
34 lines
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package dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.pagination
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.pagination.*
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.pagination.utils.getAllWithNextPaging
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.ReadStandardKeyValueRepo
@Deprecated("Will be removed soon due to redundancy")
suspend inline fun <Key, Value, REPO : ReadStandardKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>> REPO.doForAll(
methodCaller: suspend REPO.(Pagination) -> PaginationResult<Key>,
block: (List<Pair<Key, Value>>) -> Unit
) {
doWithPagination {
methodCaller(it).also { keys ->
block(keys.results.mapNotNull { key -> get(key) ?.let { value -> key to value } })
@Deprecated("Will be removed soon due to redundancy")
suspend inline fun <Key, Value, REPO : ReadStandardKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>> REPO.doForAll(
block: (List<Pair<Key, Value>>) -> Unit
) = doForAll({ keys(it, false) }, block)
suspend inline fun <Key, Value, REPO : ReadStandardKeyValueRepo<Key, Value>> REPO.getAll(
crossinline methodCaller: suspend REPO.(Pagination) -> PaginationResult<Key>
): List<Pair<Key, Value>> = getAllWithNextPaging {
val result = methodCaller(it)
result.results.mapNotNull { it to (get(it) ?: return@mapNotNull null) }