val handler: ExceptionHandler<T>,
returnKClass: KClass<T>
) : CoroutineContext.Element {
override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> = SafelyExceptionHandlerKey(returnKClass)
* It will run [block] inside of [supervisorScope] to avoid problems with catching of exceptions
* Priorities of [ExceptionHandler]s:
* * [onException] In case if custom (will be used anyway if not [defaultSafelyExceptionHandler])
* * [CoroutineContext.get] with [SafelyExceptionHandlerKey] as key
* * [defaultSafelyExceptionHandler]
* @param [onException] Will be called when happen exception inside of [block]. By default will throw exception - this
* exception will be available for catching
* @see defaultSafelyExceptionHandler
* @see safelyWithoutExceptions
* @see SafelyExceptionHandlerKey
* @see SafelyExceptionHandler
suspend inline fun <T> safely(
onException: ExceptionHandler<T> = defaultSafelyExceptionHandler,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
): T {
val contextHandler = if (onException === defaultSafelyExceptionHandler) {
coroutineContext[nothingSafelyEceptionHandlerKey] ?:
safelyExceptionHandler<Unit>() ?.let { unitHandler ->
val handler = unitHandler.handler
SafelyExceptionHandler<T> {
} ?:
} else {
return try {
withContext(contextHandler) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
* Shortcut for [safely] without exception handler (instead of this you will receive null as a result)
suspend inline fun <T> safelyWithoutExceptions(
noinline block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
): T? = safely({ null }, block)