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package korlibs.time
import korlibs.time.Month.*
import korlibs.time.internal.*
import kotlin.math.*
/** Represents one of the twelve months of the year. */
enum class Month(
/** 1: [January], 2: [February], 3: [March], 4: [April], 5: [May], 6: [June], 7: [July], 8: [August], 9: [September], 10: [October], 11: [November], 12: [December] */
val index1: Int,
/** Number of days of this month in a common year */
val daysCommon: Int,
/** Number of days of this month in a leap year */
val daysLeap: Int = daysCommon
) : Serializable {
January(1, daysCommon = 31),
February(2, daysCommon = 28, daysLeap = 29),
March(3, daysCommon = 31),
April(4, daysCommon = 30),
May(5, daysCommon = 31),
June(6, daysCommon = 30),
July(7, daysCommon = 31),
August(8, daysCommon = 31),
September(9, daysCommon = 30),
October(10, daysCommon = 31),
November(11, daysCommon = 30),
December(12, daysCommon = 31);
/** 0: [January], 1: [February], 2: [March], 3: [April], 4: [May], 5: [June], 6: [July], 7: [August], 8: [September], 9: [October], 10: [November], 11: [December] */
val index0: Int get() = index1 - 1
/** Number of days in a specific month (28-31) depending whether the year is [leap] or not. */
fun days(leap: Boolean): Int = if (leap) daysLeap else daysCommon
/** Number of days in a specific month (28-31) depending whether the [year] or not. */
fun days(year: Int): Int = days(Year(year).isLeap)
/** Number of days in a specific month (28-31) depending whether the [year] or not. */
fun days(year: Year): Int = days(year.isLeap)
/** Number of days since the start of the [leap] year to reach this month. */
fun daysToStart(leap: Boolean): Int = YEAR_DAYS(leap)[index0]
/** Number of days since the start of the [year] to reach this month. */
fun daysToStart(year: Int): Int = daysToStart(Year(year).isLeap)
/** Number of days since the start of the [year] to reach this month. */
fun daysToStart(year: Year): Int = daysToStart(year.isLeap)
/** Number of days since the start of the [leap] year to reach next month. */
fun daysToEnd(leap: Boolean): Int = YEAR_DAYS(leap)[index1]
/** Number of days since the start of the [year] to reach next month. */
fun daysToEnd(year: Int): Int = daysToEnd(Year(year).isLeap)
/** Number of days since the start of the [year] to reach next month. */
fun daysToEnd(year: Year): Int = daysToEnd(year.isLeap)
/** Previous [Month]. */
val previous: Month get() = this - 1
/** Next [Month]. */
val next: Month get() = this + 1
operator fun plus(delta: Int): Month = Month[index1 + delta]
operator fun minus(delta: Int): Month = Month[index1 - delta]
operator fun minus(other: Month): Int = abs(this.index0 - other.index0)
val localName get() = localName(KlockLocale.default)
fun localName(locale: KlockLocale) = locale.months[index0]
val localShortName get() = localShortName(KlockLocale.default)
fun localShortName(locale: KlockLocale) = locale.monthsShort[index0]
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L
* Number of months in a year (12).
const val Count = 12
/** 1: [January], 2: [February], 3: [March], 4: [April], 5: [May], 6: [June], 7: [July], 8: [August], 9: [September], 10: [October], 11: [November], 12: [December] */
operator fun invoke(index1: Int) = adjusted(index1)
/** 1: [January], 2: [February], 3: [March], 4: [April], 5: [May], 6: [June], 7: [July], 8: [August], 9: [September], 10: [October], 11: [November], 12: [December] */
operator fun get(index1: Int) = adjusted(index1)
* Gets the [Month] from a month index where [January]=1 wrapping the index to valid values.
* For example 0 and 12=[December], 1 and 13=[January], -1 and 11=[November].
fun adjusted(index1: Int) = BY_INDEX0[(index1 - 1) umod 12]
* Gets the [Month] from a month index where [January]=1 checking that the provided [index1] is valid between 1..12.
fun checked(index1: Int) = BY_INDEX0[index1.also { if (index1 !in 1..12) throw DateException("Month $index1 not in 1..12") } - 1]
* Gets the [Month] of a [dayOfYear] in a [leap] year.
* Returns null if the year doesn't contain that [dayOfYear].
fun fromDayOfYear(dayOfYear: Int, leap: Boolean): Month? {
val days = YEAR_DAYS(leap)
val day0 = dayOfYear - 1
val guess = day0 / 32
if (guess in 0..11 && day0 in days[guess] until days[guess + 1]) return Month[guess + 1]
if (guess in 0..10 && day0 in days[guess + 1] until days[guess + 2]) return Month[guess + 2]
return null
* Gets the [Month] of a [dayOfYear] in the specified [year].
* Returns null if the year doesn't contain that [dayOfYear].
fun fromDayOfYear(dayOfYear: Int, year: Year): Month? = fromDayOfYear(dayOfYear, year.isLeap)
private val BY_INDEX0 = values()
private fun YEAR_DAYS(isLeap: Boolean): IntArray = if (isLeap) YEAR_DAYS_LEAP else YEAR_DAYS_COMMON
private val YEAR_DAYS_LEAP = generateDaysToStart(leap = true)
private val YEAR_DAYS_COMMON = generateDaysToStart(leap = false)
private fun generateDaysToStart(leap: Boolean): IntArray {
var total = 0
return IntArray(13) {
total += if (it == 0) 0 else BY_INDEX0[it - 1].days(leap)