
73 lines
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package korlibs.time
import korlibs.time.internal.Serializable
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.math.abs
* Represents a triple of [year], [month] and [day].
* It is packed in a value class wrapping an Int to prevent allocations.
value class Date(val encoded: Int) : Comparable<Date>, Serializable {
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L
/** Constructs a new [Date] from the [year], [month] and [day] components. */
operator fun invoke(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) = Date((year shl 16) or (month shl 8) or (day shl 0))
/** Constructs a new [Date] from the [year], [month] and [day] components. */
operator fun invoke(year: Int, month: Month, day: Int) = Date(year, month.index1, day)
/** Constructs a new [Date] from the [year], [month] and [day] components. */
operator fun invoke(year: Year, month: Month, day: Int) = Date(year.year, month.index1, day)
/** Constructs a new [Date] from the [yearMonth] and [day] components. */
operator fun invoke(yearMonth: YearMonth, day: Int) = Date(yearMonth.yearInt, yearMonth.month1, day)
/** The [year] part as [Int]. */
val year: Int get() = encoded shr 16
/** The [month] part as [Int] where [Month.January] is 1. */
val month1: Int get() = (encoded ushr 8) and 0xFF
/** The [month] part. */
val month: Month get() = Month[month1]
/** The [day] part. */
val day: Int get() = (encoded ushr 0) and 0xFF
/** The [year] part as [Year]. */
val yearYear: Year get() = Year(year)
/** A [DateTime] instance representing this date and time from the beginning of the [day]. */
val dateTimeDayStart get() = DateTime(year, month, day)
/** The [dayOfYear] part. */
val dayOfYear get() = dateTimeDayStart.dayOfYear
/** The [dayOfWeek] part. */
val dayOfWeek get() = dateTimeDayStart.dayOfWeek
/** The [dayOfWeek] part as [Int]. */
val dayOfWeekInt get() = dateTimeDayStart.dayOfWeekInt
/** Converts this date to String using [format] for representing it. */
fun format(format: String) = dateTimeDayStart.format(format)
/** Converts this date to String using [format] for representing it. */
fun format(format: DateFormat) = dateTimeDayStart.format(format)
/** Converts this date to String formatting it like "2020-01-01", "2020-12-31" or "-2020-12-31" if the [year] is negative */
override fun toString(): String = "${if (year < 0) "-" else ""}${abs(year).toString()}-${abs(month1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${abs(day).toString().padStart(2, '0')}"
override fun compareTo(other: Date): Int = this.encoded.compareTo(other.encoded)
operator fun Date.plus(time: TimeSpan) = (this.dateTimeDayStart + time).date
operator fun Date.plus(time: MonthSpan) = (this.dateTimeDayStart + time).date
operator fun Date.plus(time: DateTimeSpan) = (this.dateTimeDayStart + time).date
operator fun Date.plus(time: Time) = DateTime.createAdjusted(year, month1, day, time.hour, time.minute, time.second, time.millisecond)
operator fun Date.minus(time: TimeSpan) = (this.dateTimeDayStart - time).date
operator fun Date.minus(time: MonthSpan) = (this.dateTimeDayStart - time).date
operator fun Date.minus(time: DateTimeSpan) = (this.dateTimeDayStart - time).date
operator fun Date.minus(time: Time) = DateTime.createAdjusted(year, month1, day, -time.hour, -time.minute, -time.second, -time.millisecond)
fun Date.inThisWeek(dayOfWeek: DayOfWeekWithLocale): Date =
this + (dayOfWeek.index0 - this.dayOfWeek.withLocale(dayOfWeek.locale).index0).days
fun Date.inThisWeek(dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek, locale: KlockLocale = KlockLocale.default): Date = inThisWeek(dayOfWeek.withLocale(locale))