
98 lines
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package dev.inmo.micro_utils.fsm.common.managers
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.fsm.common.State
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.fsm.common.StatesManager
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
interface DefaultStatesManagerRepo {
* Must save [state] as current state of chain with [State.context] of [state]
suspend fun set(state: State)
* Remove exactly [state]. In case if internally [State.context] is busy with different [State], that [State] should
* NOT be removed
suspend fun removeState(state: State)
* @return Current list of available and saved states
suspend fun getStates(): List<State>
* @return Current state by [context]
suspend fun getContextState(context: Any): State?
* @return Current state by [context]
suspend fun contains(context: Any): Boolean
* @param onContextsConflictResolver Receive old [State], new one and the state currently placed on new [State.context]
* key. In case when this callback will returns true, the state placed on [State.context] of new will be replaced by
* new state by using [endChain] with that state
* @param repo This repo will be used as repository for storing states. All operations with this repo will happen BEFORE
* any event will be sent to [onChainStateUpdated], [onStartChain] or [onEndChain].
class DefaultStatesManager(
private val repo: DefaultStatesManagerRepo,
private val onContextsConflictResolver: suspend (old: State, new: State, currentNew: State) -> Boolean = { _, _, _ -> true }
) : StatesManager {
private val _onChainStateUpdated = MutableSharedFlow<Pair<State, State>>(0)
override val onChainStateUpdated: Flow<Pair<State, State>> = _onChainStateUpdated.asSharedFlow()
private val _onStartChain = MutableSharedFlow<State>(0)
override val onStartChain: Flow<State> = _onStartChain.asSharedFlow()
private val _onEndChain = MutableSharedFlow<State>(0)
override val onEndChain: Flow<State> = _onEndChain.asSharedFlow()
private val mapMutex = Mutex()
override suspend fun update(old: State, new: State) = mapMutex.withLock {
val stateByOldContext: State? = repo.getContextState(old.context)
when {
stateByOldContext != old -> return@withLock
stateByOldContext == null || old.context == new.context -> {
_onChainStateUpdated.emit(old to new)
else -> {
val stateOnNewOneContext = repo.getContextState(new.context)
if (stateOnNewOneContext == null || onContextsConflictResolver(old, new, stateOnNewOneContext)) {
stateOnNewOneContext ?.let { endChainWithoutLock(it) }
_onChainStateUpdated.emit(old to new)
override suspend fun startChain(state: State) = mapMutex.withLock {
if (!repo.contains(state.context)) {
private suspend fun endChainWithoutLock(state: State) {
if (repo.getContextState(state.context) == state) {
override suspend fun endChain(state: State) {
mapMutex.withLock {
override suspend fun getActiveStates(): List<State> = repo.getStates()