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package korlibs.time
import korlibs.time.internal.Serializable
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.math.min
* Represents a Year in a typed way.
* A year is a set of 365 days or 366 for leap years.
* It is the time it takes the earth to fully orbit the sun.
* The integrated model is capable of determine if a year is leap for years 1 until 9999 inclusive.
value class Year(val year: Int) : Comparable<Year>, Serializable {
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L
* Creates a Year instance checking that the year is between 1 and 9999 inclusive.
* It throws a [DateException] if the year is not in the 1..9999 range.
fun checked(year: Int) = year.apply { if (year !in 1..9999) throw DateException("Year $year not in 1..9999") }
* Determines if a year is leap checking that the year is between 1..9999 or throwing a [DateException] when outside that range.
fun isLeapChecked(year: Int): Boolean = isLeap(checked(year))
* Determines if a year is leap. The model works for years between 1..9999. Outside this range, the result might be invalid.
fun isLeap(year: Int): Boolean = (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)
* Computes the year from the number of days since 0001-01-01.
fun fromDays(days: Int): Year {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_year#Algorithm
// Each 400 years the modular cycle is completed
val v400 = days / DAYS_PER_400_YEARS
val r400 = days - (v400 * DAYS_PER_400_YEARS)
val v100 = min(r400 / DAYS_PER_100_YEARS, 3)
val r100 = r400 - (v100 * DAYS_PER_100_YEARS)
val v4 = r100 / DAYS_PER_4_YEARS
val r4 = r100 - (v4 * DAYS_PER_4_YEARS)
val v1 = min(r4 / DAYS_COMMON, 3)
val extra = if (days < 0) 0 else 1
//val extra = 1
return Year(extra + v1 + (v4 * 4) + (v100 * 100) + (v400 * 400))
* Get the number of days of a year depending on being leap or not.
* Normal, non leap years contain 365 days, while leap ones 366.
fun days(isLeap: Boolean) = if (isLeap) DAYS_LEAP else DAYS_COMMON
* Return the number of leap years that happened between 1 and the specified [year].
fun leapCountSinceOne(year: Int): Int {
if (year < 1) {
// @TODO: Hack for negative numbers. Maybe we can do some kind of offset and subtract.
var leapCount = 0
var y = 1
while (y >= year) {
if (Year(y).isLeap) leapCount--
return leapCount
val y1 = (year - 1)
val res = (y1 / 4) - (y1 / 100) + (y1 / 400)
return res
* Number of days since 1 and the beginning of the specified [year].
fun daysSinceOne(year: Int): Int = DAYS_COMMON * (year - 1) + leapCountSinceOne(year)
* Number of days in a normal year.
const val DAYS_COMMON = 365
* Number of days in a leap year.
const val DAYS_LEAP = 366
private const val LEAP_PER_4_YEARS = 1
private const val LEAP_PER_100_YEARS = 24 // 24 or 25 (25 the first chunk)
private const val LEAP_PER_400_YEARS = 97
private const val DAYS_PER_4_YEARS = 4 * DAYS_COMMON + LEAP_PER_4_YEARS
private const val DAYS_PER_100_YEARS = 100 * DAYS_COMMON + LEAP_PER_100_YEARS
private const val DAYS_PER_400_YEARS = 400 * DAYS_COMMON + LEAP_PER_400_YEARS
* Determines if this year is leap checking that the year is between 1..9999 or throwing a [DateException] when outside that range.
val isLeapChecked get() = Year.isLeapChecked(year)
* Determines if this year is leap. The model works for years between 1..9999. Outside this range, the result might be invalid.
val isLeap get() = Year.isLeap(year)
* Total days of this year, 365 (non leap) [DAYS_COMMON] or 366 (leap) [DAYS_LEAP].
val days: Int get() = Year.days(isLeap)
* Number of leap years since the year 1 (without including this one)
val leapCountSinceOne: Int get() = leapCountSinceOne(year)
* Number of days since year 1 to reach this year
val daysSinceOne: Int get() = daysSinceOne(year)
* Compares two years.
override fun compareTo(other: Year): Int = this.year.compareTo(other.year)
operator fun plus(delta: Int): Year = Year(year + delta)
operator fun minus(delta: Int): Year = Year(year - delta)
operator fun minus(other: Year): Int = this.year - other.year