
271 lines
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package korlibs.time
import korlibs.time.internal.BSearchResult
import korlibs.time.internal.Serializable
import korlibs.time.internal.fastForEach
import korlibs.time.internal.genericBinarySearch
// Properties:
// - ranges are sorted
// - ranges do not overlap/intersect between each other (they are merged and normalized)
// These properties allows to do some tricks and optimizations like binary search and a lot of O(n) operations.
data class DateTimeRangeSet private constructor(val dummy: Boolean, val ranges: List<DateTimeRange>) : Serializable {
/** [DateTimeRange] from the beginning of the first element to the end of the last one. */
val bounds = DateTimeRange(
ranges.firstOrNull()?.from ?: DateTime.EPOCH,
ranges.lastOrNull()?.to ?: DateTime.EPOCH
/** Total time of all [ranges]. */
val size: TimeSpan by lazy {
var out = 0.seconds
ranges.fastForEach { out += it.size }
constructor(ranges: List<DateTimeRange>) : this(false, Fast.combine(ranges))
constructor(range: DateTimeRange) : this(listOf(range))
constructor(vararg ranges: DateTimeRange) : this(ranges.toList())
operator fun plus(range: DateTimeRange): DateTimeRangeSet = this + DateTimeRangeSet(range)
operator fun plus(right: DateTimeRangeSet): DateTimeRangeSet = DateTimeRangeSet(this.ranges + right.ranges)
operator fun minus(range: DateTimeRange): DateTimeRangeSet = this - DateTimeRangeSet(range)
operator fun minus(right: DateTimeRangeSet): DateTimeRangeSet = Fast.minus(this, right)
operator fun contains(time: DateTime): Boolean = Fast.contains(time, this)
operator fun contains(time: DateTimeRange): Boolean = Fast.contains(time, this)
fun intersection(range: DateTimeRange): DateTimeRangeSet = this.intersection(DateTimeRangeSet(range))
fun intersection(vararg range: DateTimeRange): DateTimeRangeSet = this.intersection(DateTimeRangeSet(*range))
fun intersection(right: DateTimeRangeSet): DateTimeRangeSet = Fast.intersection(this, right)
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L
fun toStringLongs(ranges: List<DateTimeRange>): String = "${ranges.map { it.toStringLongs() }}"
object Fast {
internal fun combine(ranges: List<DateTimeRange>): List<DateTimeRange> {
if (ranges.isEmpty()) return ranges
val sorted = ranges.sortedBy { it.from.unixMillis }
val out = arrayListOf<DateTimeRange>()
var pivot = sorted.first()
for (n in 1 until sorted.size) {
val current = sorted[n]
val result = pivot.mergeOnContactOrNull(current)
pivot = if (result != null) {
} else {
return out + listOf(pivot)
internal fun minus(left: DateTimeRangeSet, right: DateTimeRangeSet): DateTimeRangeSet {
if (left.ranges.isEmpty() || right.ranges.isEmpty()) return left
val ll = left.ranges
val rr = right.ranges.filter { it.intersectsWith(left.bounds) }
var lpos = 0
var rpos = 0
var l = ll.getOrNull(lpos++)
var r = rr.getOrNull(rpos++)
val out = arrayListOf<DateTimeRange>()
//debug { "-----------------" }
//debug { "Minus:" }
//debug { " - ll=${toStringLongs(ll)}" }
//debug { " - rr=${toStringLongs(rr)}" }
while (l != null && r != null) {
val result = l.without(r)
//debug { "Minus ${l!!.toStringLongs()} with ${r!!.toStringLongs()} -- ${toStringLongs(result)}" }
when (result.size) {
0 -> {
//debug { " - Full remove" }
l = ll.getOrNull(lpos++)
1 -> {
//debug { " - Result 1" }
when {
r.from >= l.to -> {
//debug { " - Move left. Emit ${result[0].toStringLongs()}" }
l = ll.getOrNull(lpos++)
l == result[0] -> {
//debug { " - Move right. Change l from ${l!!.toStringLongs()} to ${result[0].toStringLongs()}" }
r = rr.getOrNull(rpos++)
else -> {
//debug { " - Use this l=${result[0].toStringLongs()} from ${l!!.toStringLongs()}" }
l = result[0]
else -> {
//debug { " - One chunk removed: ${result.map { it.toStringLongs() }}" }
//debug { " - Emit: ${result[0].toStringLongs()}" }
//debug { " - Keep: ${result[1].toStringLongs()}" }
l = result[1]
if (l != null) {
