
319 lines
13 KiB

package korlibs.time
import korlibs.time.internal.*
import korlibs.time.internal.MicroStrReader
import korlibs.time.internal.increment
import korlibs.time.internal.padded
import korlibs.time.internal.readTimeZoneOffset
import korlibs.time.internal.substr
import kotlin.jvm.JvmOverloads
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.log10
import kotlin.math.pow
data class PatternDateFormat @JvmOverloads constructor(
val format: String,
val locale: KlockLocale? = null,
val tzNames: TimezoneNames = TimezoneNames.DEFAULT,
val options: Options = Options.DEFAULT
) : DateFormat, Serializable {
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L
val realLocale get() = locale ?: KlockLocale.default
data class Options(val optionalSupport: Boolean = false) : Serializable {
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L
val DEFAULT = Options(optionalSupport = false)
val WITH_OPTIONAL = Options(optionalSupport = true)
fun withLocale(locale: KlockLocale?) = this.copy(locale = locale)
fun withTimezoneNames(tzNames: TimezoneNames) = this.copy(tzNames = this.tzNames + tzNames)
fun withOptions(options: Options) = this.copy(options = options)
fun withOptional() = this.copy(options = options.copy(optionalSupport = true))
fun withNonOptional() = this.copy(options = options.copy(optionalSupport = false))
private val openOffsets = LinkedHashMap<Int, Int>()
private val closeOffsets = LinkedHashMap<Int, Int>()
internal val chunks = arrayListOf<String>().also { chunks ->
val s = MicroStrReader(format)
while (s.hasMore) {
if (s.peekChar() == '\'') {
val escapedChunk = s.readChunk {
while (s.hasMore && s.readChar() != '\'') Unit
if (options.optionalSupport) {
val offset = chunks.size
if (s.tryRead('[')) {
if (s.tryRead(']')) {
closeOffsets.increment(offset - 1)
chunks.add(s.tryReadOrNull("do") ?: s.readRepeatedChar())
internal val regexChunks: List<String> = chunks.map {
when (it) {
"E", "EE", "EEE", "EEEE", "EEEEE", "EEEEEE" -> """(\w+)"""
"z", "zzz" -> """([\w\s\-\+:]+)"""
"do" -> """(\d{1,2}\w+)"""
"d" -> """(\d{1,2})"""
"dd" -> """(\d{2})"""
"M" -> """(\d{1,5})"""
"MM" -> """(\d{2})"""
"MMM", "MMMM", "MMMMM" -> """(\w+)"""
"y" -> """(\d{1,5})"""
"yy" -> """(\d{2})"""
"yyy" -> """(\d{3})"""
"yyyy" -> """(\d{4})"""
"YYYY" -> """(\d{4})"""
"H", "k" -> """(\d{1,2})"""
"HH", "kk" -> """(\d{2})"""
"h", "K" -> """(\d{1,2})"""
"hh", "KK" -> """(\d{2})"""
"m" -> """(\d{1,2})"""
"mm" -> """(\d{2})"""
"s" -> """(\d{1,2})"""
"ss" -> """(\d{2})"""
"S" -> """(\d{1,9})"""
"SS" -> """(\d{2})"""
"SSS" -> """(\d{3})"""
"SSSS" -> """(\d{4})"""
"SSSSS" -> """(\d{5})"""
"SSSSSS" -> """(\d{6})"""
"SSSSSSS" -> """(\d{7})"""
"SSSSSSSS" -> """(\d{8})"""
"SSSSSSSSS" -> """(\d{9})"""
"X", "XX", "XXX", "x", "xx", "xxx", "Z" -> """([\w:\+\-]+)"""
"a" -> """(\w+)"""
" " -> """(\s+)"""
else -> when {
it.startsWith('\'') -> "(" + Regex.escape(it.substr(1, it.length - 2)) + ")"
else -> "(" + Regex.escape(it) + ")"
* @return the regular expression string used for matching this format, able to be composed into another regex
fun matchingRegexString(): String = regexChunks.mapIndexed { index, it ->
if (options.optionalSupport) {
val opens = openOffsets.getOrElse(index) { 0 }
val closes = closeOffsets.getOrElse(index) { 0 }
buildString {
repeat(opens) { append("(?:") }
repeat(closes) { append(")?") }
} else {
//val escapedFormat = Regex.escape(format)
internal val rx2: Regex = Regex("^" + matchingRegexString() + "$")
// EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z -- > Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT
// YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
override fun format(dd: DateTimeTz): String {
val utc = dd.local
var out = ""
for (name in chunks) {
val nlen = name.length
out += when (name) {
"E", "EE", "EEE" -> DayOfWeek[utc.dayOfWeek.index0].localShortName(realLocale)
"EEEE", "EEEEE", "EEEEEE" -> DayOfWeek[utc.dayOfWeek.index0].localName(realLocale)
"z", "zzz" -> dd.offset.timeZone
"d", "dd" -> utc.dayOfMonth.padded(nlen)
"do" -> realLocale.getOrdinalByDay(utc.dayOfMonth)
"M", "MM" -> utc.month1.padded(nlen)
"MMM" -> Month[utc.month1].localName(realLocale).substr(0, 3)
"MMMM" -> Month[utc.month1].localName(realLocale)
"MMMMM" -> Month[utc.month1].localName(realLocale).substr(0, 1)
"y" -> utc.yearInt
"yy" -> (utc.yearInt % 100).padded(2)
"yyy" -> (utc.yearInt % 1000).padded(3)
"yyyy" -> utc.yearInt.padded(4)
"YYYY" -> utc.yearInt.padded(4)
"H", "HH" -> mconvertRangeZero(utc.hours, 24).padded(nlen)
"k", "kk" -> mconvertRangeNonZero(utc.hours, 24).padded(nlen)
"h", "hh" -> mconvertRangeNonZero(utc.hours, 12).padded(nlen)
