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package dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.exposed
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.UpdatedValuePair
import dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.WriteCRUDRepo
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.*
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.statements.*
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction
import java.util.Objects
abstract class AbstractExposedWriteCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType>(
flowsChannelsSize: Int = 0,
tableName: String = "",
replyCacheInFlows: Int = 0
) :
AbstractExposedReadCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType>(tableName),
ExposedCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType>,
WriteCRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputValueType>
protected val _newObjectsFlow = MutableSharedFlow<ObjectType>(replyCacheInFlows, flowsChannelsSize)
protected val _updatedObjectsFlow = MutableSharedFlow<ObjectType>(replyCacheInFlows, flowsChannelsSize)
protected val _deletedObjectsIdsFlow = MutableSharedFlow<IdType>(replyCacheInFlows, flowsChannelsSize)
override val newObjectsFlow: Flow<ObjectType> = _newObjectsFlow.asSharedFlow()
override val updatedObjectsFlow: Flow<ObjectType> = _updatedObjectsFlow.asSharedFlow()
override val deletedObjectsIdsFlow: Flow<IdType> = _deletedObjectsIdsFlow.asSharedFlow()
protected abstract fun InsertStatement<Number>.asObject(value: InputValueType): ObjectType
* @param id Can be null only if [createAndInsertId] have returned null (it can be useful when you have
* autoincrement identifier)
* @param it Will be [UpdateStatement] when it is called from [update] method or [InsertStatement] from the [create]
* one. Anyway, it is main method where you should put the logic of table filling by [value] data
* @see createAndInsertId
protected abstract fun update(id: IdType?, value: InputValueType, it: UpdateBuilder<Int>)
* Override this method to interact with [it] ([InsertStatement]) and put there new id with [IdType].
* By default, have null value due to the fact that in the most cases users have [autoIncrement]ing id columns
* @return In case when id for the model has been created new [IdType] should be returned
protected abstract fun createAndInsertId(value: InputValueType, it: InsertStatement<Number>): IdType?
protected open fun insert(value: InputValueType, it: InsertStatement<Number>) {
val id = createAndInsertId(value, it)
update(id, value, it as UpdateBuilder<Int>)
"Replace its \"it\" parameter type with \"UpdateBuilder<Int>\" to actualize method signature. Method with current signature will be removed soon and do not recommended to override anymore"
protected open fun update(id: IdType, value: InputValueType, it: UpdateStatement) = update(
it as UpdateBuilder<Int>
protected open suspend fun onBeforeCreate(value: List<InputValueType>) {}
* Use this method to do the something with [values]. You may change and output values in that list and return
* changed list of pairs
protected open suspend fun onAfterCreate(
values: List<Pair<InputValueType, ObjectType>>
): List<ObjectType> = values.map { it.second }
private fun createWithoutNotification(value: InputValueType): ObjectType {
return transaction(database) {
insert { insert(value, it) }.asObject(value)
override suspend fun create(values: List<InputValueType>): List<ObjectType> {
return transaction(db = database) {
values.map { value -> value to createWithoutNotification(value) }
}.let {
}.onEach {
protected open suspend fun onBeforeUpdate(value: List<UpdatedValuePair<IdType, InputValueType>>) {}
protected open suspend fun onAfterUpdate(
value: List<UpdatedValuePair<InputValueType, ObjectType>>
): List<ObjectType> = value.map { it.second }
private fun updateWithoutNotification(id: IdType, value: InputValueType): ObjectType? {
return transaction(db = database) {
selectById(this, id)
) {
update(id, value, it as UpdateBuilder<Int>)
}.let {
if (it > 0) {
transaction(db = database) {
select {
selectById(this, id)
}.limit(1).firstOrNull() ?.asObject
} else {
override suspend fun update(id: IdType, value: InputValueType): ObjectType? {
onBeforeUpdate(listOf(id to value))
return updateWithoutNotification(id, value).let {
onAfterUpdate(listOf(value to (it ?: return@let emptyList())))
}.firstOrNull().also {
if (it != null) {
override suspend fun update(values: List<UpdatedValuePair<IdType, InputValueType>>): List<ObjectType> {
return (
transaction(db = database) {
values.mapNotNull { (id, value) -> value to (updateWithoutNotification(id, value) ?: return@mapNotNull null) }
).let {
}.onEach {
protected open suspend fun onBeforeDelete(ids: List<IdType>) {}
override suspend fun deleteById(ids: List<IdType>) {
transaction(db = database) {
val deleted = deleteWhere(null, null) {
if (deleted == ids.size) {
} else {
ids.filter {
select { selectById(it) }.limit(1).none()
}.forEach {