2023-06-20 20:20:47 +06:00
src/main fixes in types generation 2023-06-20 20:20:47 +06:00
test fixes in types generation 2023-06-20 20:20:47 +06:00
build.gradle dependencies update 2023-06-19 16:19:14 +06:00
README.md generators for models has been created 2023-02-25 19:56:12 +06:00

Koin generator

It is Kotlin Symbol Processing generator for simple creating of typical models: New and Registered.

  1. What may do this generator
  2. How to add generator

What may do this generator

So, you have several known things related to models:

  • Interface with all necessary properties
  • Id class or some registered marker

Minimal sample will be next:

interface Sample {
   val property1: String
   val property2: Int

And generator will create:

data class NewSample(
    override val property1: String,
    override val property2: Int,
) : Sample

data class RegisteredSample(
    override val property1: String,
    override val property2: Int,
) : Sample

fun Sample.asNew(): NewSample = NewSample(property1, property2)

fun Sample.asRegistered(): RegisteredSample = RegisteredSample(property1, property2)

But in most cases you will need to create some id class and registered interface:

value class SampleId(
   val long: Long

sealed interface IRegisteredSample : Sample {
   val id: SampleId

   val excludedProperty2: Boolean
      get() = false

As you may see, we have added GenerateCRUDModelExcludeOverride annotation. Properties marked with this annotation WILL NOT be inclued into overriding in registered class (or your base interface if used there). So, if you will wish to create model with id, use next form:

interface Sample {
   val property1: String
   val property2: Int

And generated registered class will be changed:

@SerialName(value = "NewSample")
data class NewSample(
  override val property1: String,
  override val property2: Int,
) : Sample

@SerialName(value = "RegisteredSample")
data class RegisteredSample(
  override val id: SampleId,
  override val property1: String,
  override val property2: Int,
) : Sample, IRegisteredSample

fun Sample.asNew(): NewSample = NewSample(property1, property2)

fun Sample.asRegistered(id: SampleId): RegisteredSample = RegisteredSample(id, property1, property2)

So, full sample will look like:

 * Your id value class. In fact, but it is not necessary
value class SampleId(
   val long: Long

sealed interface Sample {
   val property1: String
   val property2: Int

   val excludedProperty: String
      get() = "excluded"

sealed interface IRegisteredSample : Sample {
   val id: SampleId

   val excludedProperty2: Boolean
      get() = false

You always may:

  • Use any number of registered classes
  • Disable serialization for models
  • Disable serial names generation

How to add generator

Note: $ksp_version in the samples above is equal to supported ksp version presented in /gradle/libs.versions.toml of project

Note: $microutils_version in the version of MicroUtils library in your project

  1. Add classpath in build.gradle (classpath "com.google.devtools.ksp:symbol-processing-gradle-plugin:$ksp_version")
  2. Add plugin to the plugins list of your module: id "com.google.devtools.ksp"
  3. In dependencies block add to the required target/compile the dependency dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.generator:$microutils_version:
     dependencies {
         add("kspCommonMainMetadata", "dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.generator:$microutils_version") // will work in commonMain of your multiplatform module
         add("kspJvm", "dev.inmo:micro_utils.repos.generator:$microutils_version") // will work in main of your JVM module
     ksp { // this generator do not require any arguments and we should left `ksp` empty