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package korlibs.time
import korlibs.time.internal.Serializable
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.math.abs
* Represents a union of [millisecond], [second], [minute] and [hour].
value class Time(val encoded: TimeSpan) : Comparable<Time>, Serializable {
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L
/** Constructs a new [Time] from the [hour], [minute], [second] and [millisecond] components. */
operator fun invoke(hour: Int, minute: Int = 0, second: Int = 0, millisecond: Int = 0): Time =
Time(hour.hours + minute.minutes + second.seconds + millisecond.milliseconds)
private const val DIV_MILLISECONDS = 1
private const val DIV_SECONDS = DIV_MILLISECONDS * 1000
private const val DIV_MINUTES = DIV_SECONDS * 60
private const val DIV_HOURS = DIV_MINUTES * 60
/** The [millisecond] part. */
val millisecond: Int get() = abs((encoded.millisecondsInt / DIV_MILLISECONDS) % 1000)
/** The [second] part. */
val second: Int get() = abs((encoded.millisecondsInt / DIV_SECONDS) % 60)
/** The [minute] part. */
val minute: Int get() = abs((encoded.millisecondsInt / DIV_MINUTES) % 60)
/** The [hour] part. */
val hour: Int get() = (encoded.millisecondsInt / DIV_HOURS)
/** The [hour] part adjusted to 24-hour format. */
val hourAdjusted: Int get() = (encoded.millisecondsInt / DIV_HOURS % 24)
/** Returns new [Time] instance adjusted to 24-hour format. */
fun adjust(): Time = Time(hourAdjusted, minute, second, millisecond)
/** Converts this date to String using [format] for representing it. */
fun format(format: String) = TimeFormat(format).format(this)
/** Converts this date to String using [format] for representing it. */
fun format(format: TimeFormat) = format.format(this)
/** Converts this time to String formatting it like "00:00:00.000", "23:59:59.999" or "-23:59:59.999" if the [hour] is negative */
override fun toString(): String = "${if (hour < 0) "-" else ""}${abs(hour).toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${abs(minute).toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${abs(second).toString().padStart(2, '0')}.${abs(millisecond).toString().padStart(3, '0')}"
override fun compareTo(other: Time): Int = encoded.compareTo(other.encoded)
operator fun Time.plus(span: TimeSpan) = Time(this.encoded + span)