"K", "KK" -> mconvertRangeZero(utc.hours, 12).padded(nlen)
"m", "mm" -> utc.minutes.padded(nlen)
"s", "ss" -> utc.seconds.padded(nlen)
val milli = utc.milliseconds
val base10length = log10(utc.milliseconds.toDouble()).toInt() + 1
if (base10length > name.length) {
(milli.toDouble() * 10.0.pow(-1 * (base10length - name.length))).toInt()
} else {
"${milli.padded(3)}000000".substr(0, name.length)
"X", "XX", "XXX", "x", "xx", "xxx" -> {
when {
name.startsWith("X") && dd.offset.totalMinutesInt == 0 -> "Z"
else -> {
val p = if (dd.offset.totalMinutesInt >= 0) "+" else "-"
val hours = (dd.offset.totalMinutesInt / 60).absoluteValue
val minutes = (dd.offset.totalMinutesInt % 60).absoluteValue
when (name) {
"X", "x" -> "$p${hours.padded(2)}"
"XX", "xx" -> "$p${hours.padded(2)}${minutes.padded(2)}"
"XXX", "xxx" -> "$p${hours.padded(2)}:${minutes.padded(2)}"
else -> name
"a" -> realLocale.h12Marker[if (utc.hours < 12) 0 else 1]
else -> when {
name.startsWith('\'') -> name.substring(1, name.length - 1)
else -> name
return out
override fun tryParse(str: String, doThrow: Boolean, doAdjust: Boolean): DateTimeTz? {
var millisecond = 0
var second = 0
var minute = 0
var hour = 0
var day = 1
var month = 1
var fullYear = 1970
var offset: TimeSpan? = null
var isPm = false
var is12HourFormat = false
val result = rx2.find(str) ?: return null //println("Parser error: Not match, $str, $rx2");
for ((name, value) in chunks.zip(result.groupValues.drop(1))) {
if (value.isEmpty()) continue
when (name) {
"E", "EE", "EEE", "EEEE", "EEEEE", "EEEEEE" -> Unit // day of week (Sun | Sunday)
"z", "zzz" -> { // timezone (GMT)
offset = MicroStrReader(value).readTimeZoneOffset(tzNames)
"d", "dd" -> day = value.toInt()
"do" -> day = realLocale.getDayByOrdinal(value)
"M", "MM" -> month = value.toInt()
"MMM" -> month = realLocale.monthsShort.indexOf(value) + 1
"y", "yyyy", "YYYY" -> fullYear = value.toInt()
"yy" -> if (doThrow) throw RuntimeException("Not guessing years from two digits.") else return null
"yyy" -> fullYear = value.toInt() + if (value.toInt() < 800) 2000 else 1000 // guessing year...
"H", "HH", "k", "kk" -> hour = value.toInt()
"h", "hh", "K", "KK" -> {
hour = value.toInt()
is12HourFormat = true
"m", "mm" -> minute = value.toInt()
"s", "ss" -> second = value.toInt()
val base10length = log10(value.toDouble()).toInt() + 1
millisecond = if (base10length > 3) {
// only precision to millisecond supported, ignore the rest. ex: 9999999 => 999"
(value.toDouble() * 10.0.pow(-1 * (base10length - 3))).toInt()
} else {
"X", "XX", "XXX", "x", "xx", "xxx" -> {
when {
name.startsWith("X") && value.first() == 'Z' -> offset = 0.hours
name.startsWith("x") && value.first() == 'Z' -> {
if (doThrow) throw RuntimeException("Zulu Time Zone is only accepted with X-XXX formats.") else return null
value.first() != 'Z' -> {
val valueUnsigned = value.replace(":", "").removePrefix("-").removePrefix("+")
val hours = when (name.length) {
1 -> valueUnsigned.toInt()
else -> valueUnsigned.take(2).toInt()
val minutes = when (name.length) {
1 -> 0
else -> valueUnsigned.drop(2).toInt()
offset = hours.hours + minutes.minutes
if (value.first() == '-') {
offset = -offset
"MMMM" -> month = realLocale.months.indexOf(value) + 1
"MMMMM" -> if (doThrow) throw RuntimeException("Not possible to get the month from one letter.") else return null
"a" -> isPm = value.equals("pm", ignoreCase = true)
else -> {
// ...
//return DateTime.createClamped(fullYear, month, day, hour, minute, second)
if (is12HourFormat) {
if (isPm) {
if (hour != 12) {
hour += 12
} else {
if (hour == 12) {
hour = 0
if (!doAdjust) {
if (month !in 1..12) if (doThrow) error("Invalid month $month") else return null
if (day !in 1..32) if (doThrow) error("Invalid day $day") else return null
if (hour !in 0..24) if (doThrow) error("Invalid hour $hour") else return null
if (minute !in 0..59) if (doThrow) error("Invalid minute $minute") else return null
if (second !in 0..59) if (doThrow) error("Invalid second $second") else return null
if (millisecond !in 0..999) if (doThrow) error("Invalid millisecond $millisecond") else return null
val dateTime = DateTime.createAdjusted(fullYear, month, day, hour umod 24, minute, second, millisecond)
return dateTime.toOffsetUnadjusted(offset ?: 0.hours)
override fun toString(): String = format
private fun mconvertRangeZero(value: Int, size: Int): Int {
return (value umod size)
private fun mconvertRangeNonZero(value: Int, size: Int): Int {
val res = (value umod size)
return if (res == 0) size else res
private fun MicroStrReader.readRepeatedChar(): String {
return readChunk {
val c = readChar()
while (hasMore && (tryRead(c))) Unit