while (lpos < ll.size) out.add(ll[lpos++])
//debug { toStringLongs(out) }
return DateTimeRangeSet(out)
fun intersection(left: DateTimeRangeSet, right: DateTimeRangeSet): DateTimeRangeSet {
if (left.ranges.isEmpty() || right.ranges.isEmpty()) return DateTimeRangeSet(listOf())
val ll = left.ranges.filter { it.intersectsWith(right.bounds) }
val rr = right.ranges.filter { it.intersectsWith(left.bounds) }
val out = arrayListOf<DateTimeRange>()
//debug { "-----------------" }
//debug { "Intersection:" }
//debug { " - ll=${toStringLongs(ll)}" }
//debug { " - rr=${toStringLongs(rr)}" }
var rpos = 0
for (l in ll) {
rpos = 0
// We should be able to do this because the time ranges doesn't intersect each other
//while (rpos > 0) {
// val r = rr.getOrNull(rpos) ?: break
// if ((r.from < l.from) && (r.to < l.from)) break // End since we are already
// rpos--
while (rpos < rr.size) {
val r = rr.getOrNull(rpos) ?: break
if (r.min > l.max) break // End since the rest are going to be farther
val res = l.intersectionWith(r)
if (res != null) {
//debug { toStringLongs(out) }
return DateTimeRangeSet(out)
fun contains(time: DateTime, rangeSet: DateTimeRangeSet): Boolean {
if (time !in rangeSet.bounds) return false // Early guard clause
val ranges = rangeSet.ranges
val result = BSearchResult(genericBinarySearch(0, ranges.size) { index -> ranges[index].compareTo(time) })
return result.found
fun contains(time: DateTimeRange, rangeSet: DateTimeRangeSet): Boolean {
if (time !in rangeSet.bounds) return false // Early guard clause
val ranges = rangeSet.ranges
val result = BSearchResult(genericBinarySearch(0, ranges.size) { index ->
val range = ranges[index]
when {
time in range -> 0
time.min < range.min -> +1
else -> -1
return result.found
//private inline fun debug(gen: () -> String) { println(gen()) }
object Slow {
// @TODO: Optimize
internal fun minus(l: DateTimeRangeSet, r: DateTimeRangeSet): DateTimeRangeSet {
val rightList = r.ranges
var out = l.ranges.toMutableList()
restart@ while (true) {
for ((leftIndex, left) in out.withIndex()) {
for (right in rightList) {
val result = left.without(right)
if (result.size != 1 || result[0] != left) {
out = (out.slice(0 until leftIndex) + result + out.slice(leftIndex + 1 until out.size)).toMutableList()
return DateTimeRangeSet(out)
internal fun combine(ranges: List<DateTimeRange>): List<DateTimeRange> {
// @TODO: Improve performance and verify fast combiner
val ranges = ranges.toMutableList()
restart@ while (true) {
for (i in ranges.indices) {
for (j in ranges.indices) {
if (i == j) continue
val ri = ranges[i]
val rj = ranges[j]
val concat = ri.mergeOnContactOrNull(rj)
if (concat != null) {
//println("Combining $ri and $rj : $concat")
ranges[i] = concat
return ranges
fun intersection(left: DateTimeRangeSet, right: DateTimeRangeSet): DateTimeRangeSet {
val leftList = left.ranges
val rightList = right.ranges
val out = arrayListOf<DateTimeRange>()
for (l in leftList) {
for (r in rightList) {
if (r.min > l.max) break
val result = l.intersectionWith(r)
if (result != null) {
//val chunks = rightList.mapNotNull { r -> l.intersectionWith(r) }
return DateTimeRangeSet(out)
fun contains(time: DateTime, rangeSet: DateTimeRangeSet): Boolean {
if (time !in rangeSet.bounds) return false // Early guard clause
// @TODO: Fast binary search, since the ranges doesn't intersect each other
rangeSet.ranges.fastForEach { range ->
if (time in range) return true
return false
fun contains(time: DateTimeRange, rangeSet: DateTimeRangeSet): Boolean {
if (time !in rangeSet.bounds) return false // Early guard clause
// @TODO: Fast binary search, since the ranges doesn't intersect each other
rangeSet.ranges.fastForEach { range ->
if (time in range) return true
return false
fun toStringLongs(): String = "${ranges.map { it.toStringLongs() }}"
override fun toString(): String = "$ranges"
fun Iterable<DateTimeRange>.toRangeSet() = DateTimeRangeSet(this.toList())