2023-08-08 18:45:36 +06:00
2023-09-06 19:15:09 +06:00
2023-11-02 19:00:35 +06:00

Koin generator

It is Kotlin Symbol Processing generator for Koin module in MicroUtils.

  1. What may do this generator
  2. How to add generator

What may do this generator

Let's imagine you want to have shortcuts in koin, to get something easily:

val koin: Koin// some initialization

val someUrl = koin.serverUrl

So, in that case you may mark containing file with next annotation (in the beginning of file):

@file:GenerateKoinDefinition("serverUrl", String::class, nullable = false)

If file is called like Sample.kt, will be generated file GeneratedDefinitionsSample.kt with next content:

public val Scope.serverUrl: String
  get() = get(named("serverUrl"))

public val Koin.serverUrl: String
  get() = get(named("serverUrl"))

public fun Module.serverUrlSingle(createdAtStart: Boolean = false,
    definition: Definition<String>): KoinDefinition<String> =
    single(named("serverUrl"), createdAtStart = createdAtStart, definition = definition)

public fun Module.serverUrlFactory(definition: Definition<String>):
    KoinDefinition<String> = factory(named("serverUrl"), definition = definition)

Besides, you may use the generics:

@file:GenerateKoinDefinition("sampleInfo", Sample::class, G1::class, G2::class, nullable = false)

Will generate:

public val Scope.sampleInfo: Sample<G1, G2>
  get() = get(named("sampleInfo"))

public val Koin.sampleInfo: Sample<G1, G2>
  get() = get(named("sampleInfo"))

public fun Module.sampleInfoSingle(createdAtStart: Boolean = false,
    definition: Definition<Sample<G1, G2>>): KoinDefinition<Sample<G1, G2>> =
    single(named("sampleInfo"), createdAtStart = createdAtStart, definition = definition)

public fun Module.sampleInfoFactory(definition: Definition<Sample<G1, G2>>):
    KoinDefinition<Sample<G1, G2>> = factory(named("sampleInfo"), definition = definition)

In case you wish not to generate single:

@file:GenerateKoinDefinition("sampleInfo", Sample::class, G1::class, G2::class, nullable = false, generateSingle = false)

And you will take next code:

public val Scope.sampleInfo: Sample<G1, G2>
  get() = get(named("sampleInfo"))

public val Koin.sampleInfo: Sample<G1, G2>
  get() = get(named("sampleInfo"))

public fun Module.sampleInfoFactory(definition: Definition<Sample<G1, G2>>):
    KoinDefinition<Sample<G1, G2>> = factory(named("sampleInfo"), definition = definition)

How to add generator

Note: $ksp_version in the samples above is equal to supported ksp version presented in /gradle/libs.versions.toml of project

Note: $microutils_version in the version of MicroUtils library in your project

  1. Add classpath in build.gradle (classpath "com.google.devtools.ksp:symbol-processing-gradle-plugin:$ksp_version")
  2. Add plugin to the plugins list of your module: id "com.google.devtools.ksp"
  3. In dependencies block add to the required target/compile the dependency dev.inmo:micro_utils.koin.generator:$microutils_version:
     dependencies {
         add("kspCommonMainMetadata", "dev.inmo:micro_utils.koin.generator:$microutils_version") // will work in commonMain of your multiplatform module
         add("kspJvm", "dev.inmo:micro_utils.koin.generator:$microutils_version") // will work in main of your JVM module
     ksp { // this generator do not require any arguments and we should left `ksp` empty